

Jones v. Trump?

add your name to the lawsuit

MPower Change

As Salaamu Alaykum Indiana—

The Monday after Donald Trump announced his Muslim ban, my legal team at the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and I filed a case in federal court to overturn the racist executive order—completely and permanently.

Today, I'm asking you to join our legal fight—in a real and substantial way—by adding your name as someone impacted by the order. And make no mistake—if you're Muslim or a friend or ally to Muslims, then you've been directly or indirectly impacted by this violation of the First Amendment.

Will you sign on today? Click here to add your name in support of our case.

At CAIR, our lawsuit was filed on behalf of 25 Muslims in the U.S. whose basic rights as citizens and residents are under attack. We know that there are many thousands more who are having their lives needlessly disrupted because of this executive action, which we're calling a modern-day "Muslim exclusion order."1

Later this week, a federal court in California will be deciding whether or not to uphold a temporary stay on the executive order. But we don't want to just put a pause on the ban—it needs to be thrown out entirely because of the way it targets Muslims—and only Muslims.

At the end of next week, we'll be adding a "friend of the court" briefing to our lawsuit—showing the massive popular rejection of Trump's Muslim ban. We're hoping to bring thousands of names to the judge. Will you add yours before then?

The lawsuit is titled Sarsour v. Trump, named after the first listed plaintiff and the defendant, but we want your name on it too—click here and add it.

It took the courage of many Muslims—including MPower Change's own Linda Sarsour and others such as Zahra Billoo of CAIR-SFBA, Dawud Walid from CAIR-Michigan, and Namira Islam of the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative—to add public names and faces to this lawsuit.

But perhaps the most radically impacted were the Jane Does and John Does listed as plaintiffs—everyday individuals suddenly subjected to the ban. They remain anonymous so that they aren't targeted by this vindictive administration, but they still had the courage to join this battle to protect all of our civil rights.

We've shown up by the thousands at airports to welcome immigrants and refugees. We've made thousands of calls to members of Congress asking them to stand up against the Muslim ban. And together, we've let the whole world know: Trump and his administration do not represent the rest of us or our values.

Join us by adding your name, so that we can send a clear message to the courts and everyone else who's watching.

We're going to keep using all the means we have to fight back against Trump's illegal and immoral Muslim ban. Thanks for helping make it all possible.

In solidarity,
Lena Masri, Esq.
National Litigation Director
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
in partnership with MPower Change

P.S. We know how petty and vengeful Trump can be—don't worry, we won't be sharing anything with the court other than your name.



1. "Biggest Lawsuit Yet Filed Against Donald Trump’s Immigration Order" The Daily Beast, Jan 30, 2017

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