

Compilation Of Crazy Cool Physics Professor's Shenanigans and more...

This is the kind of professor that every school needs to make sure they get the kids fired up about Physics. This guy's in his 70's and he's out there effortlessly radiating an intoxicating youthful energy. Love all the antics, Prof.


Compilation Of Crazy Cool Physics Professor's Shenanigans and more...

 In This Issue...

Compilation Of Crazy Cool Physics Professor's Shenanigans


This is the kind of professor that every school needs to make sure they get the kids fired up about Physics. This guy's in his 70's and he's out there effortlessly radiating an intoxicating youthful energy. Love all the antics, Prof. 

Submitted by: (via Alberto)


Streamer Asked What 6th Day Of The Week Is, Gets It Wrong, Melts Down


At the very least this streamer's incorrect answer about what the sixth day of the week is might ignite a full on battle royale over when people officially start their weeks. It's just a bit of a spicy topic. 

Submitted by: (via Sumerian Sapience)


Steve Harvey Announces Miss Universe, It's The Wrong Person


Oh Steve, what were you thinking? Watch and cringe your face off as Steve Harvey crowns the winner of the Miss Universe competition, only to realize after the waves of applause have run their course, that he read the wrong "winner." I wonder how early on into all the applause he realized that he'd failed big time. Or, did someone have to tell Steve that he'd gone and messed up? 

Submitted by: (via AlexGVEVO)


Tumblr Post: Former English Teacher Defends Controversial Christmas Song

It's that time of the year again. With the holiday season in full bloom, it's time to steer our attention to that one Christmas song that never fails to stir up the spicy debate about what it's exactly getting at. We have a former English teacher chime in on a tweet that condemns the infamous song, "Baby It's Cold Outside", with their analysis of what the song actually represents. 


Text - Andrew Rannells @AndrewRannells I don't think any more people need to record Baby It's Cold Outside. I think we're good there. teachingwithcoffee It's time to bring an end to the Rape Anthem Masquerading As Christmas Carol


Text - bigbutterandeggman Hi there! Former English nerd/teacher here. Also a big fan of jazz of the 30s and 40s. So. Here's the thing. Given a cursory glance and applying today's worldview to the song, yes, you're right, it absolutely *sounds* like a rape anthem. BUT! Let's look closer! "Hey what's in this drink" was a stock joke at the time, and the punchline was invariably that there's actually pretty much nothing in the drink, not even a significant amount of alcohol.


Text - See, this woman is staying late, unchaperoned, at a dude's house. In the 1940's, that's the kind of thing Good Girls aren't supposed to do – and she wants people to think she's a good girl. The woman in the song says outright, multiple times, that what other people will think of her staying is what she's really concerned about: "the neighbors might think," "my maiden aunt's mind is vicious," "there's bound to be talk tomorrow." But she's having a really good time, and she wants to stay, a


Text - That is the standard joke that's going on when a woman in media from the early-to-mid 20th century says "hey, what's in this drink?" It is not a joke about how she's drunk and about to be raped. It's a joke about how she's perfectly sober and about to have awesome consensual sex and use the drink for plausible deniability because she's living in a society where women aren't supposed to have sexual agency. Basically, the song only makes sense in the context of a society in which women are


Text - and expected for a lady's gentleman companion to pressure her despite her protests, because he knows she would have to say that whether or not she meant it, and if she really wants to stay she won't be able to justify doing so unless he offers her an excuse other than “I'm staying because I want to." (That's the main theme of the man's lines in the song, suggesting excuses she can use when people ask later why she spent the night at his house: it was so cold out, there were no cabs availa


Text - the woman has a voice, and she's using it to give all the culturally-understood signals that she actually does want to stay but can't say so. She states explicitly that she's resisting because she's supposed to, not because she wants to: “I ought to say no no no..." She states explicitly that she's just putting up a token resistance so she'll be able to claim later that she did what's expected of a decent woman in this situation: "at least I'm gonna say that I tried." And at the end of th


Text - So it's not actually a song about rape - in fact it's a song about a woman finding a way to exercise sexual agency in a patriarchal society designed to stop her from doing so. But it's also, at the same time, one of the best illustrations of rape culture that pop culture has ever produced. It's a song about a society where women aren't allowed to say yes.which happens to mean it's also a society where women don't have a clear and unambiguous way to say no. Source: matchingvnecks #baby it'

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Barista Wrongly Assumes Customer Wants Fist Bump

Man, all this technology that we have infused with our daily existence can go on to inspire some moments of hilarious confusion. Basically, the technology can end up accomplishing the opposite intended effect. In this case, we have a customer who was just out there trying to make use of their fancy Apple watch, and ended up in the middle of a fist bump exchange that they never wanted a part in, in the first place. Oh well, at least we got the nice little fail out of it. 


Text - r/tifu u/shaqahontas • 15h + Join 1 2 8 2 TIFU by fist-bumping a customer that didn't want to be fist-bumped M So this happened a few years ago when I was a somewhat new barista at a coffee shop (green, famous, a siren as the logo, fraps - you get the idea). New baristas are usually put in drive thru since it's easy, and all you need to focus on is ringing orders through, charging customers, and handing food/drinks out (as well as deal with the occasional annoying customer). This was my f


Text - reason, I would always mess up some way or another in the easiest position ever (either by being excruciatingly awkward with the customer or ringing something in wrong), so mistakes would weigh heavily on me. But even though cute, 17 year old me would internally cry at my terribly awkward social skills and inability to function normally, l'd have to renew my big, trembling smile and brittle enthusiasm for every incoming customer. I always put my best cheerful foot forward when greeting cu


Text - One morning after the 6:00am-9:00am rush passed, I was on drive by myself. Things were slowing down, and I felt quite good about not messing up so far in my shift. So I was excited to meet the next drive customer. Usually, in response to my cheery greetings (or any greeting for that matter), customers respond with at least a "Hello" or "how's it going?" as per normal human etiquette. Customer X did not; Customer X wrote his own rules. He rolls up to the window and I greet him with a cute


Text - bump for some reason. So I go with it, I fist-bump him, which makes him give me a confused look. I get confused too so I cup my hands under his fist again, thinking "maybe he wants a fist-bump before giving me his change". He then proceeds to open his fist, palm up, to reveal that nothing was there, and then holds his hand in a fist again. For some reason this makes me think he's performing the magic trick where the magician shows you there's nothing in his hand and then he makes somethin


Text - I immediately ducked beneath the window in embarrassment and laughed awkwardly and loudly at myself. I heard him chuckle while driving off as I died on the floor. TL;DR I didn't understand why a customer was wordlessly offering me his fist, so I fist-bumped him multiple times, not realizing he just wanted to pay with his Apple watch. Edit: I usually find these edit thank-you endnotes cheesy and annoying, but just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the upvotes and awards upvotes l've

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Mortician on Dating App Gets Slammed With Puns

For most people, dating is about being suave and trying to subtly insinuate how much money you make. But for the rest of us, it's all about how many bone-shatteringly clever and stupid puns you can shoehorn into a short conversation. And if someone mentions that they have an out-of-the-ordinary job? All aboard the pun train, choo choo. Tinder is known to get some cheesy and stupid moments, but hey man everyone's doing their best. For fans of wordplay and cleverness, here are technically accurate moments that aren't exactly wrong.


Purple - As a comedian I am very much resisting the urge to make so many deaths puns right now. Must mean I like you. Oh my god no let rip I love hearing jokes about it So is that why you're on hinge? Cause you think romance is dead? You should let me stay the night and practice while I sleep. Might get stiff though. I'm 5"10, Im glad my height doesn't matter to you since you like 6 feet under. Since we are in a pandemic don't come on a date with me if you are coffin


Purple - If you wanna impress me you need to urn it These puns dont get better.they only get hearse Dating me is like being read your last rites. Soon l'll take you to heaven. Hahah amazing! Thank you I could have kept going but l'm cooking dinner. But I can understand if you are dying to hear another one... Ok. I was fired from being a grave digger cause I lost the plot. I can only date someone that shares my corpse values


Text - Babe when you walked by it stopped my heart. Can you please call 000 I know you meet a lot of Mummies but I can be your Daddy. There's three things certain in life, death, taxes and me buying you a drink Can I embalm you? Because I want to enjoy your body all night I'm glad you're a bottom because I prefer to be autopsy How you made that corpse expel gas blew me away After we spread these ashes can I spread your legs? Babe you don't need that crematorium to light a fire in my heart


Text - Wow Take off those clothes and show me your bereaver Haha look you did say let it rip. Yeah but I didn't think you'd have that many I was thinking one or two When I get on a roll it's very hard to stop haha. Dunno if this makes you want to date me or block me. Either way I had fun!


Text - Haha no I liked them, I don't think I've ever had someone put in so much effort before Your pleasure is my leisure. Hahah So was that enough to score a coffee with the pretty lady? No? Sorry for your loss. Sent

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Tagged: Death , clever , puns , one liners , lol , dumb , funny , stupid , wordplay

Creepiest Things People Said On A First Date

The dating world can be a strange and terribly uncomfortable one at times. You never really know what you're walking into on that first date. Sometimes, you end up sitting across the table from a seemingly normal person, until they start busting out all the gnarly red flags. Maybe they say something that you just can't look past when it's all said and done. From there, it's really up to you to remove yourself from the unfortunate situation. These people describe times they found themselves on a first date that they just had to dip on out of before it was all said and done. With what they're describing, it seems like a completely understandable decision. 


Text - Dubstepface · 11h 5 Awards Friend told me the guy not only asked for a selfie but posted on facebook with the caption "my queen". First time meeting. Reply 9.7k 3 ...


Text - irememberthepotatoho • 10h 12 Awards Mid date he placed his hand on my stomach and said "My son will grow here". O Q Reply 13.1k ...


Text - baconkiller1 • 8h 1 Award "I just really like mustard" as she continues suck mustard packets worst part, we were at a somewhat nice restaurant. SHE BROUGHT MUSTARD TO EAT. Q Reply 1 3.3k 3


Text - zDemon1c • 11h 2 Awards Went out with a girl one night and after dinner she drove me up into the mountains (I was new to the area) and after a while, when there were no more lights, she started talking about serial killers. I still remember her saying "I used to think about getting away with stuff like that sometimes" Reply 1 5.0k 3 ...


Text - atom626262• 12h When we get married I can wear this dress... First date went back to her place and while giving me the tour she pulled a beautiful wedding dress out of a closet and said this to me while holding it up to her body. | Reply 1 2.8k 3 ...


Text - small_parsley • 10h Was new in town, swiping on Tinder because I was bored. "Do your friends know you're on a date? No? I could kill you and no one would know haha" There was no second date. Reply 500 ...


Text - Excellent-Raccoon-32 • 12h 2 2 Awards "I invited my ex to join us for lunch" Reply 7.8k ...


Text - luvtomaketrouble · 12h 3 1 Award It wasn't something that someone said, but he stole my credit card out of my purse when I wasn't looking. Luckily on the way home I stopped for coffee and noticed it was missing. Froze the account that second


Text - Kyoshi-atemycabbages · 8h Went on a tinder date to the movies when I was 18. He picked me up in his truck and played terrible loud depressing music. In the theatre, he was on his phone swiping on tinder the whole time, then leaned over and told me that i was lucky to be out with him because all these other girls wanted to be with him. YIKES. My roommate picked me up when I excused myself to the bathroom. Reply 1 1.7k ...


Text - Cityofooo · 11h Within knowing each other about an hour he told me he "had never wanted kids before," but the moment we met he "felt it biologically." Then he told me he wanted to be my son's step-father as well. Reply 1 1.5k ...


Text - fireflyfly3 · 12h 3 1 Award "Look, this has to go well. Both of my brothers' wives are pregnant with their second children. Do not let me down." Said to me within three minutes of sitting down. Q Reply 5.1k


Text - MinimalCollector • 12h Showed me a long list on her phone of if I can guess without exaggeration, at least 60-70 baby names for when she has a kid, and joked about having baby fever. They were all really country-bumpkin names like "Brekken" and "Gatlin" too, which somehow made it more unpalatable for me.


Text - cryptoscopophilia • 15h 2 Awards Called their mom in front of me to say they met a real winner and how they were done with their ex. Not sure if this counts but it was really uncomfortable. Reply 12.3k ...


Text - 31USC3729 • 13h 1 Award "I was Joan of Arc in my former life." "I wanna tear you apart. And your friend, too." Kind of a toss up, imho. Reply 1 1.6k + ...


Text - haley4221 · 12h 3 1 Award This guy wasn't talking at all and I only brought a few talking points cause normally they talk the whole time. I didn't have anything else to say and asked him to start talking and he said: "What I want to talk about can't be said in public" When I ended the date he thought we were going to go to my place to "talk" and I said no. I got in my car, noted what car he got into, and took a few breaths to calm down. I looked around and his car was still there. I waite


Text - MikeErk67 · 14h 1 Award "My son is gonna love having you around" Lady, we talked twice on tinder and I've only known you for five minutes. Ease up on the step daddy talk.


Text - Celedte • 13h do you gain weight easily. why do you want to ask that??? Imaoo Reply 868 ...


Text - AlliWearisBlack13 • 11h Told me I was getting old and needed to get married and have kids soon so my grandparents can meet them. I was 25 and he was 24. The entire conversation was him waving a lot of red flags about wanting a baby mama and partner who "hadn't gotten around" and there was no second date. Gross. Reply 480 ...


Text - I went on a date with my cousin's coworker who I met really quickly once and thought was cute. When we sat down at dinner he started talking about his job and he told me he holds his pee all day because he felt weird taking bathroom breaks around the guys at work. # QReply 1 885 ...


Text - AnxiouslyHonest · 11h "Better lock it down now, huh? While you're ripe for the taking." Referring to my low self esteem that he picked up on Reply 1 1.6k 3 ..


Text - ErroneousZones • 14h "You ever wonder what it's like to die?" # Q Reply 4 441 ...


Text - bulbagill • 11h That he stole all the zip ties from his work to add to "his collection" and he'd show me it sometime. Reply 174 •..


Text - Old_Man_Robot · 7h About 10 minutes before we were due to meet, she called and said she had spotted a few friends at the bar, so that she would be with them when I got there. That sounded both fine and normal, if a bit intimidating for a first date. What happened instead was she, and 4 other strangers, had crammed into one side of a booth and asked me to sit on the other side. They proceeded to give me an interview-like panel discussion about dating their friend. I could have maybe gone a

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Hilarious, Creepy, And Cursed Glitches From The Sims

Nothing like some throwback glitches from the ever wacky and cursed world of The Sims to make you want to fire the game back up again. Many of us have devoted ungodly amounts of time to crafting all kinds of luxury palaces, cursed abominations, etc. in The Sims. Sometimes as you're playing the game though, things just don't quite add up, and the glitches end up churning out straight up waking nightmares. 


Ear - thefruitythebooty: id cry too if that was living in my house


Table - alexsuareasy: simsgonewrong: My kid was having a pool party and the Grim reaper showed up and took the whole plate of grilled salmon rude


Human - Everyone is freaking out about the fire except little Damon.






Text - Congratulations on getting married! Anabella Horse sent you a Dancing Bunny that can be found in your family inventory. Two things are wrong with this. A) A horse sent me a wedding present. B) It's a dancing bunny.


Floor - onlyfollowbadblogs: you are what you eat


Dress - BOOO0- Aumeo ake Sodal Myn Fun kevlived: sim caught cheating by his girlfriend


Fun - thefruitythebooty: simsgonewrong | Come, sit down. his eyes say bedroom', but his hands say 'hospital"


Technology - risarampant So I was playing the sims and it was all cool right? Then I see something moving across the floor. IS THAT A FUCKING PLATEI? THINKING ABOUT THE DISHWASHERI?


Finger food - simsgonewrong: | He dreams to be back on a plate


Shoulder - fugdamatriarchy: verypenmuchjoneswow: If I can't bring the spoon to my face THEN I'LL BRING MY FACE TO THE SPOON beautiful 310,603 notes


Photograph - It took my sim 16 hours to put out this fire because he stopped to celebrate his birthday.


Photograph - simsgonewrong so this woman died at my sims party so I had my sim take a selfle with the grim reaper


Green - 88Sims 3 WUT 03/28/12(Wed)01:49 No.134100234 [] The carpool will arrive in one hour." Sim takes 7 hours to reach street (running) Sim passes out twice, pisses himself once along the way finishes last hour of shift, heads home walks the whole way back (~14 hr trip) walks through front door The carpool will arrive in one hour." crablouse: bastardfact: The daily grind merciless god. 117,002 notes ...


Elbow - abluejeep-ablackimpala: couragekay: cornfuse: My sims decided to make out after they ate pie. oh shit I thought they were eating eachother


Winter - My sim's son built this after his dog died. I don't think he was handling it very well...


Finger - EA I had two very attractive Sims and they had a baby. But the kid was hideous - so I had it taken away. Then they had a daughter, and she was beautiful; but once she started school, she brought a friend home. It was the first kid.




Text - darecrowavis: simsgonewrong: So one of my sims died, and the grim reaper turned up to do his business, but then another of my sims went into labour and the grim reaper started freaking the hell out "THIS IS NOT MY JOB. THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF MY JOB."


Interior design - gotta go fast #nsfw #sims 3 #sims #the sims #the sims 3 #scopophobia O7 months ago V 5185 s + Share

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Inconsequential Things People Hate With A Passion

The more you get to know people, the more you realize it's the smallest things that often make us the most upset. Car got totaled? Too bad, gotta move on. Someone took your designated parking spot? This cannot stand. We all have our preferences, things that get under our skin, and petty things we're extremely passionate about.


Text - pete1901 1.5k points · 1 day ago The fact that the word palindrome isn't a palindrome.


Text - moinatx 1.4k points · 1 day ago Managers who insist on calling meetings and giving long-winded instruction about some mistake or infraction one or two people committed instead of having the balls to just go talk personally to the one or two people.


Text - WEareINdanger 34.1k points · 1 day ago 5 46 3 4 & 4 More "In these unprecedented times"


Text - Rly_grinds_my_beans 30.3k points · 1 day ago 6 4 3 3 2 8 2 When the microwave keeps beeping even after you've opened the door to get your food out. Like I know it's done, that's why I'm opening it, you don't need to keep screaming at me thanks


Text - sublevelstreetpusher 28.6k points · 1 day ago 8 2 4 S 5 & 5 More That shark fin shaped spot on my windshield that my wipers can't reach


Text - shortguynumber1 17.3k points · 1 day ago 2 2 e3 S & 2 More Video game ads that dont show actual gameplay footage.


Text - mnhill2088 17.2k points · 1 day ago 3 People who try to get on the elevator before letting рeople off.


Text - miraculous_milk 15.5k points 2 days ago 3 32 People who stand in a 30 minute line, but wait until they get to the register to look at the menu


Text - Hawkmek 14.9k points · 1 day ago 3 3 & 4 More My wife leaving the microwave on a random number instead of zeroing it out so the time displays. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.


Text - themoldovanstoner 12.0k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 daago 2 2 & 3 More People who watch TV or movies on their phone, without headphones in the breakroom.


Text - hamgermaster 11.3k points · 1 day ago when you are gonna walk trough a door and your shirt or backpack,etc gets stuck on the handle


Text - Howabouthatnow 10.6k points · 1 day ago 2 O 2 3 A 3 People that pull out in front of you, when no one is driving behind you, and then drive 20 miles an hour.


Text - AntiqueGhost13 8.8k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago 2 O 2 e3 & 7 More When people inappropriately use an apostrophe in the plural form of a word. "Sunday's"


Text - You_Mean_Coitus_ 7.5k points · 2 days ago 20 People that walk through busy pedestrian areas with zero self awareness. You know the ones- almost bumping into you as they're glued to their phones, stopping suddenly in front of you to gaze in a window, 4 people walking spread out and making others step in to the street.. The list goes on.


Text - advancedwarlord 6.4k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago Y'know that little bit of soda at the bottom of the can that you can never reach? Edit: this is my absolute greatest pet peeve thank you for everyone who agrees with me


Text - PlaneCrazy787 6.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago One of my biggest social pet peeves are people who refer to others by their first name when it's likely you don't know who they are. For example, a coworker saying they ate dinner with Sam and Robert on the weekend. When you ask who Sam/Robert are, they say "my brothers-in-law". Like...did you really think I know your BILS by name?


Text - WheeZee65 6.1k points · 1 day ago 2 3 2 Putting on the brights to compensate for a dead headlight.


Text - KingFoamhead 5.6k points · 1 day ago 2 8 Being asked "are you sure" about really trivial decisions. Them "Do you want a coke or pepsi?" Me: "Coke". Them: "Are you sure?" Me: "Oh God I don't know!!!!!" (Throws self off building)


Text - goldilocks22 5.4k points · 1 day ago People who are making a phone call while simultaneously making a transaction with a live human being in front of them. "Yeah I'm here for my meds.... hold on one second.... I know, Jake, isn't that crazy? I thought the same thing.... my birthdate? Ok..". Just get off the damn phone. So rude!


Text - BrightBlueShimmering 4.6k points · 1 day ago People who spend 10 mins circling a half-full parking lot to find a marginally closer spot to the store entrance. If they'd just picked a parking spot a bit further out they'd be in the store already instead of circling. And their incessant circling creates traffic for people trying to leave the lot or walk to their car. Just park 15 spots further away already!


Text - AtL_eAsTwOoD 4.6k points · 1 day ago People that are ahead of me in the gas station buying a shit ton of lottery tickets.


Text - Guapalos1 4.3k points · 1 day ago Leaving shopping carts randomly in the parking lot.


Text - corneredcryptid 3.9k points · 1 day ago People who talk on speaker phone or listen to music/videos without headphones in public. Literally no one else wants to be subjected to your noise pollution. Stop it.


Text - Rynie2121 3.7k points · 1 day ago When I see new neighborhoods being built with houses starting at least 650K, and they have NO YARD and the houses are literally 3 feet apart from each other.


Text - TizzleDirt 2.9k points · 1 day ago (3 Commercials that have the food cannibalize each other. Just, why?


Text - theshoegazer 2.7k points · 1 day ago People who have every sound notification enabled on their phones, down to the fake keyboard clicking noise it makes when composing a text.


Text - elleyro 2.2k points · 1 day ago when they lick their finger to turn the page


Text - brandolinium 2.0k points · 1 day ago Leaving the dish scrubber in the sink with the dirty dishes. I don't want to reach my hand into the mucky water to find the thing, ffs! And if it's totally gross, I have to clean it off so I can use it to scrub the dishes. C'mon!


Text - Feeling-OnFire 2.0k points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago Considering that I now work at a grocery store, people who leave refrigerated/frozen items NOT in the refrigerators or freezers, and sometimes people who try to start a conversation; just leave me alone and let me ring you out so you can leave


Text - opaquewatercolor 2.0k points 1 day ago I have an aunt who turns on her cellphone when she needs to call someone. When she is done she turns it off. No one can ever reach at the end we always call her husband.


Text - Twokidsforme 1.8k points · 1 day ago S The phrase "we'll touch base". It absolutely grates on me. I have no reason to hate it. I just do. 1 Adatar410 1.6k points · 1 day ago You seem pretty upset about that. Let's circle back to it later and we'll touch base on your opinions more.

Submitted by:


"Not My Job" Moments of Unprofessional Failure

We've all had some kind of our own "not my job" moments before. It could have been sweeping a little too much dirt under a rug or cleverly not seeing a whole bunch of stuff that needed doing. A lot of the time it's just doing what someone told you to do even though you know it's wrong. The problem with "not my job" moments of dubious unprofessionalism is that they very frequently get found out.






Motor vehicle - STOP SOTP 2105






Product - SELL WER water hone cards Trois


Yellow - ICE




Blue - DESKTOP CALCULATOR MRC M- M+ OFF 89 : 156 x AC 023 ON CCE 4 Over slae 12-digit display +3-button memory function High gloss finish TON Fonction Finition de haute boutons ance SEMATE


Finger - Cody, You cannot use pizza labels as mame-tags Management Die Deluxe Sausage




Red - DO NOT ENTER Enter Only USH




Finger - LASSY




Food - fööds. enriched 200% hamburger CLOWES OWES bods. enriched 200% hot dog BUNS BUNS 8 bu. buns NET WT 11 0Z (312 ) NET WT 11 OZ (312










Circle - Don't Pay $29.95 ONLY Pay 95 $19.95 HER SPEEDO KICK JUNIOR F 3 Donít Pay $9.95 ONLY $9.95 SPEEDO SPEEDO BOYLEG SHORT Sw HIPSTER PANT Don't Pay SWYM Asstd sizes Frc $29.95 B. Li $9.95 Asstd sizes






Mode of transport - SELE KFOX 2 NAME HERE NAME HERE 7:06 AM


Human - wew. Theak had h CLASS A DOTS BASKETALL heder goes here fdsa fd jhgf jhf jhgfj higfds gfh ILDCA a Va he arter bie the 234 the etral Thare they H ur a ef Se berar p OMARCH 34 fehe gradae D ty ar Deety a a cher e the heeta ets te Corian, wek ti ac Vecha De gto orher ads the pot andp Dgrty P Bive grty wast the Toelsbeen t Ae ts lave htthat gt 1, 1s ta junp sm he, tr r Eceefal wth sbck ote The Mah chare sey fhea the N and o He a the ret


Motor vehicle


Collection - Get Ready For Winter yless Shoes


Text - EXTRA FRESH SPERM 20GR 24 f432 pr pl Nider AS 40 0890 0414427 131200 1354968 A 1000 Hot Reeth WRIGLEY S WRICLEYS Extra Professional


Electronic device - U IS OP IK 2L IF 10 TA acer 18 Con"133UAacesser Laptep MONTH FINANCING ONSTOREW PURCHASES 429 ANC --




Bottle - Baby all the best for your baby Mc CHILL Corona Cerone Car 19 899 199 RASSO MIRA BECKS Corona saleS Carona





Submitted by:

Tagged: FAIL , job , work , lol , not my job , mistake , funny , stupid

Incompetent Boss Insists On Using Errant GPS, Karma Ensues

If you ever have a boss who rudely insists that you "don't think" while you're in the driver's seat, you certainly have the opportunity to serve up a whopping plate of malicious compliance. Thus was the case with this employee who decided to follow their boss' orders despite being well aware that they drove past the correct exit ramp. Naturally, the boss was not stoked, but clearly had a moment of sobering realization that they vastly underestimated their employee's ability to follow instructions. Check out some more juicy malicious compliance content with this call center that wouldn't give their employee a raise, so malicious compliance ensued


Blue - r/MaliciousCompliance u/AlwaysTheNoob · 21h + Join 1 2 2 e7 3 4 8 3 "You're not here to think" - ouch, but okay L tl;dr at the bottom About a decade ago, I was the new guy at the company. We have people fly in from all over the world to start putting gear together before leaving again for job sites, and one of the things I did in my earlier days was pick those people up from the airport, take them to their hotel after work, etc.


Text - I pick a guy up who's going to be my boss on an upcoming job. The airport is about an hour from our HQ and hotel if you take the highway and main roads. When I meet him at the airport, he makes a request that I follow the directions on this "awesome new GPS app" that he's got on his phone. Swears it finds the absolute fastest routes. I'm paid by the hour and l'm the new guy, so sure, no problem. It ends up taking almost 25% longer than the main roads would have, but l'm not bothered. The


Text - A couple days later, we drive a few hours to our primary job site. The trip is fine; I follow his magic app and we arrive without incident. It's the largest job l've done so far, and I admittedly stumbled with a little bit of it. Boss tries to give me a pep talk at the end of day one, but fails miserably. One of the critiques he gave me is "you're not here to think". There are engineers on the job, and there are techs. I'm just a tech, and I'm told I'm basically there to do the grunt work


Text - Once the event is over, it's my job to take boss man back to the airport, which l'd like to remind you at this point is in the city I live in, and not where he's from. We're running a little later than I would prefer to, but he's the kind of guy who would rather get to the airport 15 minutes before his flight boards. And as always, we're using his GPS, which he is still raving about. I don't know if the dude's friend invented the app or something, but he's just seriously fawning over it.


Text - Well, we approach what I know is the exit to the airport, but the app says to stay on the highway and take the next exit in a mile or two. So I follow the app, having learned my lesson from the boss, and soon we're stopped dead in a tight, single-lane construction zone. Boss realizes this, and starts to panic. And then starts asking if l'm sure I took the "right route". "The exit l'd normally take for the airport was a little ways back, but the GPS said to keep going." "You went past the


Text - He shouted at me this time: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Since the car was stopped dead, I turned my head so I could meet his eyes, and very blankly said "/'m not here to think." If Uber had existed there at the time, I think he would have gotten out of the car with his bag and called for a ride. As it is, I spent the rest of the trip listening to him yell at some poor airline agent about getting his flight rebooked, since it was at this point that he wasn't going to get there in time. And

Submitted by:


Liars That Failed To Pawn Their Bundles Of Lies

As long as we've had social media apps available to us we've had deceptive fools try to pawn off their bundles of hastily woven lies to people that they never think will call them out. The thing is that when you're trying to lie online, there's a whole bunch of research tools readily available at our disposal to fact check the iffy posts. That being said, these laughable liars got their comeuppance when it was all said and done. 


Text - I stopped listening to you guys back in 2017 when y'all put on the worst performance l've ever seen singer was drunk and out of breath as soon as he started 7h Like Reply 124 Author Attack Attack We haven't played a show since 2013, so l'm not sure what band you saw in 2017. lol 7h Like Reply 732 SO


Text - reviews ★**** 2 weeks ago No attention to customers workers show up late takes forever to get service O Like < Share Response from the owner 2 weeks ago Douglas, When you walk in for an oil change, please us a call first. So we can schedule the right time for you . Second, your oil drain plug was stripped we had to order it from the store. You only paid $10 and walked away without paying $5 more for the drain plug. That is not nice. ...


Text - Everything was straight from the fridge, freezing cold including egg drop soup. Waitress was so patient but the manager (a lady came from the kitchen) is rude and did not accept to cancel our order. Worst experience ever at a Thai restaurant, please dont try this. Response from the owner 2 years ago This unwarranted negative review can not go unanswered. First, there was NO EGG DROP or any other soup on their ticket. Next, with one exception, all of their food was properly cooked and prom


Text - I survived a shot between the eyes from a 50 BMG at 1,000 yards. Why don't people believe me? Z Answer a Follow - 21 8 Request D 13 O Updated October 9, 2019 Originally Answered: I sunvived a shot between the eyes from a 50 BMG at 1000 yards. Why don't people believe me? A round from a 50 Browning M2 Machine Gun at a 1000 yards has 3230.8 foot pounds of force. It takes about 33 foot pounds to fracture a skull. 100x that will shatter a skull. The round may enter with a 5 inch diameter hole


Blue - • 120 points 9 hours ago Bought some rims from a friend and they installed them. Driving home I took a corner and the wheel went flying off and smashed into a window. Luckily it was a bank teller window and bullet proof as well as tire proof and bounced off. I got the tire and with the adrenaline was able to lift the front of my car and slap that shit and make it home. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments O. 88 points 9 hours ago (13 chil


Text - Hi, I'm interested in buying this! Send a quick response Tap a response to send it to the buyer. Yes, it's available. No, it's not available. 6:13 AM Ok. Its still available.


Text - What's the best price and what is the pu 2. I have it listed at a fair price of $150 with a gig bag. Not sure what you mean by pu I live in 7:05 AM What's the pickup address.. what's your bank details


Text - would prefer cash. It's USPS that will pick it up for me I am Linda and I work with FBI. I got other things they will pickup for me also after picking yours Are they going to package it up as well?


Text - They will do all necessary things thanks What's your name please Its actually Don Trumps with an s. I get a lot of flack for it but my parents were huge fans of the president when he was just a real estate tycoon. I think I'm gonna keep the guitar. I also think you are not really real.


Text - Local Guide · 28 reviews ***** a day ago Customer service was bad, disrespectful and rude. (Owner) 10 hours ago here are the steps to become a moldy brained fool, such as yourself: 1. you don't wear a mask in the middle of a pandemic when you order at 2. after you are politely refused service, you go online even after we offer you one and snitch i have a solution for both of us. you go walk into the ocean while we continue to serve the customers that aren't whiny, entitled mounds of horse


Text - ***** amonth ago Critical: Professionalism I have personally witnessed the wife of the owner verbally attack a stranger and use extremely foul language. I would not recommend a business that treats total strangers with such disgust. Couldn't imagine how they treat their customers/clients.


Text - Response from the owner a month ago Mrs. Bradshaw, No, you did not "personally witness" anything, as you were not present when your mother and I had words last Friday. While it is true that your mother has never formally introduced herself to my husband or I, she is absolutely not a "total stranger". Billy and I sponsored her in the Kidney Foundation's Dare to Dance competition last year and recently closed on a piece of property which we purchased from her. So, as you are surely aware, o


Text - I will admit to - and sincerely apologize for - losing my temper during a heated conversation with your mother. However, I will not allow your characterization of my actions as a "verbal attack" to go unchecked. As tensions rose, so did our voices, but I did not attack her - verbally or otherwise. Though I am not sure why, it has become clear to me, over the past several months, that you and your family have taken personal issue with me and my family. Perhaps we've done something to offen


Text - Publicly addressing a personal grievance, however, is unseemly and - in my opinion - incredibly unprofessional. As such, I respectfully ask that you initiate all future correspondence privately (via email or phone). Feel free to call my cell. Your mother should be able to give you the number.


Text - 1 day ago "day 58 of asking to get a heart" I Give Up 凸5 目3 Add a public reply... 10 hours ago It's your first comment in this channel O


Text - Your Netflix binge-watching makes climate change worse, say experts. The emissions generated by watching 30 minutes of Netflix is the same as driving almost 4 miles 36 minutes ago A server hour can cost less than 1 centl all included. Netflix can probably serve multiple customers at 1 cent per hour. Even if all that cost is energy bills (it's not, there's real estate, capital costs, and markup included), that's ~.1kWh. 4 miles at .411kg per milel] is 1.6kg of co2. .1kWh of electricity at


Text - 3d Replying to The Bible teaches the same - give the man a fish he'll starve; teach him to fish he'll survive for ever.. perhaps you missed that lesson in Sunday school... just saying O 14 6 I LE:3d Maybe it was you who missed that day because that parable is nowhere in the Bible. 38


Text - Raid: Shadow Legends @RaidRPG Replying to @ThatFauxJourno and @DollarShaveClub HI there, we do not sponsor, we cooperate only with those Youtubers who play our game and want to be our influencers. We do not pay money for it. -Alina 8:25 a.m. · 26 Feb. 20 · Hootsuite Inc. 22 Retweets 54 Likes Pescatore News Network #P.. · 2d Replying to @RaidRPG @ThatFauxJourno and @DollarShaveClub So if I show your email where you offer money to advertise your game, you are saying that is fake? 2 306

Submitted by:


Groom Insists Ex Attends His Wedding, Bride Isn't Down

Nothing like a groom insisting that his ex be able to attend the wedding to get that drama going in full force. This guy decided to ask folks on Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for his request, and it seems like most folks are of the opinion that the dude is definitely out of line on this one. Definitely a bold kind of question to ask your bride. Sometimes you've just got to leave the past relationship in the past, no matter how much it might hurt. For some more juicy wedding drama, check out the most entitled bridezillas of 2020


Text - AITA for wanting my ex girlfriend to be able to attend our wedding when my fiancée doesn't want her to? Asshole |(28M) got engaged to my girlfriend(27F) 3 months ago and we are planning our wedding. Now we know how many of our friends we can invite and we have started making our initial list. One of my close friends is right now in a relationship with a woman that I dated for 2 years. Our lives were going into different directions, I wanted to have kids she doesn't, and we determined we n


Text - I'm inviting my friend and there's no doubt about it. I have no reason to not give him a plus one and he's obviously gonna bring his girlfriend. When I said this my fiancée said she didn't want her at her wedding. At first I tried to be accommodating. I explained the situation to my friend, he said he wouldn't feel comfortable going without her as she'd feel bad. I really want my friend to go, and I told my fiancée that we needed to let her come.


Text - She said she doesn't want some woman that I used to fuck there at her wedding. I told her that if she was feeling jealous, that she won. Like literally she won the shitty prize that is to marry me, and all I want is for my friend to be there. We argued about this back and forth, eventually she in an accusing way asked why I wanted her at our wedding so bad, I told her that I already explained that it's not about her it's about my friend and that she obviously wasn't listening. We hit an i


Text - Gambyt_7 · 23h · Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA. Who are you marrying? Your fiancée or your all time best friend forever? I say this as someone whose ex-gf was at my wedding. This was only because my fiancée and her became friends over a couple years. Are there no other opportunities for you to celebrate with your guy friend that don't involve the ex? Must he bring someone to the reception? O Reply 678 ...


Text - maggienetism· 23h · Professor Emeritass [84] I would say your friend is an asshole for making his attendance contingent on bringing your ex (his current girlfriend) when he knows your fiancé doesn't want exes to attend the wedding, and YTA for also pushing the issue? I get wanting your friend there but forcing your fiancée to put up with what she doesn't want instead of making your friend put up with something he doesn't want (all so you ultimately get what you want) isn't a great start t


Text - me230422 · 23h · Partassipant [3] 3 1 Award Yta... your future wife doesn't want someone you banged at your wedding ... that's totally acceptable behavior Reply 1.6k 3 ...


Text - stones33 · 23h YTA - You should be prioritizing how your future wife feels overall. Even if your friend is your bestfriend, your wife is the person you'll really be spending the rest of your life with. Its the choice you're making and especially if you want to start a family with this person. If you really feel shes the one, your bestfriend honestly doesn't or shouldn't have any say. Why would your dumbass friend decide to date your ex to begin with, its unhealthy. Friends (especially clo


Text - foibleShmoible· 23h • Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [389] YTA You're prioritising the feelings of your friend and your ex/his girlfriend over the feelings of your future wife. If I were your ex I would not suppose to be invited to your wedding, especially if your fiancée was not comfortable with it. If I were your friend I wouldn't put my desire for a plus one/my girlfriend's feelings above the feelings of the bride. And if I were you I would understand that my future wife isn't terribly c


Text - SoValkyrieMama · 23h · Asshole Aficionado [16] YTA. Your friend needs to understand that a plus one does not include your ex girlfriend at your wedding. Q Reply 4 273 ...


Text - rawsugar87 · 23h • Asshole Enthusiast [7] YTA your wife's very reasonable wish that your ex not be at the wedding should take precedent here. Your ex and your friend are being unreasonable. It makes sense that your ex not be there. Reply 175 ...


Text - ScrappleSandwiches · 23h · Certified Proctologist [23] YTA. Don't put your friend's feelings ahead of your future wife's. I agree that you sound like a shitty prize. Q Reply 150 3 ...


Text - meatball0898· 21h 1 Award YTA I would 100% dump you and call it off honestly. Engaged, planning our wedding, and you're still gonna disrespect me and invalidate my feelings? Over a girl you used to bang? Bye! # Q Reply 335 ...


Text - Little-bit_ • 22h This is coming from someone who had my husbands exes (2 of them) at my wedding (they're great and I'm good friends with both, got to know them pretty early on anyway), and even I say YTA here. She doesn't want it at the end of the day. If tables were turned would she have respected your wishes? You have to stand with your wife-to-be on this one, not your buddy and frankly if it was me I would understand if a friend didn't invite my hubby because of prior relations, so l'


Text - Resolve-Creepy · 23h · Partassipant [3] YTA, you're putting your friends wishes over your wife's. You say you want him there because he's a good friend, but he's not being a good friend if his attendance is contingent on your ex girlfriend coming with him. Pick your battles. I don't think you want your marriage to start this way. Reply 1 93 ... +


Text - Dovahkiinkv1 · 22h · Asshole Enthusiast [5] YTA. Are you marrying your friend? No. you're marrying your finacee. Why should she be made to feel uncomfortable at her own wedding just so your friend/ his gf/your ex doesn't feel uncomfortable? Who has top priority here? Reply 53 ...


Text - I understand, I truly do.. but YTA. Here's the thing: it is both of your days, but you are prioritizing your friend over your wife-to-be. I honestly think your friend it being kind of a ass here. If he's really your friend, why can't he go one day without his girlfriend there? Are you not inviting your other mutual friend, can't he bring one of his guy friends? He surely understands why it isn't the best idea to bring her? I understand that you guys ended on good terms, but that doesn't c


Text - PARA9535307 · 23h • Asshole Aficionado [19] YTA. I think you're being unfair. This isn't a random party or something, this is your wedding. And if she wanted to invite one of her past sexual partners to the wedding, even inadvertently as a plus one, wouldn't that at least give you a moment of pause, too? So how about instead of immediately jumping to unkind conclusions, and making this sound like some kind of her-being-unreasonable, deal-breaking-worthy absolute, you...I don't know, ackno


Text - seanmonaghan1968 · 23h YTA. It's your wife's day, why start off your official life with that. Weddings are about the wife, they dream and plan these for years. They talk to their girl friends endlessly about this day. Guys just don't think the same way. Reply 1 60 ...


Text - TheBananasHere • 22h YTA My boyfriend is still really good friends with his ex of 5 years, there's no romantic feelings there what so ever, but I didnt even need to tell him she isn't invited because he just knows it would make me so uncomfortable seeing her there. You are marrying this woman but don't care about how she feels on her wedding day? Cmon man. Reply 33 3 •..


Text - jacs1234 · 22h YTA slightly, your friend is a major AH. I understand wanting your friend at your wedding, but you should ultimately prioritize your wife's feelings over your friends. It's perfectly reasonable to not want exes at weddings. The friend is the AH for refusing to come without your ex. Reply 18 ...


Text - thatbrunettegirl10 · 22h Good grief YTA. If your friend doesn't care enough to attend without bringing your ex, then he's probly not that good of a friend. It's not their day, it's you and your fiancé's and she has a right to not want an ex of yours there. Why the hell would your ex even feel that she COULD go. Come on now. If your day is contingent on your ex being there because your friend won't go alone, then yikes dude. Reply 1 21 ...

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Boss Expects Work Without Pay, Gets What He Pays For

This boss wanted a manager that he didn't have to pay extra. Instead of going along with the BS, this employee decided enough was enough and let the boss get exactly the amount of work he was paying for. Incompetent managers have a way of biting themselves in the ass, like this incompetent manager who forbid overtime. Here are more people's "screw this, I'm out" stories.


Text - Posted by u/Sherlock_DaVinci 8 hours ago 9 O 6 e6 3 9 E8 a Not qualified for the promotion, then I'll just do my job oc M Edit: Which TLDR at the end A few years ago I worked for a furniture stored in the back store. My job consisted of unloading and loading trucks, assembling furniture and placing it on the main floor of the store. After around 6 months there, my supervisor announced he resigned meaning his post was up for grabs. I had all the technical requirements so I applied, but the


Text - After maybe 1 year my then supervisor just stopped coming into work for no reason he just decided he had enough and he just left, no 2 week notice or anything. So while the director tried to get to him I took over the role of supervisor. (I was the one with the most experience) Which means that combined with my regular work, I was now the one telling people what to do, when, doing the schedule, and all the paperwork for the shipment. 3 weeks later my colleague was officially "fired" by my


Text - After some thinking I just decided, that if I was not Smart enough to do the Job, then I shouldn't do it, so I went back doing my regular job and I also started looking for something else. 4-5 days after I stopped filling in my director come see me in the back store Asking why the f*** the job isn't being done. After all without me to organize it, nothing was getting out of the store to be delivered to the client. I just reminded him of our previous meeting and he told me " yeah I remembe


Text - I packed everything and left knowing that the back store which needed 5 people to operate was now down to 3 with the most experienced worker having a total of 4 months, it only took my boss 1 day to call me back and telling me, maybe he went overboard and that perhaps we could arrange something for the promotion, too which I replied that I would not be coming back since I had a few interviews lined up. I hung up while he was still cussing at me. After a few months at my new job I heard so

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Tagged: boss , manager , job , work , quit , lol , story , dumb , funny , stupid , store , win

Teen Surfer Told He Can't Surf By Territorial Local


Despite what some folks might think, it ain't all livin easy vibes out in the surfing world. Sometimes you encounter terribly toxic, territorial pieces of work like this dude who went off on a poor 16-year-old homie just trying to catch some waves out in Tamarin Bay

Submitted by: (via Roger Dentrick)


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