

Make This the 100% Safe Portion of Your Portfolio...

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Make This the 100% Safe Portion of Your Portfolio... 

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Traditionally, commodities have been an important part of any well-diversified portfolio...
Because their prices tend to move independently of stock and bond prices, they help to significantly reduce a portfolio's risk, potentially allowing for a "smoother ride."
But as with any investment, buying low and minimizing risk are two keys to making a good deal of money.
Which is why today, I'd like to share with you perhaps the perfect way to take advantage of relatively cheap commodities, while not risking ANY of your principal investment.
But you have to hurry.
Prices are already on the way back up...
Gold has fluctuated upward by nearly $300 in the last year.
Silver has also bounced around, zig-zagging its way up almost 50% since January.
As of this writing, oil is up 50% from its $30 lows in January.
Coffee has gone from $120 in January to its current position of nearly $150.
And sugar shot up (and down and then back up) from less than $12 last September to $20 today.
It appears that we may be entering a new bull market for nearly all commodities, and the best news of all?
They have a long way to go before they get anywhere near their historic highs.
That's why we have a suggestion for you today...
It's a way to take advantage of the possible new commodity boom and collect as much as 50%.
And get this - your deposited principal is 100% protected.
Our friends at EverBank have a great new opportunity called the MarketSafe® Focused Commodities CD.
Commodities prices have already begun to climb, and they have set the funding deadline for October 13.
It's a one-of-a-kind five-year CD that doesn't pay a periodic interest payment or annual percentage yield. Instead, the indexed, U.S. dollar-denominated CD pays out investors at maturity based on the performance of six of the most potential-filled commodities in the world:
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Copper
  • Nickel
  • Soybeans
  • Sugar.
I'll quickly run through the basics below, but for more details, EverBank has a term sheet that explains exactly how this unique CD works. You can view it here.
Quite simply, it's a way to enjoy the upside of these six commodities while your principal is 100% protected - even if they go down in value.
You can get into one of these unique five-year CDs with a minimum $1,500 investment. When you do, EverBank will measure the performance of each of the six commodities at each annual pricing date and compare them with the initial price (capped at 50%).  If they rise in value across those annual pricing dates, you get paid. If there is no gain - or in the event they drop in value – you'll still get 100% of your principal back.
There's virtually no risk to your principal - especially since EverBank is a Member FDIC. Deposits are fully insured against bank insolvency up to the standard limit of $250,000.
That's an incredibly low-risk deal.
There's no simpler or safer way that we know of to ride the commodities market.
Again, if this group of commodities rises in value over the CD's five-year term, you'll get your principal back along with a potentially big payout at maturity of up to 50%. And if this group of commodities falls, you won't lose one cent. You'll get your entire investment back.
But remember, you're about to lose access to this one-of-a-kind CD. Funding closes on October 13. So act now.
EverBank has all the details on its site. Simply click here.
Good investing,
P.S. The Oxford Club has a paid marketing relationship with EverBank, but I can promise you that we would tell our Members about its unique products even if we did not. To see why, simply click here and check out this one-of-a-kind product

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