

British Man Successfully Gets Dominos Delivered to His Moving Train and more...


British Man Successfully Gets Dominos Delivered to His Moving Train and more...

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British Man Successfully Gets Dominos Delivered to His Moving Train

GAME CHANGER. This British DJ was on stuck on a train from Glasgow to Sheffield, when he suddenly started to suffer from pizza hunger pains. Because he failed to realize that the 5 hour train ride did NOT have the Dominos pizza he was dreaming of, he decided to take action.

Luckily, the Good Guy British DJ live-tweeted the entire course of events so that you too can follow his genius pizza plot one day.

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Beyoncé Slammed Jay-Z for Cheating in 'Lemonade', Then the Internet Slammed Him With Memes


Beyoncé recently dropped 'Lemonade' a "visual album" with music and video alluding to some marital problems she's had with Jay-Z. Apparently he had an affair with "Becky with the good hair" according to 'Lemonade'. Speculation on who Becky is landed on a woman named Rachel Roy, not to be confused with (but who definitely was confused with) Rachel Ray, the 30-minute meals lady. The internet did not pass up the opportunity to make memes of something this juicy.

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Tagged: lemonade , list , beyoncé , Memes

Future New York Times Bestsellers List

kids writes two part series of fart that killed everyone

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Submitted by: (via S1NCLARE)

Tagged: reading , parenting , fart

Sweaty Money Season is Coming

Sweaty Money Season is Coming

Submitted by: (via MELTDOWNJACK)

Tagged: sign , FAIL , summer , sweaty , money

A Woman Confronted a Man Taking Upskirt Pictures on the Subway


A woman caught this guy taking upskirt photos on the subway train.  The video description tells the full story:

A video won hundreds of thousands of views on China’s microblogging platform Weibo from April 21 shows a young woman confronting a man carrying a black garment bag, demanding him to delete the photos. It turned out that the man in the video had been snapping pictures underneath her skirt with a hidden camera in the garment bag. The man was seen denying his conduct then chewed the SD card and fled away.

The incident was later on revealed took place on a subway train in east China’s Nanjing on April 21. The video was taken by the brave young woman who stood up against the conduct. She posted the video on Weibo and wrote in the caption calling for all women not to be afraid and should not tolerate such behavior. The man was later on reported detained by local police.

Submitted by: (via People's Daily 人民日报)

Tagged: justice , Video , upskirt

Amorous Couple Recorded Having Sex in a Train Station Might Have Been a Prank


This couple was spotted by many passing tourists and travelers expressing their 'love' for each other in Barcelona’s Liceu station.  According to the Mirror, when police arrived to break it up, they told them "go away, don't bother us."  It seems pretty straightforward, they just couldn't wait to get a room. Their motivations were unclear though, they may have been drunk and let their passion get the best of them.  Apparently, the incident is still being investigated because IT COULD HAVE BEEN A PRANK?  

That or this is the most unbelievable use of "it's just a prank, bro" in recorded history. 

Submitted by: (via First Video)

Tagged: love , train , Video

Scoring the Tying Basket is Usually a Great Feeling, Unless You Scored it On the Wrong Basket

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