

Good Dads Newsletter- February 9, 2017

February 9th, 2017

 What I Wish Dads Would Say to Their Teens about Love --
            Dr. Jennifer Baker
Many dads fear "the talk" relative to conversations with their kids about love and sex. I can understand this discomfort, but I wish dads would focus more on the characteristics of a healthy relationship than the biology of sex. Even if they leave the topic of sex to teachers and moms, there's still a lot to be said about love and relationships.

"What's that Boiling on the Stove?"
Falling in love is a lot like the boiling pot I remember in the biology lab where my boyfriend (now husband) worked when we were in college. I often visited him there and regularly noticed something bubbling in a large pan on the stove, but it was usually boiling so hard the contents were indistinguishable. When I asked about their make-up, I got an unexpected answer.

"Road kill," my boyfriend responded, rather matter-of-factly. "Some of the biology students cruise the country roads early in the morning to find freshly dead animals. They bring them back here, boil the meat off the bones, and then reconstruct the skeletons to study."  Not the answer I had expected, but falling in love can be a lot like that.

Chemical Cocktail
When we become attracted to someone, a.k.a. "fall in love," a chemical cocktail invades our brain and temporarily transforms us. The neurotransmitters of attraction and infatuation (e.g., like dopamine, phenylethylalamine and norepinephrine) flood our neural pathways and lead us to be overly optimistic, discount potentially negative information, and cling to a euphoric state with unquestioned certainty that we've found our soul mate and the world will be blissful forever. Eventually the impact of these hormones subsides, and other hormones of connection and bonding (e.g., oxytocin) take their place. When that occurs we find ourselves in a more rational, calmer state of being. Until it does, however, we can make some very unwise decisions regarding our love life.



Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Every year in February the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) hosts a "Discover Engineering" event targeted to elementary-aged students and people elementary-aged at heart. The event has many fun and exciting activities and demonstrations that illustrate different aspects of engineering.
  • Every year in February the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) hosts a "Discover Engineering" event targeted to elementary-aged students and people elementary-aged at heart. The event has many fun and exciting activities and demonstrations that illustrate different aspects of engineering.
  • February 18th 2016 from 12:00 - 3:00pm (visit at your leisure)
  • Located at MSU's Plaster Center for Free Enterprise downtown Springfield
  • Parking off of Boonville Street approximately 406 N. Boonville
  • Free admission to all, no RSVP needed
  • If you have questions or are interested in having a display or booth contact:  Matthew Pierson at (417) 837-2320 or

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Incredible Pizza

Incredible Pizza Company is proud to be a supporter of Good Dads in SW Missouri. We are a Family Entertainment Center which offers an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet and a variety of games, attractions and activities designed for kids and adults to have fun together. We are dedicated to supporting our community families and fathers in their efforts to become strong roll models and be more engaged in their children's activities and well-being.

Waddell & Reed

Many of life's great journeys share something in common: they start with a well-thought-out plan. Your financial journey is no different. No matter where you've set your investment sights, you'll want a plan to reach your destination.  At Waddell & Reed we develop comprehensive, personal financial plans tailored specifically to each client's needs. Over time, we help individuals and families turn their dreams - such as sending children to college, providing for retirement, or simply accumulating assets - into attainable, real solutions that can improve their lives.

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