Dear Center Supporter,
This month people around the country will be holding events to stand up for America's public lands, from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon to Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve.
Can we count on you to host an event?
Here's why: America's public lands are under attack by those who want to turn them over to private industries so they can be mined, logged, grazed, bulldozed or paved over. We need your help to make a strong, powerful showing -- so these public lands stay in public hands.
These lands are national treasures owned by all of us and held in trust for future generations. They consist of more than 600 million acres of towering forests, rushing rivers, swaying grasslands and magical deserts. And they're a haven for wildlife, a source for clean air and water, and a refuge for millions of people looking for solace, beauty and rejuvenation.
During Earth Week (April 18-24) we're speaking up, with one voice, for protecting our public lands.
Your event can be as simple as a hike, a group trip to public lands or even a gathering at your local coffee shop to talk about the reasons you value these places. Or it could be as big as a rally at your state capitol or federal building. The important thing is for all of us who care about America's public lands to make our voices heard and let our elected officials know we won't let our lands be sold to the highest bidder.
Click here to sign up to host an event. Dozens of other organizations will also be posting to this national map in the next two weeks -- so add your event now and we'll follow up with an updated map for others to search and join.
Donate now to support the Center's work.
Public lands image courtesy Center for Biological Diversity.
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