

Royal anti-progressive flush

President-elect Trump hasn’t taken office yet, but he’s already laid some of his cards on the table and they aren’t good.

For chief strategist he appointed Steve Bannon, a media mogul who stirred up a white nationalist movement using Breitbart News as his platform. For attorney general he appointed Senator Jeff Sessions, a lawmaker with an abysmal record of opposing LGBTQ rights.

And now President-elect Trump is considering Wall Street insiders for members of his cabinet.

Trump’s Presidency is the opportunity Republicans, special interest groups and lobbyists have been waiting for. They want to privatize Medicare, give tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and rollback Wall Street’s regulations.

We’re up against a lot. Anyone can see that. President-elect Trump is surrounding himself with hate and anti-progressive values.

That’s why we need Tammy to be a strong voice for us in the Senate.

Make sure she has a strong grassroots team behind her. Chip in $5 or $10 so we hit our November goal.


Team Baldwin

Paid for by Tammy Baldwin for Senate

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