

Grumpy cat flew

Quick update: We just flew Grumpy Cat over Comcast's headquarters! We want to do this again in more key cities, but we only have until midnight tonight. Will you VOTE for us in this nonprofit poll that closes in just a few hours?

Dear Fight for the Future Member,

On Thursday, we won net neutrality so that no company or government can control what we see and do on the Internet. We defeated the cable monopoly to crush their power over the Internet.

To properly honor what we did together we sent a message to every goliath monopoly, government, and institution of power in the world. If you mess with the Internet, the Internet will mess with you -- and we will always win.


What better messenger is there than a 2,000 sq ft version of Grumpy Cat flying over Comcast headquarters? Comcast employees were shifting in their seats as CBS, ABC, Guardian all reported on it.

The biggest reason we sent this message now is that we know Comcast is already scheming to use a corrupted Congress to kill this landmark ruling. Time is short to really nail Comcast and the people they corrupt in Congress. We will put up billboards in these Congresspeople's home districts so their voters and the media can give them hell too.

Will you help put up these billboards by simply voting for us? There's just a few hours left to vote for us in CREDO Mobile's nonprofit of the month poll and secure the funds for these billboards.

We can vaporize any traction they have but we only have until midnight to get the votes we need to fund billboards in the home districts of Comcast's favorite Congresspeople: Thune, Upton, Cruz, Walden, Meeks, and more.  

Every billboard that gets hoisted above their offices puts them on the wrong side of history and means more heat they'll be working to stop -- especially with how much attention net neutrality has gotten following the ruling.

In just a few weeks we can mark them as against a free and open Internet and make them backpedal, and drop their plans and shenanigans. That's why it's so awesome that CREDO Mobile picked us to receive donations from them this month based on how many votes we get. It means we can fund the battle and win.

Click here to vote for and check the box for ”Fight for the Future” before the midnight deadline.

Huge victories like this are rare -- we've had a lot of successes over the last few years, but this is the first time we've passed something positive that keeps everyone's hands off the Internet, and it was only possible because of the millions of Internet users who rose up to submit comments to the FCC, make calls, show up to rallies around the country, and put up messages like these. These kinds of actions work.

We're not going to stop fighting. Team Cable is already scheming to find a way to end net neutrality using Congress (and they're literally quoting the evil Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars when discussing it -- seriously, who does that?).

Please click here and vote for Fight for the Future right now because voting ends at midnight.

This is a way you can fund our work, even if you have no money to give. Tens of thousands of dollars are at stake.

Thanks for your part in protecting net neutrality,

Charlie and Tiffiniy

P.S. You have to be a CREDO member to vote, but if you've ever signed a CREDO Action petition (you probably have - maybe even their net neutrality one) you can select that option. You can join their list here to vote for us and/or become a customer for anti-NSA, anti-monopoly, pro-free speech, pro-Internet CREDO Mobile or Long Distance.

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