

A terrifying future

We come to you from the future

CREDIT: AP Photo/Claude Paris

Want to know the future of the Republican party? Look no further than Europe's own far-right and how they've risen to power — President Ivanka, anyone?

CREDIT: AP Photo/John Minchillo

The Supreme Court ensured this week that thousands of ballots will be thrown out in Ohio over the smallest of errors — part of a larger trend of voter suppression currently underway.

Still, there could be some hope on the horizon for Native Americans protesting the Dakota Access pipeline.

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Cool Pope is less cool, has doubled down on the female priest ban.

A 15-year-old black autistic cross country runner was assaulted during a race, because everything is awful.

Two cops were killed last night — by a man who might be a white supremacist.


"After five years and a half, who supported me? How can I be a president and my people don't support me?"

 — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is currently overseeing the mass murder of Syrians

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