

Math Professor Fixes Projector Screen and more...

This is the teacher that everyone wishes they had when they were in school.
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Math Professor Fixes Projector Screen and more...

Math Professor Fixes Projector Screen


This is the teacher that everyone wishes they had when they were in school. 

Submitted by: (via Matthew Weathers)


Pennsylvania Man Films All Kinds Of Wild Life On Bridge


What we have here is more scientific evidence that nobody, nobody at all, likes to get their feet wet. 

Submitted by: (via WSLS 10)

Tagged: nature , cool , awesome , wildlife , Video

Player Falls for The Ol' Hidden Ball Trick


Whether you watch baseball or not, it's hard not to enjoy someone bending the rules so successfully at such a high level. It looks totally stupid and unfair, but it's also kind of awesome that anyone could get away with some crap like this.

Submitted by: (via MLB)

Tagged: ball , baseball , sneaky , hidden , funny , trick

Choosing Beggar Demands Free VCR, But Only If It's New

Man oh man, these choosing beggars are relentless. It's not every day though that you see someone pop out of the blue, demanding a free VCR, but only if that VCR is new. The dude can definitely afford to lose the attitude. 


Text - Hi all anyone have a VCR they can let me have? Mine broke and I need it to record tv CB shows to watch later. thanks. Hi! You know there's more modern Me technology you can use, right?? But I have a VCR/DVD player combo! Yours for $20 but you'd have to pick it up. Thanks but I said "let me have".. And I *will* let you have it - for $20


Text - I meant for free. I'm 72 years old You know what? Sure, you can have it for free! ok is it new? No you can't buy new VCRS these days but it's in good condition and it has a DVD player as well


Text - if new vcrs are no longer being made why did you want $20 from me for yours? Ummmm maybe because I have something you want! That's how business works. AND I said you could have it for free as a goodwill gesture. You can loose the attitude and im not interested if it isnt new


Text - Oh. My. God! MY attitude?! You expected to get a brand new machine for free! And it's 'lose', not 'loose! As in "You're going to lose out on a great deal because I'm done with you and your 72 years of self- entitlement."

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Total Downsides About Being An Adult

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the various downsides of being an adult that teenagers don't realize. It's funny, when we're younger we can give ourselves over to this notion that when we grow up everything's going to be a whole lot better; but then you get there, and it's just a new world of unforeseen responsibilities. Suddenly, you find yourself craving the days of your youth when all you had to worry about was getting to bed at a reasonable time for school the next morning. If that. 


Text - LeicaM6guy • 5h 1 Award One day your body will betray you. Reply 1 3.5k ...


Text - ecitruoc • 5h 8 Awards A $1000 pay check isn't nearly as exciting as an adult. Reply 30.4k ...


Text - GiraffeMother • 5h 9 Awards There's never enough time for all the things you need to do. Definitely not enough time for the things you want to do. Reply 12.4k ...


Text - TinyBig_JarOfPickles • 5h 2 Awards The repetition makes you lose time. Having the same job, workout regimen, schedule in general makes days blend into one another


Text - mswoodie • 5h 4 Awards When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens, there's no one else to deal with it. Plugged toilet? You gotta clear it. Car outta gas? You gotta fill it. Run out of clean undies? You gotta do laundry. From small things to massive things, there's no one to make it go away but you. Reply 1 5.0k ...


Text - soundecember • 6h 1 Award That ordering food is actually expensive and your parents weren't lying to you. Reply 14.2k ...


Text - HilariousDisaster • 5h 3 Awards Being lonely. Making friends as an adult is difficult, sometimes verging on impossible. You don't see people in your age group who are doing the same things you are every day anymore. Reply 7.7k ...


Text - MG_Scott12 • 6h 4 Awards Discipline is very hard to maintain when you are lacking purpose. When you are a teenager there's so much you think you can achieve: "I'll get into that college." "I'll get that degree." "I'll land that cool job after." "I'll date that person who will fulfill me." But what happens when those things fail. And you have to readjust. And the idea of progress turns into an idea of just a sustainment? My advice to teenagers as you enter adulthood. The most important thi


Text - MontiBurns • 5h The importance and scarcity of time. Your "you time" gets seriously reduced as you get older and your other responsibilities mount up. Tused to think that spending half an hour cleaning 3 times a week was the worst thing ever. Now I spend about an hour cleaning pretty much every day. Between work, maintaining a house, and raising kids, the amount of you time gets reduced to.minutes a day. Anything else you want to do means sacrificing sleep. The other thing is how true "ti


Text - irishamerican • 5h 14 Awards You can do whatever you want, but most of the time you either have commitments that prevent it, or you can't afford it. Reply 28.6k ...


Text - decalime • 5h 4 Awards It's really annoying how much time is involved with food. As a teenager you don't really have to think about food much, but as an adult you have to shop for food and prepare it. You can eat at a restaurant, but that will get old after awhile assuming you can afford frequent dining out. Reply 1 16.7k ...


Text - MelG146 • 6h Planning dinner every damn night. Reply 969 ...


Text - Hollowman212 • 5h 3 14 Awards You are always cleaning the kitchen Reply 26.4k ...


Text - lightskinkanye • 6h 2 Awards You come home from work and you're tired and if you don't feel like making dinner, then you're not eating dinner. Reply 11.9k ...


Text - Hemenucha • 6h 2 Awards For me it's watching my parents get old. As a teenager I thought they were all about keeping me restricted and controlled. Now I realize they're just two people who never had a kid before, did the best they knew how, and fucked up at times like all other humans on the planet. I never realized how much I needed them emotionally until I saw my father through his open heart surgery, and saw Parkinson's take my mother's independence. So here I am still feeling like a t


Text - keltoy1549 · 6h You will be held accountable. No excuses, no blaming. Reply 971 ...


Text - mejlord • 5h Dental care. It's so damn expensive if you let your teeth degrade. Please floss my dudes. Reply 430 ...


Text - Pontus_Pilates • 6h You don't fundamentally change, you are still you, even if you are older. It's the same you, you just need to survive in the adult world. You don't gain adult powers, you just have to do adult things. Reply 1.1k ...


Text - KarmaPharmacy • 5h Life is long and complicated. You can never truly get a fresh start. Things wear you down over time. And you just get so tired. Getting excited about things is hard, and when you're an adult and you get excited about something, there's usually another adult in line that is ready to tear you down for it. Just because they're shitty and the only thing they get excited about, these days, is shitting on others. Reply 242 ...


Text - imuncomfy5 • 5h Your "back up" is mostly gone. When you're a teen and screw up you can usually go to your parents to help you out of the hole you've put yourself in. As an adult that isn't there, whatever screw up is yours to dig yourself out of. Phone bill you can't pay? Ask mum for a loan (17 or 18) Phone bill you can't pay at 25 and it's an hour on the phone getting transferred to multiple people to ask for an extension which may be denied so instead of normal food you plan your meals


Text - magicatom_87 • 5h Forgetting your age is a real problem. The only people who remind me how old I am are my kids, and i often have to double check. I used to ask my parents how old they were and they always "cant remember" or said "21" and it confused me. I get it now. Reply 816 ...


Text - AmericanExpat76 • 6h 2 Awards You know all those things you thought you would do when you were out on your own? They cost money, and you have to work for it... Reply 10.6k ...


Text - look_for_the_helpers • 5h Waking up and just aching for non discernible reason other than having slept 'a bit funny'. Oh, and the 3 day hangovers that make it barely worth drinking more than a couple glasses of wine Reply 203 ...


Text - stupidlyugly • 5h Forty eight here Bills don't stop or go away. Ever. Work sucks. That's why they pay you to do it because nobody's doing that bullshit for free. Think of it as a means to your life and avoid it becoming your identity. The term "work life balance" is HR code for "We own you. You're at our disposal 24/7/365" Nobody owes you a damn thing and ain't nobody gonna give you nothing for free. They're much more likely to try to take what you have. If not married, we're pretty sexua


Text - MrsTurnPage • 5h You have to pick and/or make every meal you eat for the rest of your life. It is not as flippant as you may think. Reply 1 23 ...


Text - FormerSuggestion8 • 5h 1. Making your parents proud is important, but do not put your parents wants above your own. Going through college is important, but realizing the purpose behind going is even more important to your destiny. 2. Ahh, you're young, you have plenty of time to figure it out. No you do not, and this is bad advice teenagers are given all the time. We're told this even at 18–19 we have plenty of time to decide what we want to do. Once you graduate from high school, becomin


Text - decidarius • 4h 2 O 3 Awards The power structures you hate as a teenager are real, and far more entrenched than you think. As an adult, challenging power and making changes in the world is revealed to be almost impossible. The best most people can hope for is to live more or less outside of the system, or else to band together and dedicate your life to change, and maybe move the needle by a tiny amount. Big changes, like the legalization of gay marriage, are the result of hundreds of thou


Text - SmokeyFlannel • 6h 3 Awards When all the cliches that used to piss you off start making sense and meaning something, but you can't explain it to younger people because they haven't lived that life experience yet. Reply 1 4.6k ...


Text - BigMilko • 6h Always prepare for the worst. Keep seeing more people that fought hard for their dream job. Now they're miserable. Reply 577 ...


Text - InternetKidsAreMean • 5h Being an adult is basically being a teenager, except you're finally in charge of your own life and decisions. I hated being a child / teenager. I love being an adult. Reply 298 ...


Text - whycantifindmyname • 5h Even though February is the shortest month, the rent is still the same Reply 674 ...

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Brain-Tyrants Who Think They're Literal Geniuses

There's nothing wrong with being smart. There's something a little wrong with thinking you're a genius just because you once sat through a Youtube doc on quantum mechanics. And there's definitely a lot wrong with being a huge ass to people who are just trying to be decent to each other online. Here we have absurd people who think they're geniuses, coming around to brag about their supposed intellect. It gets so bad it's like some think they have super powers.


Text - Mike Falzone @MikeFalzone Imagine being a regular-ass person and thinking you know more than a scientist about what the scientist studies. 444 115 Comments • 52 Shares Like ל Comment Share I actually do, for the most part. Considering a lot of theoretical scientists search for evidence to support their theories, rather than coming to a logical conclusion from the evidence before them.


Text - I know I'm probably violating a law but y'all have to see what I just saw on a resume Personal Information Heredity: Son of a Rhodes Scholar. IQ: 148 116 27 567 7,412


Text - Today 21:11 anyway, u also seem like an easy going person, which i really adore so much for the self deprecating humor already haha am i being intimidating ? i tend to write high level english already upfront.but dont worry u can rest assured that i dont intens to overwhelm.i in fact trying to impress u u also hav a wide pelvis bone, which make u look fertile and procreation-ready, thus more feminine and attractive.say like a woman that deserves to grow my seeds.the real question now:will


Text - Replying to Worst part for me: never call him "Da Vinci." It's Leonardo, or Leonardo da Vinci, but never "da Vinci" by itself and certainly never Da Vinci. 10:44 PM · 9/15/20 · Twitter Web App


Facial hair - All replies '1 day ago I'm an extreme nihilist. I never feel 'down' because I have realized that feelings are just chemical reactions. I have learned to control and even ignore them. 11 12 ...


Text - And I fell into calligraphy. I hyperfocused. And over the course of a year, developed my own cursive hand (going from never writing in cursive) that was a loose blend of Palmer, Spencerian, Chaucurian and 16th century Italian italics, with a lot of acender and defender flourishes. I handed in homework in 15th century German High Gothic blackletter. I did reports in 17th century italics. And my teachers went from hating me for my horrible, illegible handwriting, to loving the sudden shift


Text - A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother I Verizon LTE 7:30 PM 30% AA Q a freudian slip Google II freudian slip All Images Videos News Марs Dictionary Search for a word O Freud-i-an slip / froideen slip/ noun an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings. Definitions from Oxford Languages Feedback Translations and more definitions Freudian slip You for real My dude It's a joke While Freud did have a lot to do about subconscious and mothers that's


Text - Anyone think I should start a podcast to discuss literally everything pertaining to the fabric of reality, consciousness, religion, psychedelics, aliens, history, etc.? Would anyone listen I wonder?


Text - I'm not trying to sound cocky and that I am more mature than kids my age... But I am definitely not like kids my age. I don't like cartoons, video games, wasting my time watching TV, boy bands, parties, grinding/ twerking, going to the movies, going to the pool, gossiping, etc. I'm spending my Friday night reading a Euripides play, The Bacchae (which is one of my favorite, I read it last year), and all of my friends went to go see a free viewing of Despicable Me. I have no clue what it's


Text - 3:52 Q Search Quora ? Add Updated September 19 For those of you with an IQ in the top 0.01% (profoundly gifted) what has your educational path looked like? IQ 159 here. * Learned spontaneously to read and write in the age of 3. Learned Swedish. * Learned to swim in the age of 4. * Went to comprehensive school in the age of 7. Learned to sail in the age of 7. Learned English. * Wasted a lot of years in the comprehensive school. Nothing useful learned. * Learned to navigate in the age of 11


Text - National Hurricane Center @NHC_Atlantic #Sally has rapidly strengthened into a hurricane, and some additional strengthening is forecast during the next day or so. #Hurricane Warning is in effect from Morgan City, Louisiana to the Alabama/Florida border. 11:41 AM - Sep 14, 2020 · Twitter Web App 102 Retweets 13 Quote Tweets 144 Likes 3m Replying to @NHC_Atlantic I told yall that was gonna happen. That Cat 1 intensity forecast was dangerous to begin with. Now everyone in


Text - The Nostalgic 90's 3d ·O ... NOSTALGIO Today's kids will never know how to play Minesweeper - because neither did we 2 1113 312333111 211111233 12 113 131 2 332 11111 321111 1 1212 121212 113222 112 1 11111 13 31 2122 212 12 11122211 21111211 212222121312 11 11 11112 212 11 312 412 2221 2111211 11 11131 11111133 1111 22 111 1 121 12211314 7.1K 702 Comments • 8.3K Shares O Like Share Comment Easy game. If you didn't understand it, you probably aren't a good thinker. Like Reply 86 口口口口口口□■■


Bird - 4h.0 High tier jokes. Those with no brain can't relate. If you get this, I have high respect for you. ATTEMPTED MURDER If you get this joke I automatically have more respect for you :) 5 comments


Text - Life is Hard, but it's Harder hen wahy harder when dumb L-Fe is yaRe Smart yos dumb wrong. your meaning fek! your - its yours you'ke - you are ntracticn it is you'RE


Text - Mpho 5h. 3 ... Everyday of my life is a testament to how exponentially cultured I am, I need people in circle who can match that or try to catch my up.

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Shady Manager Won't Train Employee On How To Comp Meals

Man oh man, for anyone that's ever worked in the industry and encountered a shady manager who insisted on being a disagreeable, genuinely unlikeable person, this story will resonate. Terry sounds like a waking nightmare of a human being. Fortunately, this employee was able to out him for all of his antics in the end. The fact that he didn't pay them for three months as well is inconceivable!


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"Not My Job" Moments from The World's Slackers

In this busy world of ours, it's easy for things to slip through the cracks. Maybe a pole gets installed wrong here, or some road signage gets misspelled there. Many of us would look at these and say "we better fix that" but another great many of us say "good enough." The resulting impressively unprofessional "Not My Job" moments are indeed good enough, but in a different kind of way.


Door - be






Alarm device - F




Countertop - In case the sink overheats or catches fire...


Font - Ok so we use Pam to spray the waffle iron so it doesn't stick, you don't have to do it Everytime, just in the AM SPRAY FIRST Julia caught this real dumb dumb we hired from the other day...spraying the sign... and not the iron hemco She's been spraying the sign that says "spray first" and then putting a waffle cone on






Text - Пирожки в ассортименте Patty in assortment Самса Samsa Сосиска в тесте Sausage in the father-in-law Курник Patty with chicken


Escalator - AYUD Introduc - BOTE =ó < de - LATA = ó < de Y rec en Ons dor


Toy - Eggs Blue Raspberry Bon Bons Tutti Fruit Botte INSERT I CON TURN TWICE MAO


Street light






Green - 3* place 5th - 8th Grade Category st






Drink - ORIGINAL Coa




Text - ROOM 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM Laundry Room Closed Friday September 18th 1:00pm-3:00pm For Satanizing Get your candles and your pentagrams we are going satanizing


Advertising - IDEA Public schosls JUST ADDED STORM 2&5h GRADE NOW ENROLLING (915)888-4300 Alrn accepting Pre-K, KINDER, 1" & 6"


Motor vehicle - WAL MART Power Generation Rental Power 1-877-769-7669 RG-206





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Wholesome Memes Because Some Things are Still Nice

Times can get weird, hard, and disappointing. Everyone is very well aware of that. That's why it's okay to have a reminder that people aren't terrible everywhere. Almost everyone has the common goals of being happy and building connections. Wholesome memes can provide a boost in what can seem like an otherwise unforgiving world.


Table - After this teacher complimented a student on his shoes, the whole class chipped in to get him the same pair for Christmas


Green - Before and after being told she's beautiful


Face - SOME MEN JUST WANT TO WATCH THE WORLD LEARN dogrampa The fact their faces kinda align scares me lyrium art, science and kindness. the holy trinity of mankind


Facial expression - I am really proud of you macarons-and-corpses: i-have-been-thunderstruck: | So sweet I don't know if you've actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she's been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her "lacking in courage" among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. And Michael is the only one who tells her


Medical procedure - Heart Surgeon Calms Weeping 2-Year-Old Girl Before Heart Operation


Text - Damien @DFacobbre Replying to @Original Yoni and @LynnCinnamon I put some action figures on eBay, a mom bought 2 but not the other 28 I had. She mssged to say her autistic son was excited to get them. She wished she could have bought more. I sent her all 30 of them, got a phone call, she thanked me and cried. We're all friends to this day.


Bird - me: *shakes hands with grandpa* grandpa: *acts like I broke his hand* me:


Advertising - My momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. kindness dogs all the wonderful people in the world şupportive family love fantastic friends wholesome memes a purpose i, in life hobbies i enjoy


People - This man purchased 7 packs of cookies. Gave the girls $40, told them to keep the change. Then he came back to the table and said "pack up all of your cookies. I'm taking them all so y'all can get out of this cold" $540 he spent on cookies. What an amazing soul!!!! #troop1574 #kindheart #thatgreenville #greenvillesc


Adaptation - My grandpa has been giving my grandma flowers everytime he goes riding for the past 40 years


Food - ABC7 Eyewitness News Folow abc ФАВСТ Seal Beach residents buy all the baked goods from local doughnut shop every morning so owner can close up shop and go to nursing facility to take care of his wife, who recently suffered brain aneurysm 2:08 PM - 2 Nov 2018


Automotive mirror - positive-memes becoming who i want to be success happiness not being depressed more friendships OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR 9-DCA-2 don't give up goodthingsarewaiting This is cute as hell and it made me smile and l'm hoping it does the same for you.


Machine - Turkish social media was heartbroken over the photo of a Syrian refugee boy staring into a Turkish gym. So the gym gave the 12-year-old Muhammad Hussein a free lifetime membership BAYANLAKA ÖZEL SAATLERİMİZ MEVCUTTUR


Text - this little girl thought a bride she saw on the street was the princess from her book, i'm crying


Adaptation - After his fishing buddy passed away, 75-year-old widower Ray Johnstone posted a classified ad that broke hearts all over the Internet. He just wanted someone to go fishing with and offered to split costs with anyone who owns a boat. His ad got over 60k views, and he had offers from people around the world- including a guy who took him on an all- expense-paid, deep sea fishing getaway. Everyone liked that

Submitted by:

Tagged: aww , wholesome , feels , feel good , helpful , Memes , nice , good

Mom Lets Black Widows Hatch, They Escape

In an extremely ill-advised parenting move, this mom kept a black widow spider and its egg sack in what she thought was a sealed container. It doesn't take much thought to realize why this is probably not a good idea. In fact, in may even be a bad idea. A really bad idea. For something slightly less bad but still about spiders, here's a tumblr thread on how wolf spiders run cranberry bogs.


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Times People Really Screwed Up at Work

Humans aren't perfect, so naturally we're bound to make mistakes at work. It's when we're using expensive tools, or facing ten angry customers that a really big screw-up can have some extreme consequences. In the right field of work, one misplaced screw or faulty measurement can turn into literally millions of dollars of losses. We try not to think about those.


Text - khendron 91 points · 3 hours ago I love telling this story... Back in the floppy disk, pre-Internet days of computers I was tasked by my job to do a software installation onboard a coast guard ice breaker. I flew from Ottawa to Halifax. Then I caught a taxi to CFB Shearwater, from where a twin otter flew me 1000 km north to a little town on the border of Quebec and Labrador. From there I was flown by helicopter to do an at sea landing on the ice breaker. After landing I went down to the e


Text - OfTheAtom 17.9k points · 9 hours ago · edited 8 hours ago Controls Engineer. Made a copy paste error while programming and a 2 was a 3. So one machine tagged at 3 was waiting for conditions of 2. So naturally the lift moved when it thought it should and crashed into another machine. Course I'm Having to stand there figuring out the issue while maintenance is up there replacing busted parts. But because I've made a thousand changes it didnt click fast enough and well... it happened again.


Text - JPDLD 16.6k points · 8 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago I dropped a screw inside the engine (edit:motor) of a TGV train. Oh god. We spent half an hour trying to catch it by moving a magnetic stick inside the crankshaft, with oil spilling everywhere. The engine was new and about to be mounted on a train that was supposed to run later in the day, I was so terrified I would possibly cause quite a lot of trouble since no other train or engine was available. Shoutout to my manager who finally go


Text - 1_art_please 11.4k points · 8 hours ago During the first week of my first job in animation after i graduated i had to move a bunch of scene files from one server to another. The files were heavy so i was told to just cut and paste them to make it faster. I accidentally put them in a wrong area and without thinking just deleted them, went back to move the files again..they werent there, i had forgotten i hadn't copied them. I lost 5 minutes of full animation, my long time friend who recomm


Text - spaceduckcoast2coast 9.1k points · 8 hours ago Working the stock room at MalWart, grabbed a pepsi pallet with the forklift and didn't realize it was a short pallet. The forks came out the other side and through to the pallet of glass coke bottles it was up against. When I lifted the pepsi, the coke came up with it and dumped the entire unwrapped pallet of glass bottles spilling all that sticky soda on the floor. That mess was hell to clean up. However the vendor had to eat the cost becaus


Text - Grande_Yarbles 8.4k points · 8 hours ago 2 Years ago I worked in an office and had a very cool boss who was the general manager. He and I were quite close and used to joke around all the time. I had been corresponding with a fairly important customer overseas about an issue they were having and I needed information from her to move forward. I asked for info a few times but she kept coming back with different details than what we needed. I sent an email to my boss saying something like, "I


Text - themarmotreturns 5.1k points · 9 hours ago e 8 2 Extention ladder slipped out from under me. I was less than 6 feet off the floor. My left leg went into the rungs and snapped my femur.


Text - anexistentialpeanut 4.8k points · 9 hours ago My first day working at a coffe shop I left my sharpie in the oven. Finally found it while trying to warm a sandwich and had to shut the whole thing down to be cleaned. It smelled like a chemical weapon.


Text - thebirdbrain 172 points · 6 hours ago I worked in a nice steakhouse. First week, I accidentally put salt in the sugar bowls and sugar in the salt shakers. Customers started to complain about their sweet steaks and salty coffees. We had to pull all the salt and sugar from each table. My last day as a waiter.


Text - veemon657 4.0k points · 10 hours ago Slammed a forklift into a camaro


Text - Severedparadox 3.0k points · 10 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago Mixed bleach and ammonia. Had to evacuate the restaurant Edit: My first award! Thank you kind stranger. I never knew my first job fuck up would pay off like this. To clarify, we had a soaking agent for the silverware that didn't know was ammonia based, and I mixed it with bleach and water because I figured if I was bleaching the kitchen drains I might as well use something that'll foam up and take the mildew with it.


Text - MikeRabsitch 2.8k points · 8 hours ago 3 2 I was new to SQL and accidentally mailed a list of people with deceased_date IS NOT NULL instead of IS NULL. So an entire marketing campaign was sent to dead people. That eventually led to our marketing tools being hard-coded not to mail dead people (which makes sense) but I was terrified when I found out.


Text - ShadyAidyX 2.8k points · 5 hours ago Accidentally left out the "MoveNext" method on a loop that sent out an email broadcast, which meant it mailbombed the first recipient in the loop until we realised what was happening and killed the process. The CEO's email was the first email address in the loop. He was an arsehole anyway, and was absolutely incoherent with rage when his outlook crashed when downloading 15,000 emails inviting him to take a satisfaction survey. Good thing it was only a


Text - cricketzzz 1.9k points · 8 hours ago i work as an apprentice in an IT & printer repair office, we had a tech apprentice last year who finished his education and sent out an email to everyone (around 20 people including management) saying that it was his last day and thank you to everyone. we got along pretty well, were around the same aqe and we both HATED our jobs and how we were treated so i replied with that "god i wish that were me" deviantart comment meme. realized an hour later i hi


Text - TheMidnightScorpion 1.5k points · 10 hours ago Accepted 20 fake $100 bills because I hadn't been taught how to spot fakes.


Text - Chazzyberry 1.3k points · 7 hours ago The chef was angry that day. I was advised by my coworkers to do whatever it takes to get on his good side. I thought, "eh, I'll just try to avoid him." He was standing in the cooler taking inventory. Beside him were the 5 gallon containers of prepped food. I sneaked in and tried to quickly grab the ranch container, but in my haste, I nudged another. It was the french onion soup. All 5 gallons of it. On his pants and shoes. Yes, he was upset. The prep


Text - tinyhypernova 1.2k points · 8 hours ago Very first tech job as a youngin' and I forgot to verify of someone had backed up files before a clean OS install. Lost the guys Outlook Archive files with 10 years worth of conveniently stored and important email. Apologized and sheepishly turned the issue over to admins.


Text - PintmasterPaul 988 points · 8 hours ago Not me but my dad. He used to be a microbiologist, and was working in a hospital with a tray of test tubes containing some kind of pseudorabies. He went arse over tit and spilt rabies everywhere. He's an accountant now.


Text - LizardPossum 893 points · 7 hours ago I was a bartender. I knocked down the entire top shelf. Thousands of dollars in liquor.


Text - bobofogochi 816 points · 9 hours ago Not me but I worked at a place that made wiring harnesses. Dudes 4thish day he's running the wire cutting machine. Suddenly says he's sick and leaves. Never came back. He absolutely messed up everything on the cut. What's sad is he wouldn't have been fired. Or even been in trouble. He didn't have to leave.


Text - jcw10489 643 points · 8 hours ago I worked at a McDonald's and accidentally fell in the ice maker right at the beginning of my shift. They had to close the restaurant for the rest of the day to dump out and sanitize the machine


Text - flannelsandjeans 572 points · 7 hours ago Concessions at a movie theater. I was making popcorn, but I had learned that if we used a bit more seasoning and oil, the popcorn tasted insanely better. What I didn't know was the popcorn machine had broken earlier, and wasnt stirring the popcorn anymore. So after I had made a new batch, and no popcorn coming out, I decided to check on the machine and a hot glob of oil flew into my eye. Started cussing and screaming in front of a whole bunch of c


Text - RonSwansonsOldMan 469 points · 8 hours ago Measured something on a construction site off by a foot. It wasn't discovered until it cost 150,000 to remedy the mistake. Nothing happened to me because it was a 10 million dollar job.


Text - mlorenzana12 239 points 5 hours ago I worked in a pizza place and they caught me eating olives on camera. It wasn't 2-3 olives, I could eat like a thousands in a shift, I really don't know why and it's a time in my life I want to forget


Text - DanIsSwell 169 points · 8 hours ago Doing an impersonation of my boss, and the other employees were cracking up, because I was so good at it .Then, he was suddenly standing behind us. He never liked me after that, and 2 months later I was one of 4 people who got "laid off"

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Tagged: error , horrible , wtf , messes , job , work , lol , stories , mistake

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues

Man oh man, it sounds like this coworker was a whole lot of extra. The dude was late, as some human beings are prone to be on occasion, and the coworker made a whole deal out of it at 7:10 AM on a Saturday morning, Sounds like the boss was having none of it as well. At least the petty revenge was satisfying! If you enjoyed this quick petty revenge story, check out another tale of pro revenge with the time a county mower messed with a dad's shrubs, and proceeded to lose to rebar.


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings • 2y + Join You say you only called the boss out of concern for my well being? Well being that you called him, I had to follow suit. A few weeks ago, my coworker (CW) was negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails to some of our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So, I did him a solid (or so I thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him what he did wrong. The very next night, he did it


Text - The very next day, I failed to charge my phone and woke up to realize that my phone was dead and I was late for work so I got dressed and boogied my sorry ass to work, which was only a 5 minute walk for me. I apologized for being 50 minutes late and he seemed cool about it...until I found out that he called the boss after only 25 minutes, something no one on our team had ever done in my years of working here, claiming he was just concerned for my "well being". Even my boss told him to jus


Text - My boss even told me afterwards that it was no big deal and couldn't imagine why CW would call him, at 7:10 in the morining, on a Saturday, when there was literally nothing he could do about it. Then he asked me about a piece of equipment that got left down for 6 +hours so I had to come clean. I told him that I sent coworker an email about it and then it happened again the next day. He asked me to forward the emails to him so he could address them with CW. He also asked me not to "shield"


Text - So now, everytime I catch a mistake CW makes, which is far more often than I thought, I forward the information directly to the boss so he can see first hand all the mistakes CW makes. I haven't talked to CW much since the incident. I am curious about his well being though. EDIT: I just want to add that the first email I sent him was very diplomatic and non-confrontational but the second one had more of a "dude, get your shit together" kinda feel to it. We have protocols in place that pre

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Terrific Tumblr Gems From The World's Tumblin Minds

Ah yes, we're back at it again with a fresh collection of Tumblr gems. If there's one thing that we can always count on, it's Tumblr's ability to give us fantastic rabbit holes and strange observations and genuinely humorous insights that we'd otherwise never come across. If you enjoyed this batch of Tumblr gems, check out another gem from Tumblr with this thread about how horse sizes are ridiculous.


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Dumbest Things People Actually Believed

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the dumbest things that people actually believed. Sometimes, you end up making it in life till you're 25, believing that sugar was out there growing in caves (hence sugar rock candy), and then you learn that the whole world as you knew it was a lie. Knowledge might be power, but dang, it can sting sometimes. 


Text - Narniach • 5h 5 Awards I used to think that people exclusively wore hats if they were bald, because that's why my dad wore a hat. Reply 16.1k ...


Text - azzwhole • 4h That reindeer wasn't an actual animal but specifically a mythical animal that santa claus used. I believed this until I was 23 or so when I saw some nature documentary talking about reindeer. I was like.. whaaaaaaaaat? Reply 1.3k ...


Text - sangbum60090 • 5h 1 Award I was convinced that Greeks still worshipped Zeus and other gods for awhile after I heard the word Greek Orthodox Church as a kid. Reply 1 7.8k ...


Text - terminatoreagle • 4h That someone could shoot me from the otherside of a phone during a phone call. Whenever kid me was on a phone call, I always tried to end the call as soon as possible, and get away from the phone as fast as possible.


Text - ilovetab • 3h 7 Awards When I was a little kid, I believed that when people got divorced, they had a divorce ceremony, like where they had to go to church and say, "I don't," and I imagined the woman wore a black divorce dress (like her wedding dress had been dyed black), and that everybody went to the reception where the ex-bride and ex-groom sat on opposite sides of the hall and there was a divorce cake where the bride and groom had their backs to each other with their arms angrily cros


Text - ms_horseshoe • 4h 1 Award That I could smell something while underwater. When I was around 10/12 years old I was in a tropical themed water park where also happened to be a herbal bath. It smelled very nice, which I had not expected. Most of the tropical plants were fake plastic plants, so I figured the water in the bath was normal swming pool water and the smell was coming from something else. The bath was surrounded with a small aromatic herb garden which didn't look fake. I sneakily to


Text - rogerofdale • 4h That turkeys drowned by looking at the sky during a rainstorm. I am dumber then a bag of hammers Reply 101


Text - wieners69696969 • 3h I used to be so confused about the amount of time it would take to make movies because I was convinced they did it all in chronological order and when they did flashbacks to childhood, I was like "wow those actors are so committed" or I would think it must take a long time for their hair to grow or change in anyway and never considered it could be a wig lol Reply 290 ...


Text - Badbishop12 • 6h That I couls see atoms spinning in the air. Turns out it was visual snow ¬_¬ Reply 515 ...


Text - Hartsock91 • 5h 15 Awards As a kid, my sister told me that we had an older brother that died. She said he died when playing bowling and his fingers didn't come out the ball and slid all the way down the alley then he turned into a skittle. Reply 27.1k ...


Text - kaimcdragonfist • 5h O 1 Award If you turn off a video game without pausing the hero is left paralyzed and defenseless. Yes I actually believed that Reply 752


Text - slotwima • 5h That the trees created wind. I was a child at the time, but I feel so dumb about that one. Reply 30 ...


Text - _always_sunny_• 6h 5 Awards That the Great Wall of China had a cat adoption program. I was meeting my friend's boyfriend for the first time, and he mentioned that he had just adopted one of the retired Great Wall of China cats. China trains these cats to patrol the Wall and kill vermin, and at the end of their 7 year stint they are retired and adopted out to a forever home. I kept asking questions about it: How do you apply? Are they a specific breed? How do they get transported worldwide


Text - ThatOneWhoSparkles • 5h A watermelon/apple tree will grow out of my stomach if I eat the seeds Reply 1.9k ...


Text - kingcillian • 4h I used to think tv static was a bunch of some type of microorganisms floating around in my tv that could electrocute you. Reply 30 ...


Text - Eviezz • 1h I thought sugar grew in sugar caves, similar to salt caves. I believed that sugar crystals (like rock candy) just grew in caves and there were parts of the world with beautiful crystallised sugar caves. I was 25 years old when I brought it up in conversation with my fiance. I tried to prove to him they were real and it was when I reached my 4th page on Google, I realised my whole world was a lie. Reply 1 17 ...


Text - ghost0427 • 6h O 6 Awards When I was a kid I used to think professional wrestling was real, and The Undertaker scared the living shit out of me during his whole Ministry of Darkness phase. I thought he actually was Satan's minister or something. Like yeah, he's an undead overlord of hell, here to bring an eternity of darkness and misery to this planet, but he also has to make a weekly television appearance to win a wrestling competition, and you can buy his action figure at Toys R Us. Rep


Text - Arbitrary121 • 3h When we played Pokémon Mystery Dungeon my little sister used to accept the lamest missions and not get good rewards. I told her about it and she responded with "How would you like it if you were a poor Pokémon that lost its mom and was stuck all alone and had nothing to give someone to save you?" I laughed my head off at her because "it's not real, duh" but secretly, I feel that in my soul sometimes. Reply 580 ...


Text - WeatherwaxDaughter • 4h That Yoda came from rotten potatoes... Reply 28 ...


Text - SaltySaltFingers • 6h 3 Awards When I was little, I genuinely believed the Telly Tubbies were evil and that if I didn't watch them on TV every night (even though I hated the show) that they would come and get me. To be fair though they're kind of creepy. Reply 6.0k ...


Text - shicole3 • 3h Last night I saw this weird tiktok about mermaids and went to the comments and all the top comments were about how mermaids are real and all this evidence and people talking about documentaries they saw and alll this shit and there was so much discussion. So for about 4 minutes I was thinking "holy shit mermaids are real and they are carnivorous beasts holy shit everyone needs to know about this" idk what happened to me but I snapped out of it after that. Reply 18 ...


Text - chinchillerino• 5h Someone convinced me for like, 5 seconds that unicorns were real, they just lost their horns through evolution and now they are plain old horses. Reply 565 ...

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Man Pays Lowest Rated Fiverr Artists To Draw Him


Honestly, some of these really weren't that bad. It's the effort that counts. 

Submitted by: (via upboys)

Tagged: humor , FAIL , artist , fiverr , ridiculous , funny , Video

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