This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
Want to know the future of the Republican party? Look no further than Europe's own far-right and how they've risen to power — President Ivanka, anyone?
The Supreme Court ensured this week that thousands of ballots will be thrown out in Ohio over the smallest of errors — part of a larger trend of voter suppression currently underway.
Still, there could be some hope on the horizon for Native Americans protesting the Dakota Access pipeline.
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Cool Pope is less cool, has doubled down on the female priest ban.
A 15-year-old black autistic cross country runner was assaulted during a race, because everything is awful.
Two cops were killed last night — by a man who might be a white supremacist.
"After five years and a half, who supported me? How can I be a president and my people don't support me?"
— Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is currently overseeing the mass murder of Syrians
Keep a civil tongue.
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