

Mysterious pattern appeared before Amazon's spike. (And it was just spotted again...)

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Money Morning
Money Morning eLetter  
Dear Concerned American,

On July 23, Amazon's stock shot up 18% ; seemingly out of nowhere.

And immediately after, financial media giants such as Forbes, Barron's, and Reuters began to report on how this event caught everyone on Wall Street by surprise.

Nobody saw it coming.

However, a mysterious pattern may have predicted this spike just days prior.

You can see it on the chart below...

(If you can't view this video, click here)

Now, whether or not you are an Amazon shareholder, it’s critical you understand what took place with the stock of one of the world’s largest companies..

Because this exact same pattern just appeared with a series of stocks that are commonly held in 401(k)s and IRAs. So it could have serious implications for your net worth.

The identities of these companies are…(Continue reading)

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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