

Biker's Adrenaline-Charged Ride Is An Emotional Rollercoaster and more...

Every now and again you come across one of those videos featuring a wildly talented athlete who seemingly possesses superhuman reflexes and luck. There are moments early on in this video when you're rightfully thinking "it can't get any crazier than ...


Biker's Adrenaline-Charged Ride Is An Emotional Rollercoaster and more...

 In This Issue...

Biker's Adrenaline-Charged Ride Is An Emotional Rollercoaster


Every now and again you come across one of those videos featuring a wildly talented athlete who seemingly possesses superhuman reflexes and luck. There are moments early on in this video when you're rightfully thinking "it can't get any crazier than this", and then it just escalates. 

Submitted by: (via Your daily dose of viral videos)


Charles Barkley Reacts To Kevin Durant's One Word Response


There are few things we love more than a good old fashioned live TV fail. This right here would definitely fit that description. Charles Barkley hits Kevin Durant with a lengthy question and proceeds to get a comprehensive answer that really takes some time to digest. 

Submitted by: (via NBA tv)

Tagged: nba , sports , FAIL , Awkward , ridiculous , funny , Video

UPS Delivery Guy Vs. Extra Icy Driveway


Sometimes, you show up for a day on the job and you're expected to deliver a package in the middle of the freezing cold, and you've just gotta let that package roll. It's for the well being of yourself and the package when it comes down to it. 

Submitted by: (via Walt Gorczowski)

Tagged: customer service , humor , UPS , funny , Video , win

Coworker Tosses Package In Bin, Unknowingly Triggers Life Alert

Let this be a lesson to all that we need to be ever mindful of what we're throwing away. This coworker casually tossed away a seemingly innocent package, and went on to ignite a full on life emergency alert. Well, you live and learn. 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/Dr-Wankenstein • 16h TIFU by tossing a package M So this happened last week, you know in the midst of all the Christmas chaos. I work for one of those delivery companies that's rather well known world wide. I should also point out that It was my coworkers fault and not mine. Anyway I had just finished unloading my truck and was depositing my "ground packages" into it's proper bin and taking care of my paper work when there's a commotion coming from the front of the station


Text - In comes marching the paramedics and fire department looking for an injured man with the name (for anonymity we will call him "Jon Snow." I know not very original or cool anymore, but with my newfound time l've invested in audiobooks. I'm already on book 4. ) Anyway I tell them "oh hang on, there's no injury I know of. Let me go ask my station supervisor." (I know good lil worker bee me. But seeing as l've been back at the station for a total of 5 minutes, I don't know wtf is going on) So


Text - Jim " What? No, there's been no accident here. Well the shop just closed up, let's make sure there's no one in the customer area." So he leads the paramedics around the station looking for Mr. Snow. Jim proceeds to come back into the loading dock as we are in the middle of our evening sort and have 10 or so minutes to get the truck out to the ramp. "Well there's no Mr. Snow here." That's when another coworker chimes in and says "Oh you're looking for Mr. Jon Snow? I had a package for him


Text - It's a fricken life alert that was pressed, triggered or sounded when it was tossed into the bin. Paramedics "huh well, first time for everything I suppose. Glad no one's hurt and my supervisor is not going to believe this story. And that my friends is why you shouldn't throw packages . Tldr: my coworker threw a package in a bin in the midst of the Christmas chaos, unknowingly triggered a life alert summoning the paramedics and fire department. 333 25 ↑, Share

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Tagged: employee , job , coworkers , tifu , Reddit

Guy Buys $1800 Bike From Thief, Returns To Owner

Every now and again we come across those moments when our faith in humanity is not disintegrated, but actually, beautifully restored. In this case, we have a guy who ended up buying a bike from a bike thief (the worst), and ultimately was able to return said stolen bike to the owner. Now that's just a win for humanity. 


Text - Ste Burke @SteBurke44 Has anyone had their bike stolen? Just bought this for £80 and it's got a bike lock on it. Apparently it's from the Crosby area. Bought it so I can get it to back to the right owner. I know it's a £1350 bike and id be heartbroken if it was me. Give us a shout


Bicycle tire - WHYTE


Text - Ste Burke @SteBurke44 Was messaged on here by someone and it ended up being the fellas who's bike it was. He had the key to the bike lock and all the paperwork to go with it. Ended up being from dovecot. Said his house got had off two days ago and.... (1/2)


Text - Ste Burke @SteBurke44 He'd saved up and spent £1250 on the bike last year. Said his house has been had off but he's made up that he's managed to get his bike back, so happy days. It's in the right hands now


Text - Ste Burke @SteBurke44 Replying to @caleb_2312 If I get it I get it, if not just happy a fella who's down on his luck at the minute has got a bit of a reason to be happy after his house has got had off. Fine by me


Text - 8 Text Message Today 16:55 You missed calls from me at 16:55 and 16:55 20 Jan. This is a free Call Alert from 02. To disable this dial 901, press *, then option 4 and option 5. iMessage L1 onall No worries lad leaving in 5


Blue - Think I'm outside lad White House The rat took me passport an bank card but l'll defo way you in Friday I'll phone u okay mate an once agen thanks for that Feel had takina it off vou mat. .Ich. I レー out mar If I see m .... •yud.


Logo - HEAVY IS THE HEAD @stormzy Replying to @SteBurke44 Top man

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Kid Infiltrates Walmart By Wearing Neon Vest

Anyone who has worked anywhere knows that you could walk into just about any business or institution carrying a ladder, holding a clipboard, wearing hard hat or hi vis jacket and not be questioned. It's not necessarily a good idea to impersonate staff, and it's probably some version of illegal. But as this kid attests, it can be done. For a while at least. For some rule bending, here are some loopholes people were able to exploit for years. For more Walmart junk, here are some of the weirdest things Walmart employees witnessed.


Text - Posted by u/GreenKeel 16 hours ago 14 2 O 9 L@17 3 11 TIFU by getting a lifetime ban from Walmart. My friend and I are both in high school, and we've been hanging out a lot over winter break. Today we were especially bored, and I suggested going to Walmart to look around. After a little while, we got bored of that too. Then an idea hit us. In the back of my car, I have 2 neon yellow vests. They seemed to match the style of vest that the employees in the parking lot were wearing, so natura


Text - At first we went unnoticed, and mostly just walked around the store. At one point, an older woman employee asked us if we would help her move some TVs on a cart for her. We agreed, and moved the TVs from the return section to the stocking shelves in the employee-only area in the back. As we walked in, the store's manager (I think) helped us stock the TVs, at which point he noticed he had never seen either of us. Thinking quickly, we introduced ourselves as new employees and shook his hand


Text - About ten minutes later, we entered the stocking area once again. This time, a younger woman immediately recognized that she we don't work for Walmart. She told us we need to leave immediately, and walked us straight to the exit. As I was leaving the store, a security employee ran up behind me and said something along the lines of: "You think you're funny? We got your pictures right here. Next time you come back to this store, I'll have you arrested."


Text - From there, I just got in my car and drove home. In a funny twist of events, my mom told me that I have an eye doctor's appointment at the Walmart Vision Center next week. I plan on faking illness to get out of it, so that she never finds out. TLDR : Friend and I put on yellow vests and posed as Walmart employees. We did free labor before receiving a lifetime ban from the store. I have an eye doctor's appointment at this Walmart next week, and my mom doesn't know about this.


Text - wanamassamama02 23.4k points · 18 hours ago My cousin got arrested and prosecuted for shoplifting at Wal-Mart and then got hired at the very same location a few months later. GreenKeel 10.3k points · 15 hours ago Lmao that gives me hope


Text - KitWalkerXXVII 5.0k points · 14 hours ago Ex-retail security guard here: 1. You were just goofing off, but my old store once got ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars in cell phones with a variation of that tactic. That would be why security was pissed. 2. I am 99.9% sure you're good. For starters, my co-workers had a helluva time picking out known shoplifters much less annoying teens. Additionally, the corporation I worked for had super strict rules on banning people or calling the


Text - LostInTheSauce34 2.3k points · 15 hours ago Lmao Walmart loss prevention, they wont recognize you


Text - swordsmanluke2 907 points · 13 hours ago Dress nice for your eye appointment. Maybe change the part in your hair and be on your best behavior. Ensure your mother is with you. The WM loss prevention folks will never notice you. Hell, they didn't notice that two strangers wearing yellow vests were running around stocking shelves. By next week they will have forgotten you as long as you give them no reason to pay attention to you. BeeEyeEngiOh 583 points · 12 hours ago 32 8 O Live life on th

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Woman "Accidentally" Announces Engagement At Friend's Wedding

Man, talk about a glaringly obvious attention to steal the limelight. It's your best friend's big day. This whole rodeo really only rolls around once. But as it does, you're going to have the audacity to try and make the day about you? Nope get out of here. For more juicy wedding drama check out the most entitled bridezillas of 2020 over here


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Text - Shadowcthuhlu • 16h Nta - I don't get the whole "taking attention away" when it's catching up during the reception or cocktail hour. That's what they ate there for Q Reply Vote •..


Text - Mathjunkie49 • 15h NTA. It's not like you got up, grabbed the microphone at the reception and made a big announcement. You answered someone's question and asked them to not make a big deal out of it. Bridezilla and her mom are out of line. Reply 1 Vote ...


Text - Glasgowghirl67 • 15h NTA, it was unfortunate people found out at the wedding, you didn't announce it during the speeches or the vows, sometimes these things happen and you did try to tell them you were not engaged and they wouldn't have it. Reply Vote ...

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Technically Accurate Moments That Aren't Incorrect

In this confusing and unclear world of ours, there are generally more opportunities for us to be technically correct about something than actually factually accurate. That would involve learning. Who wants that when you could just scoop some of that good old wit out of your brain cavity and call it technically accurate and not totally wrong.


Text - Quite Interesting @qikipedia ... Drops of rain are not 'raindrop- shaped' when they fall, but spherical Vertaal Tweet 23:00 · 18/12/20 · TweetDeck 20 Retweets 4 geciteerde Tweets 276 vind-ik-leuks Emil Aagaard Bovbjerg @Th... . 16 m Als antwoord op @qikipedia As they are, in fact, raindrops, whatever shape they have, is raindrop-shaped. O 17 2




Finger - this asshole fish decided to walk out of the water one day and now I have to go to work and pay rent


Lip - Hey Mariah, I got you a christmas present! I don't want a lot for christmas...


Human - Everyone who received the first smallpox vaccine in 1798 has died. Makes you think.


Text - 16. Expand 2(a+b) 2(a+b)* 2 (a+ b ) * 2 ( a + b ) 2. 2 (a + b ) 2. NO


Text - mamoru I have a very annoying neighbor, can someone teach me trumpet? mamoru dragginage That's the best part! You don't need to learn to play trumpet to annoy them. Just try your best and have fun! oh wow you are so right! thank you!


Ingredient - hello methlaboratories seasons greetings thebootydiaries god damn it


Cheek - These people are living in 2030 O 1.8K 212 Comments 189 Shares Like Comment Share Xavier So this pandemic will last 10 more years?


Sport venue - Selfie with Messi


Technology - My girlfriend just broke up with me What? Delivered Holy shit that sucks man


Finger - No one: Beatboxers:


Litter - Natu Natural LIGHT This is a Natural Disaster Natural Naty Natural Natur tural HT Natr


Cheek - "Egg salad is still chicken salad when you think about it " -Glenn Danzig


Leg - Big Foot Caught On Tape 91,539 views


Produce - DerpykillerG @harry90667320 The aim of golf is to play as little golf as possible. 10:14 PM · 21/12/20 · Twitter for iPhone ili View Tweet activity Listen here, you little shit


Text - if you never did this you had no childhood


Text - Year 2020 Lover 000 @enveloping I have a Ph.D. Do I want to be called doctor? Hell yes I do. When the pilot asks if there's a doctor on board I raise my hand every time. Then I solve an equation on the heart attack victim's chest while everyone yells at me. I have killed four men this way and I will kill again


Finger - Elmo stared in disbelief at the parasite that had been inside his body for decades.


Text - Secondary coil mary coil Fig. 5.1 (a) Describe how the transformer works. [3]


Human - the correct way to spell "hats" is HATS because it's all caps


Product - So...what do they do with the rest of the mole? Molasses ORIGINAL


Organism - We've all Kicked a pregnant Woman before


Infrastructure - Previous owners built this house, told us there was insulation in the roof. True story..


Text - More Reasons to Avoid Water? Is the #1 cause of drowning Excess consumption will cause sweating, urination, and possibly death 100% of people exposed to water will die Can be extracted from rocket fuel Is the main ingredient in pesticides 100% of violent criminals have consumed water in the hours leading up to their crimes

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Street Smarts Tips to Stay Safe Out There

All in all, a lot of this is common sense. Head on a swivel, don't talk to overly friendly strangers at 3 am, and don't walk around with hundred dollar bills poking out of your back pocket. It's sort of surprising how many people don't think about this stuff. For some flirtation with the law, here are things people later found out was illegal.


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Weird Garbage People Tried Selling On The Internet

People come and go, but our crap persists. With that, people try selling some weird junk online. You never know what someone might find in their attic or make in their backyard and try to spin into a collectable. From horrible furby-based art projects to literal piles of trash, people get clever and try to sell ridiculous junk online.


Ingredient - For Sale Sacramento ... 0 mins Rare plant growing from tennis ball $50 · 095827-3564 MESSAGE Tennis ball left in rain, growing unknown plant. Come and buy it and keep growing it. Maby you'll have a tree one day or rose you never know


Blue - 2:01 00 1 A ON all 80% i MM Snowman melted $5 Listed about a day ago in Maple Ridge, BC Send seller a message Hi, is this available? Send Send Offer Save Share


Finger - facebook Body parts helmet $50 Ask for Details Legs , arms and one baby head on a helmet .


Yellow - Gently used lollipops $5 Listed about an hour ago in Te Puke, Bay of Plenty


Machine - reply 3 Rrohibited Posted 2 days ago * Skilsaw - $40 print 40 rinishing- Wife says its gotta go. 7 1/4 blade. Runs great. The good: Pretty much stops at nothing when cutting. The bad: safety guard malfunctions randomly. Blade probably needs cleaning. • do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers


Root vegetable - 5:23 1 OHandmade Sage infuse with florida water and charged with hood energy. O $5. In Stock a Ships for $3.50 Includes Purchase Protection Learn More


Motor vehicle - 2004 Subaru Sti with built. 2004 Subaru Sti with built in vape $25,000 O Spruce Ave, Spruce Grove, AB T7. h Ao


Eyewear - GUCCI GUCCI MENU Cat Eye Sunglasses for Women Cat Eye Sunalasses for Women 1/3 Inverted cat eye sunglasse $755 AVAILABLE


Output device - $150 some still in shrinkwrap NE T JBOUNS $150 · 173 VHS copies of Jurassic Park VIEW ITEM


Product - 08:50 1 l 4G > Items for sale ... Yesterday at 23:44 · Hmp Lindholm prison shirt 16 inch coller 100% real I know as it was my dad's! +2 £60 · BRISTOL, ENGLAND MESSAGE HM prison shirt COVID-19 info for buyers and sellers Learn More S0 14 18 comments HM PRISON


Motor vehicle - Buying and Selling •.. in Waco Yesterday at 3:12 PM Does not run was wrecked in a lake then dried out to be fixed and when we tried to fix it somehow caught fire! It's in good shape other than the engine bat and the two front tires $2,000 · LOTT, TX 2003 chevy 1500 View Item SD 19 75 Comments O Like Comment Go buy it or hush!


Green - 10:00 @ 1 91% i Q Search Marketplace Shipped Listings Garrett Maestas 22 hours ago·O A Please follow local guidelines on physical distancing while buying and selling. I will draw your face on mike wazowski $30 A Ships for free with Purchase Protection Have you or a friend ever wanted to become mike wazowski? of beco... See More Have you always dreamed


Wood - •.. Owww Simpsons Longboard $100 Listed 5 days ago in Send seller a message is this still available? Send


Amber - Now selling spaghetti ornaments $3 a ornament


Road surface - reply Free Dirt Free Dirt Located off and ready for pick up in Glendale. Boxed


Vertebrate - BLAY P E.T. With nips and blue lips $10,000 Listed 6 days ago in Calgary, AB 2Seller prefers door drop off or pick up. Learn More


Font - minsS Wireless Seatbelts MESSAGE $50 · Hohenfels, Bayern, Germany Selling wireless seatbelts FCFS Wireless seat belts COVID-19 Info for Buyers and Sellers LEARN MORE 5 Like Comment A Share Mhe Car Seat1


Tool - TI FREE MESSAGE Wood chopping axe not for anything else


Red - Thicc boi salamander cheeto $130 Listed about a day ago in Colorado Springs, CÓ E Get Local Delivery. Learn More Send seller a message Hi js this still available? Send Send Offer Save Share


Peach - 4848% 11:22 ... Handcrafted Christmas nativity $5 Listed 7 hours ago in Grimsby, ON Send seller a message


Finger - These Hands MESSAGE FREE · Salt Lake City, UT Buy One Get One Free Shipping Available


Brown - sale 1d • O Like New couch ,pulled from the basement as No longer in use , Great for the living room. Give a quick wipe down and enjoy .or possibly the cottage. $250 Firm No Holds , $250 - Great Buy , Slight Wear, Cleaning. Minimal MESSAGE


Art - cricket A 40 al 66% 1:33 PM ... Toa Taco Bell Box – Autographed by Tom $25 Listed over a week ago in Montevallo, AL W Send seller a message


Branch - 50. Snow man arms $50 Listed 5 hours ago in White Bluff, TN Send seller a message Hello, is this still available? Send Like Send Offer Comment Save Share


Brown - FOR SALE OR SWAP IN ... 1 hr Coughing £300 6.2 feet coughing for sale due to wrong diagnosis any enquiries please give me a call

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Quick Tumblr Thread On Wolverine Always Showing Up

This quick and hilariously accurate Tumblr thread is dedicated to the fact that Wolverine always shows up when the X-Men need him, when they don't, and when it just plain old makes zero sense for the dude to be around flashing his extra long nails (or Adamantium) when no one asked for it. Check out some more random gold from Tumblr with these entertaining nuggets of comedy gold from Tumblr over here


Text - fireandlifeincarnate Follow supervillains fucking hate fighting the x-men because the teams change constantly and sometimes there are??? totally new people there???? fuck there's a teenager who literally just has eyes all over his body. is he even technically a superhero yet or is he a student. who the fuck knows. how do we counter this shit diamondfangedbarbarian Follow When one seems completely non-mutated and they're like


Product - GIF GIF by desingyouruniverse


Text - ayellowbirds Follow And no matter which team it is, Wolverine is there. Is it the future? Wolverine is there. Is it an alternate reality? Wolverine is there. Is Wolverine dead? Wolverine is there. | alliharkness Follow Was Wolverine never born in this alternate reality? Wolverine is there.


Text - A rebuilding221b Follow Does Wolverine only exist as a non corporeal spirit? Wolverine is there. alliharkness Follow Is Wolverine only a philosophical construct used to explain our place in an uncaring universe? Wolverine is there.


Text - A rebuilding221b Follow Is Wolverine only a theological concept used to explain mankind's struggle against the universe? Wolverine is there. daddyhyperion Follow Is Wolverine there? Another Wolverine is also there. And let's not forget when the villains just switch sides. Last week this guy was on your side now he's next to Wolverine and kicking your ass. The only constant is Wolverine.


Text - roseverdict Follow There are three constants in life: death, taxes, and Wolverine. generouslyandrogynousdragon Follow This entire thread sounds like Magneto woke up at 3am, wrote the whole thing with his eyes closed, then rolled over and went back to sleep. 254,038 notes

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Man Improves Company Efficiency, Management Disbands It, Business Takes A Hit

Every now and again you come across a company that clearly doesn't deserve the employee that they have under their belt. This is a clear, glaring, painfully obvious example of such a situation. Let's just say that the company in question certainly doesn't seem to enjoy the aftermath that they very well brought on themselves. 


Blue - r/MaliciousCompliance + Join u/Clueguy · 1d 1 2 2 5 @1 3 5 8 2 Are you sure you want me to get rid of my server that you use daily? Have fun dealing with the aftermath (Long) XL TLDR: Guy improves work place efficiency and all is good. New management and corporate policy doesn't like the efficient way of helping customers so they disband it. 24 hours later the blow back from decommissioned software has now affected business negatively. All could have been avoided if they continued to do w


Text - thank you u/redditisntreallyfe for the summary I'm going to use it if you don't mind. Story I worked for a large consumer electronics retailer for many years as technical support. I was also in charge of all of the internal devices and computers employees used at my location. Not the computers that were on demo for customers to use (comes in to play later) The retail stores offered technical support for computers and mobile devices. Now for technical support there were two laptops that I


Text - One such useful tool is called RecBoot. This application was Freeware (I checked the license) and not an internal tool. Back in the days when iDevices had a physical home button, to put the device in recovery mode, the home and power button would need to be pressed. RecBoot allowed a connected device to be put in recovery mode by clicking the recovery mode button. Easy and simple. A lot of devices had this home button stop working. When you were able to access the device, assistive touch


Text - This was brought up to management. Their solution, well there are tons of demo computers, connect the devices and do restores from them. There ya go, bob's your uncle. These demo computers were loaded with a demo image and configured that any changes made would be reverted when the computer was restarted, also the admin password was a guarded secret (I had the password but was definitely not allowed to share it). To run RecBoot after it had been downloaded from the internet required the a


Text - So to do a restore each demo computer would have to download the restore image (many GB of download) and it would take 20+ minutes just to download one, not even complete a restore. Each device model would need a specific restore image. You can imagine this was not ideal but to management "hey, it works, problem solved" What I started doing was I would unfreeze a few computers, transfer all of the needed restore images on to them from a local server and freeze them again. I would also tra


Text - Everyone seemed to think it was a great idea and it really helped. It was a lot of upkeep. Every time a new software update was released I would have to unfreeze, transfer and then refreeze the computers. If a new demo image was installed on the computers I would have to redo it as well. It would take a few hours to get done. I was happy to do it, it saved a lot of time in the end and we were able to offer better service to customers. Well, the person in charge of the demo computers did n


Text - I came up with a solution, with the server already running I would share the logins with the the technical support team. I could grant admin access on the server, they could run the tools needed (more specifically RecBoot) and should a restore image be needed they could transfer it locally over the network to the demo computer they were using, much faster. All was well until we got a new lead technician. Jeb. Now unlike other stories Jeb was not an external hire but a technician who had b


Text - During a physical inventory of the store it was noted that my server was not a managed internal server nor was it a demo unit for customers. As such it needed to be decommissioned and the hardware returned to the warehouse. Jeb brings this to my attention as I am the one who takes care of internal devices. He asks that I make it gone by the end of the next day. I pointed out that I had followed the guidelines and that he knew full well how useful this was. I brought up that it would impac


Text - He wouldn't have it. He cited that any computer on the network needed to be managed and my server was no longer approved. He also let me know that the two laptops that were being used by the technicians were going to have an image installed on them and now be managed units. I tried to argue (at least for my server) and he threatened to write me up. Alright, I'll let you dig your own grave. He also sent out an email to the whole technical support team pretty much forbidding the use of any


Text - Without my server and now the two laptops being managed no one had an admin password (except me and the IT team who was remote and tickets were usually only responded to in 24-48 hours) but being managed no unapproved software could be installed anyways. Cue the next night (first day without the server) when I get a call from Jeb in a panic, asking how he could get RecBoot working and he really needed it. I had the pleasure of telling him that the server was gone and no unapproved softwar


Text - Turns out a customer started throwing a fit. Not only one but multiple people over the course of the day and each time it was escalated to him to deal with. Each time having my server would have put a swift end to the problem.


Text - This particular customer had an iPhone that was about a year and a half (only 1 year of warranty) and the home button stopped working. They had been in previously and were given the options of the virtual home button (free), paying for a replacement phone (a few hundred dollars) or buying a brand new phone. Repairing the home button was not a repair offered. They had opted for the free option. This time the customers kid had played with the phone, entered the passcode wrong and the phone


Text - Of course the customer doesn't have iCloud set up or a recent backup. So no remote wipe and no way of backing up the info. To top it off they would have to spend hundreds of dollars for a replacement phone or buy a brand new one. Having had the phone less than two years their phone contract was not up for renewal with their cell phone provider. Needless to say the customer was pissed. After that day customer satisfaction and wait times tanked. He had to deal with a lot more escalations. H

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Ex Buys Himself Gift As Gift To Girlfriend, Petty Revenge Ensues

Homie had this one coming. What possesses a dude with this kind of inconsiderate audacity where he honestly goes out and buys himself a gift, gives said "gift" to his girlfriend, and the whole time meant for it to be a gift back to himself? Clearly, this relationship was going nowhere real fast. Fortunately, his girlfriend happened upon some sweet extra money, and was able to throw it right back in his face. Dating inspires all kinds of pettiness, and this one's a definite gem. Check out some more juicy petty revenge content with this driver who taught a road rager a fine lesson in the art of petty revenge


Blue - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/ImOnAnAllCarbDiet · 5d 5 1 S 7 8 3 Ex bought himself a gift as a gift to me... So I did the same This happened a couple of Christmases ago but someone told me to post this story here so... Here I am. About 4 months before Christmas 2018, my boyfriend at the time accidentally spilt a drink on his laptop and wrecked the thing. He couldn't afford a new one and it was his main source of entertainment, so I said he could borrow mine since I didn't use it that often.


Text - Everything was fine until Christmas that year, he still hadn't gotten a new laptop by that point but I assumed that was because he was saving up to get himself a decent laptop rather than a crappy one he could just about afford. Anyway, he handed me my gift and to my surprise it was a brand new laptop. I assumed that he bought me a laptop to replace my old one and was going to take my old laptop for himself. Nope. His gift to me was buying himself a new laptop so that he didn't have to us


Text - When he opened it his eyes lit up and he looked so excited at the prospect of his new laptop, but when he started to open it I took it back from him and told him that it was actually for me and my gift was letting him keep his new laptop without me trying to use it all of the time. Of course we got into a massive argument and that eventually led to us breaking up (thankfully we exchanged gifts a few days before Christmas so the day wasn't ruined). I returned the laptop and used the money

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Bride Demands Destination Wedding Is Child-Free

Weddings are always a ripe environment for dramas breaking out left and right. You've got a couple folks getting ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of their lives together, you've got irrational cases of perfectionism, and you've got family members that should never be in the same room with one another doing just that. In this case, our bride asks the folks of Reddit whether or not she was in the wrong for asking for her destination wedding to be child-free. Most folks seems to take sides with her. The one thing is she might not be able to expect a whole lot of people to show up. 

If you're looking for more juicy wedding drama check out this collection of the year's most entitled bridezillas


Text - AITA for insisting my destination wedding be child-free? Not the A-hole After years of dating my bf proposed and we set off planning the wedding. Our families are spread out across the United States and there is no singular location that would be convenient for the majority. With this in mind we chose a state no one lives in that is central to all but family on the west coast. This location was by the water and since everyone was traveling we chose to make it more 'adult' - evening, open


Text - I understand the hardship of traveling with kids and I also understand the hardship of finding childcare. We weighed the 'no kids' decision heavily. At our venue we had to pay per chair, per plate, and would have had to pay for a babysitting service. This information paired with a waterside venue and the stress of watching children during such a momentous life event sealed the 'no kids' decision. This did not go over well. We had pushback from multiple people, but the most extreme reactio


Text - My older brother is much older. His ex wife, current wife, biological mom, and other extended family live close to him. When I told him the wedding was child- free he tried to negotiate. For months he would call me, my dad, or my fiancé separately with suggestions. The closer it got to the wedding, the more it escalated. My niece at the time was under 3 and my brother said she would be disappointed by not being invited to attend her aunts wedding. He bought plane tickets for himself and m


Text - His wife never planned on coming to the wedding and was always planning to watch their young son. My brother insisted that watching his son and daughter would be too much for his wife, alone. Other family members were available to watch his daughter and he declined. Regardless, he said they would have to leave the wedding early so my niece would be in bed on time. He also said he was never planning on traveling for the wedding, just for the family reunion. I have gotten mixed feedback on


Text - queenoreo • 23h · Supreme Court Just-ass [110] NTA. He knew it was child free and tried to bully you. Q Reply 1.5k ...


Text - numtini • 23h • Partassipant [2] 1 Award NTA but you should understand and accept that anyone who's a parent probably won't be attending. O Q Reply 5.4k 3 ...


Text - WebbieVanderquack · 23h · His Holiness the Poop [1074] NTA. Honestly, I can understand people being frustrated that they can't bring their kids to a destination wedding, because it probably involves finding someone to babysit their children over at least one night. What I can't understand is repeatedly petitioning you to change your mind. You're allowed to have a child-free wedding, and your brother is allowed to not attend. And I'm sure his wife would be fine with their two children for


Text - AntiqueBaby • 21h NTA. Some people hear a boundary as a war cry, that's on them. Reply 87 ...


Text - WebbieVanderquack · 23h · His Holiness the Poop [1074] NTA. Honestly, I can understand people being frustrated that they can't bring their kids to a destination wedding, because it probably involves finding someone to babysit their children over at least one night. What I can't understand is repeatedly petitioning you to change your mind. You're allowed to have a child-free wedding, and your brother is allowed to not attend. And I'm sure his wife would be fine with their two children for


Text - Rabbit1015 · 22h NTA weddings are stressful enough to plan without people trying to strong arm you. Hope you and partner had a great day regardless. Reply 64 3 •..


Text - Happy-Tip-8728· 20h I had this issue at my wedding :). My husband and I wanted it child-free because our wedding was more adult themed. People we invited with children were unhappy and ultimately didn't come. Like someone else mentioned you should accept and understand that those with children probably won't attend. Your wedding is your special day and you can invite whomever you want to You're NTA Reply 21 ...


Text - Dreadedredhead • 18h · Partassipant [1] NTA. You issued an invitation. Instead of child-free, what if folks wanted to argue the start/end times, the menu, the location, the dress code. No, the proper response to any invitation is YES THANK YOU for the invite or NO THANK YOU, but thank you for the invite. He is attempting to change your plans for your event. Instead of demanding different options, the proper response from him should have been NO, but thank you for inviting us. We had a chi


Text - Youngish_widoe • 19h NTA. But, I dont understand what's the problem for people with kids to just decline! When you decide to have kids, you should know they're not going to be invited to some places and events. The parents are going to be restricted as well. All the parents who say "Personally, l'm not going anywhere without my kids." Fine, thats your decision and people respect it. Just decline for that reason. But, if you make that statement, then get mad because your child it not invit


Text - Limerase • 18h NTA Lots of people have childfree weddings, and I frankly can't stand the folks who think their children should be an exception. If you're paying for it, then you can darn well say to guests, no children allowed. I've been to weddings a child. Weddings are not fun. They're stuffy and boring, and when your first experience at a wedding was a Puerto Rican CATHOLIC wedding when you were an ADHD three-year-old, oh lord, was I a bored little nugget. Reply ...


Text - blinkingsandbeepings · 14h NTA. I was leaning the other way because I tend to think weddings should be inclusive family-friendly affairs, but then I remembered the horrible recent story on here about the child who drowned at a lakeside wedding reception. It is probably safer to keep it adults-only and your brother's behavior is pretty excessive IMO. It seems like he's more interested in proving a point (a formal disinvitation? where do you even get stationary for that?) than in finding a


Text - AzuFox • 14h NTA. I'm a parent and I never bring my kids to weddings to begin with. You pay a lot of money to have a special day, I don't need my meltdown-prone gremlin to ruin it or you to have to pay for a plate when she'll probably just be eating PB&j when we get back anyways. plus I like having adult time. So in the situations where I have to go across the country for stuff, I bring her AND a babysitter. Babysitter gets a free vacation, we find a hotel with a pool, and babysitter and


Text - Low-Bank-4898 · 22h · Asshole Aficionado [10] NTA. You can explicitly lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him understand that no means no, apparently. You were incredibly clear, and your brother made some incredibly clear choices. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Congrats on the marriage, though! Reply 1 10 ...


Text - Water-Disastrous · 22h · Partassipant [1] NTA you're planning a wedding and they cost a tonne. Do what you want and what you are going to do. You're not obligated to provide childcare and if they want to bring kids, they can pay for that. If people can't come because of children then you have to accept they won't be there, you would BTA if you were to insist they attend. Reply ...

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Siri Has Meltdown During Car Ride


Ay, Siri, you good bro? Just because we have all this advanced technology available at our disposal doesn't mean that the technology isn't invulnerable to having its own moments where everything just melts down. 

Submitted by: (via Mazersky)

Tagged: FAIL , siri , technology , cars , driving , funny , Video

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