Blog:Has big data changed what it means to be a scientist? 2 November 2016 Researchers still need to adhere to the scientific method, regardless of how large the datasets are or how complicated the experiments become.
Feature: Postgraduate studies: Find the best fit 2 November 2016 Choices for doctoral programmes can seem endless, so look for one that matches your interests and personality.
Career brief:Gender balance: Culture clash 2 November 2016 Stereotypes about scientific fields shape what women choose to study.
Career brief:Big pharma: UK drugs outsourced 2 November 2016 United Kingdom has cut drug-development research jobs over past decade.
Blog: Ageism "as bad as racism" 27 October 2016 Ageism in the workplace is as bad as racism and over-50s applying for jobs are five times more likely to get interviews if they do not disclose their age, reports David Payne.
Blog:Finding a place to hang my lab coat 26 October 2016 Australia might be the land of surf, swim and sun, but something's making all the scientists flee, says Naturejobs journalism competition winner Catherine Carnovale.
Feature:Agents of change 26 October 2016 Three advocates explain how their groups are trying to improve junior researchers' experiences.
Q&A:Turning point: Cream of the crop 26 October 2016 William Tracy is one of only two sweetcorn breeders in the United States. Here's how he hopes to train a new generation.
Blog:Five ways science communication can help you 24 October 2016 Naturejobs journalism competition winner Rachel Harris explains how engaging others in science has benefitted her in the lab.
Blog:The Alan Turing law 21 October 2016 In 2012, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, Nature marked wartime code-breaker Alan Turing's wider legacy.
Blog:Why don't scientists always share their data? 21 October 2016 Reproducibility is the cornerstone of science, and it can be compromised by insufficient data in peer-reviewed publications. Should scientists reveal everything?
It is 200 years since Parkinson's disease was first described. This Outlook charts the progress of research in an engaging timeline and shows how our understanding of Parkinson's motor and non-motor symptoms has evolved. It also reveals the exciting new applications of smartphones in monitoring the disease.
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