

Will You Be a Loser?

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Friday, September 30, 2016

Special Message From Global
Currency Expert Karim Rahemtulla

editor headshotMy name is Karim Rahemtulla. I've lived here in America for 35 years.
I'm a world traveler, author and financial analyst. I've visited more than 65 countries to get a firsthand view of the (often disastrous) practices of world governments when it comes to currencies and money flows.
Marc Lichtenfeld asked me to write to you today because I see something dramatic setting up in the U.S. dollar due to the Fed's actions over the last few months.
Now, I should tell you... what I'm seeing is dangerous for investors.
I've witnessed this sort of thing firsthand before.
I was in Hong Kong when the Thai baht lost 20% in a matter of days, sparking the Asian financial crisis.
I was in Cyprus when some bank depositors lost 47.5% of their account balances.
And I recently returned from Switzerland after the decoupling there led to a sudden 23% appreciation of the currency.
When global currencies move swiftly, it can cause serious chaos in the financial markets.
It can create wild swings in real estate prices, imported goods, and energy and food prices.
I think Americans are going to be very surprised when the shoe drops on what I see setting up now.
In fact, I believe the bulk of Americans will be divided into two groups that will see vastly different outcomes for their wealth.
But one word of warning... If you are holding any significant amount of cash right now, you'll want to see what's coming immediately.
It could hurt you the most.
See the full story here. This isn't unavoidable for people who move now. But wait too long, and it could get nasty.
P.S. I've personally made a lot of money when these events have hit in the past. And there are four steps I believe you should take right now if you want to become wealthier in the years ahead. Find out details on each one here.

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