

Sign the petition: Stop Big Telecom lobbyists from killing Net Neutrality

CREDO action
Stop Big Telecom lobbyists from killing Net Neutrality.

Tell Big Telecom:
"Stop trying to kill Net Neutrality by pushing sham legislation in Congress to kill the open Internet, and by pressuring the Federal Communications Commission not to reclassify broadband as a public utility under Title II."

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Dear Indiana,

With just a few weeks before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) votes on Net Neutrality rules, Republicans are pushing sham, loophole-ridden legislation to strip the FCC of much of its authority to regulate the Internet and prevent it from voting on strong Net Neutrality rules.1

At the center of this desperate, last-ditch effort to stop the FCC from protecting the open Internet are Big Telecom's lobbyists: CTIA–The Wireless Association, the top lobbying group for wireless giants like AT&T and Verizon, and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA), which represents huge cable companies like Comcast and Time Warner Cable.2

Tell Big Telecom lobbyists: Stop trying to kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet. Click here to sign the petition.

These massive lobbying groups have enormous influence in Washington D.C., and they have been fighting tooth and nail for Big Telecom to be able to extort consumers and other companies into paying to use Internet fast lanes. Now, both are throwing their full weight behind the Republicans' dangerous legislation.

Some of the companies that CTIA and NCTA represent are among the most hated in America.3 If we expose the telecom industry's toxic role in pushing the Republicans' sham legislation, we can create a political cost for members of Congress who are afraid to be seen as shilling for AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner.

Please speak out now and make it clear to members of Congress that if they stand with CTIA and NCTA, they stand against the American people.

Tell Big Telecom lobbyists: Stop trying to kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet. Click here to sign the petition.

To shut down Net Neutrality, CTIA and NCTA have resorted to repeating blatant untruths.

For example, when they're in Washington, many industry lobbyists and executives parrot the lie that Title II would harm investment in broadband infrastructure. But the story changes when industry executives are talking to their investors and industry insiders. In recent weeks, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all admitted to their investors that they can live with Title II and that reclassification won't stop them from continuing to plow huge amounts of money into new and improved infrastructure.4

CTIA and NCTA's disingenuous claims that they represent the best interests of the Internet and consumers is clearly rebuked by the fact that many of the technology companies that Internet-users interact with on a daily basis – Netflix, Reddit, Mozilla, Kickstarter, Wordpress, Tumblr, and many more – support strong Net Neutrality Rules.5 And recently, Sprint became the first telecom giant to endorse Title II.6

Tell Big Telecom lobbyists: Stop trying to kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet. Click here to sign the petition.

Here's the bottom line: Some of the massive telecom companies that CTIA and NCTA represent are cynically determined to use their size and dominant market position to extract as much profit as possible from consumers and other companies.

If Big Telecom wins, the rest of us lose, and the Internet will be more expensive, harder to access and, above all, less open. It's classic profiteering hidden behind a smokescreen of lies and industry propaganda.

If we can expose Big Telecom's role in pushing sham legislation in Congress it will be dramatically harder for Republicans to gin up support for legislation to strip the FCC of its regulatory authority.

Tell Big Telecom lobbyists: Stop trying to kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet. Click here to sign the petition.

Thank you for fighting for the open Internet.

Zack Malitz, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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1. "The Trouble with the Fake Net Neutrality Bills," Free Press, January 21, 2015
2. Kate Cox, "Congress Lines Up FCC Commissioners-Turned-Lobbyists For Hearing To Say Why Congress's Bad Net Neutrality Proposal Is Great," Consumerist, January 16, 2015
3. Zach Epstein, "Surprise: TWC and Comcast are the two most hated companies in America," BGR News, December 30, 2014
4. Brian Fung, "Comcast, Charter and Time Warner Cable all say Obama's net neutrality plan shouldn't worry investors," The Switch, December 16, 2014
5. "TITLE II SUPPORTERS," The Center for Internet and Society
6. Jeff John Roberts, "In surprise FCC filing, Sprint endorses net neutrality," Gigaom, January 16, 2015

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