

Lewis, if you're committed to commonsense gun reform, add your name

DemocratsJoin us.
Lewis, here's a sad reality in our country: Too many Americans will be marking this holiday season with families that have been affected by gun violence.

The statistics about the prevalence of gun deaths and injuries are astounding. But too often, we seem to forget that behind every statistic is a human life. And it's up to us not only to make sure that those lives are remembered, but also to work to prevent this senseless loss of life in the future.

Add your name if you're one of the millions of Americans who are ready for commonsense gun law reform.

Even with the majority of folks in this country supporting reform, our Republican-led Congress refuses to take action. It's time to say enough is enough -- and to stand up for what we believe in.

Lewis, we're not talking about taking away people's guns or doing away with the Second Amendment -- but that's what you might hear from the Republican candidates for president. All we're talking about is taking some commonsense measures to prevent firearms from getting into the hands of those who intend to cause horrific violence. And that is something we can all agree on.

So add your name right now if you want to elect leaders who will fight for reform:

Thanks for all you do, Lewis. This is so important.

All the best,


Amy K. Dacey
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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