

How to own a home if you can't get a mortgage

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Have you had trouble getting a mortgage, or are afraid you won't qualify?
Homeownership is still possible.

If you've been turned down or think you won't qualify for a mortgage, you may have put your dream of owning a home on hold. Divvy is here to help. They help renters in Dallas build their credit and save for a down payment on the path to homeownership. The best part: you can choose from almost any home on the market.

Get started today at

They've created a modern, consumer-friendly rent-to-own program that starts by helping you find the home of your dreams.

1. You look for a home to buy in your market.
2. Divvy buys the home and rents it back to you.
3. A portion of your monthly rent is saved for a down payment while you lease.
4. In 18 months to 3 years, you can buy the home with the down payment you've saved with Divvy.

What's the catch? There is none really. Divvy makes money by renting the home to you. But their real mission is to help you buy it back from them - by helping you save for a down payment and improving your credit score.

Find out more in this article in the Dallas Observer.

Don't let an average credit score or minimal savings stop your dream of owning a home. Get started at
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