Stop... Go home... Hamburger Helper has officially won April Fools' Day with their hot new mixtape titled 'Watch the Stove'. Similar to the Kanye West/Jay Z collaboration 'Watch the Throne', this Hamburger Helper mixtape is filled with lyrical genius and the Internet agrees. Cheezburger's Official 'Watch the Stove' Review: 10/10
On this day once a year, lots of people and brands scramble to release an April Fools' day video. So, here they are. Enjoy them while you can because tomorrow, everything goes back to normal.
It's not so bad when you do it to yourself, right?
Watch U.S. Olympic Weightlifter Mattie Rogers' fail from another angle:
A 5 year old girl noticed that there are plenty of police dogs, but not any police cats and she wanted to know why. So she wrote to her local police headquarters to get answers. The chief responded with a sweet note and a drawing of his own cat for good measure. Yeah, this story is adorable.
Justin Trudeau, Canada's beloved prime minister, is not only responsible for one of the most diverse cabinets in the country's history, he is also very strong. Sure, balancing your whole body on just your arms is pretty cool but these photoshops made it even better.
If there's ever a day to prank someone, it's April 1st. These prank ideas are pretty great, just hope you don't become a victim yourself.
いよいよ、今年度担当させていただき、かっとび王にチャレンジした6年生が卒業します(^-^)今年も本当に幸せな一年でした!明日の卒業を前に、卒業プロジェクトの『ラストかっとび』を先日行いました。昨年10月31日の決勝から、最近行ったちょっとの練習で、しかも、あの時のレベルで、目指せ4セット!いい目標だ!さぁ〜感動のフィナーレなるかぁ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Posted by 富士市なわとび協会∞ on Friday, March 18, 2016
Forget the facts that you probably don't have enough friends or coordination.
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