

[VIDEO FIXED] Secretive Dept. of Defense Tech Project (Revealed Today)

Investment U
Investment U
Friday, April 29, 2016
We're so sorry. We made a mistake when we originally sent you the note below. Our email inbox has been flooded by folks wanting to watch the surprising video we revealed today... but couldn't because we made an error.
We've found the mistake and fixed it. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the video is available now.
Click here to go directly to it.
Andrew Snyder

Secretive Dept. of Defense Tech Project (Revealed Today)

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Over the last 30 years, technology has expanded at an unbelievable pace.
We've advanced from typewriters... to the personal computer... to the internet... to supercomputers held in the palm of your hand.
But while all this was going on, one Silicon Valley tech visionary has been thinking EVEN further ahead.
I can almost guarantee you've never heard of this guy...
But this engineering professor's idea is so revolutionary, he first proposed it to the secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
DARPA green-lighted his project and, very quietly, he set to work.
Over time, he waited for nanotechnology to catch up with his vision... he perfected his breakthrough... and he collected dozens of patents on it.
Now this Berkeley professor and his small company are finally ready to unleash the technology he envisioned years ago.  
It's already being tested in more than 120 countries, including the USA, Ireland, Spain and France.
And I can tell you... it will be earth-shattering when this hits the markets.
Within the next few years, we expect the little company to produce over 3 BILLION new devices using this breakthrough.
And here's what's most interesting for investors...
Tech genius Marc Andreessen recently went on record as saying that before long, every physical device on Earth will have this same kind of technology in it.
What sorts of profits could a small company make when its patented product can go in every device on earth?
Good investing,

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