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Popular Diabetes Drug Does More Harm Than Good? |
| | Matthew Makowski Senior Health Researcher |
| | | After my aunt broke her hip in a freak accident, she had to change jobs.
She had spent nearly 40 years in the fast-paced service industry. She was always on her feet. But she couldn't do that anymore. So, she landed a desk job.
Trading an active lifestyle for a more sedentary one didn't agree with her.
After less than a year of sitting at a desk all day, her doctors told her that she was prediabetic... and well on her way to developing Type 2 diabetes.
They were quick to prescribe her some heavy-duty drugs.
The meds they gave her were supposed to keep her blood sugar in order... and hopefully avoid further complications like heart disease, blindness or the loss of a limb down the road.
But, as is often the case, Big Pharma doesn't share the whole story of these drugs and their risks... |
Dangerously Low
You see, these drugs are excellent at reducing blood sugar levels. But sometimes they can be a little too good at what they do.
A study recently published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care looked into data from almost 200,000 Type 2 diabetics.
The authors found that diabetes meds - specifically the extremely popular drug metformin - can sometimes prompt a dangerously low blood sugar condition called hypoglycemia... something that is particularly risky for older adults.
We know that high blood sugar levels cause damage over time, including to the heart, brain, eyes and kidneys.
But complications from low blood sugar levels are becoming more common... which suggests that prediabetes and diabetes are treated too aggressively.
Folks who have dealt with hypoglycemia know the signs immediately... It can cause irritability, fatigue, confusion or even a bad case of the shakes.
But a severe episode of low blood sugar levels is much worse. It can lead to an irregular heartbeat, cause seizures and put folks into a coma... All of which are especially dangerous for seniors.
Some folks manage to avoid those complications.
But just ignoring the problem only makes matters worse.
A prolonged period of hypoglycemia can cause permanent neurological disorders.
Watchful Eye
It's more than a little ironic that the leading cause of hypoglycemia is diabetes medications.
This shows why it's important to monitor your blood sugar levels... even when regularly taking diabetes medications.
And if the symptoms mentioned above sound familiar, it might be time to talk with your doctor about your options.
In my aunt's case, she saw the writing on the wall...
As soon as her hip was able to start carrying her around pain-free again, she went back to her old job at a hotel. Walking around all day was exactly what she needed for her body to return to normal. She even started eating a little healthier. And she got off those medications as quickly as she could.
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