

Andrew, How can we help you, if we do not have a good phone number for you?

Hello Andrew,

Thanks for attending the Forex presentation the other day. I hope you got some great tools and ideas that you were able to use immediately to see a little return on your investment just from the free event. 

I just wanted to let you know that I'm reviewing our records and it looks like we've been using the wrong phone number for you, is this the correct phone number +1 610405087182 ? I've been trying to call you to see what you thought of the presentation and to see if you had any questions I could answer. In addition, those that attend our presentation get put in a pool to win a scholarship towards the Ultimate Traders Package, but you must have a valid phone number.

If you send me your phone number, I can update the record right away to make sure everything's up-to-date.

You can even attend another webinar!  Here's your personal registration link:


Best Regards,

Jermaine Brown

Education Specialist
Market Traders Institute, Inc.
(866) 787-8558 Ext: 237 Domestic & Canada
(407) 585-0132 Ext: 237 Local

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