

Considering a charitable gift?

Please consider supporting our troops this holiday season.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Support our troops with a tax-deductible donation.

Time is running out: As you consider your charitable giving this holiday season, please remember our troops.

In order for the USO to deliver the programs and services our troops and their families need in 2015, we must to raise another $455,422 by Dec. 31. We can’t do it without your support.

Our Armed Forces have done so much for us during their selfless and brave service; now, we have a shared responsibility as Americans to support them.

The best way to say thanks is through a tax-deductible donation to the USO today, but time is running out.

Click here to support our troops and their families today.

We’re with our troops and their families every step of the way, whether that means giving those on the frontlines a phone call home or staffing and running centers to provide wounded heroes a place to rest during rehabilitation and counseling.

This work is only possible because of generous Americans like you. Please, make your donation in the next 60 hours.

Dec. 31 deadline: Click here to rush your tax-deductible gift of $10 or more to support our brave servicemen and women today.

With your gift today, we can complete this mission for our troops. Thank you for stepping up.



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