| Data-Driven Retail: The Path to Maximize the Shopper Experience | This report explores the challenges retailers face in harnessing data and analytics to better meet customer expectations across all interaction channels. It also provides an overview of the three core building blocks retailers must establish and nurture in order to maximize their performance through the effective use of data. | | | | Why Website Personalization Matters | The value of personalization with targeted content and offers that appeal to their implicit or explicit needs. More conversions, traffic, repeat visitors and happier customers: imagine the possibilities when your website has the ability to sense and adapt to what each visitor wants. | | |
| Geo-Targeted Marketing | With retail technology continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, it is imperative that you be where the consumers are. And for today’s “on the go” consumer, that is on their mobile devices. | | | | Ratings, Reviews and Revenue | In today’s ultra-competitive retail environment, it’s critical to find innovative ways to create brand loyalty that will drive revenue for your business. That is why ratings, reviews and user-generated content are a critical part of your ecommerce strategy. | | |
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