

Dad Pulls Innocent Prank On Kid, Police Misinterpret Prank, Fail Ensues and more...

This is definitely one of those situations where everything just added up in a way that made the surface level appearance of the situation look way more sketchy than it actually was. Actually, it wasn't sketchy at all. Dad was just playing around, and ...


Dad Pulls Innocent Prank On Kid, Police Misinterpret Prank, Fail Ensues and more...

 In This Issue...

Dad Pulls Innocent Prank On Kid, Police Misinterpret Prank, Fail Ensues

This is definitely one of those situations where everything just added up in a way that made the surface level appearance of the situation look way more sketchy than it actually was. Actually, it wasn't sketchy at all. Dad was just playing around, and the police ended up mistaking him for some kind of evil kidnapper. Certainly anything but the typical day of dropping your kid off at school. 


Blue - r/tifu + Join u/battlerazzle01 • 15h 20 17 3 25 E 20 TIFU by embarrassing my kid and involving the police L An actual TIFU, this happened this morning. Key preliminary backstory: on thanksgiving, my youngest played smashy smash with my phone, damaging the sound chip connected to the microphone, rendering phone calls impossible on my phone. Can't hear people, people can't hear me, just doesn't work unless connected to Bluetooth. Does LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE except phone calls.


Text - Key secondary backstory: my fiancees van has a Bluetooth stereo, that doesn't like syncing to phones occasionally and will just not respond to the call option, so even if the phone was working properly, it still MIGHT not work when connected to Bluetooth if the van was feeling moody My 9 year old stepdaughter, who will henceforth be referred to as Squid, had an eye appointment this morning. So she was to go to school late, once the appointment was over. Squid specifically requested that I


Text - So come 9:45, were moseying our way to her appointment. The stereo is connected to my playlist, and we're just flipping through songs. Now sometimes, I like to play older music, or just weird music that the kids don't like. And then I like to over dramatically sing along in the most embarrassing way possible because it's funny. And on comes The Sign by Ace Of Base. Her distaste for the song is almost immediate, and my need to rub it in (in good fun) was strong. So I cranked it up and star


Text - Well the police officer in the parking lot at the light who say this, did not think it was fun, and deemed it as a threat. So as we proceed through the intersection, he lights me up and pulls me over. I at first thought maybe I blew a red light, so I turn down the music, tell Squid to chill out and pulled over in the nearest parking lot. When he used the PA to tell me to turn off the vehicle and step out of the vehicle, I quickly realize that this is not about rolling a red light. Hands o


Text - Myself, my fiancée and Squid all have different last names. Remember how my phone doesn't make phone calls? Can't call my fiancée. Explain the phone issue to the cop, he doesn't understand because I already said it was connected playing music. Remember how the van stereo gets moody? Yeah, it's in a mood now so the cop thinks I'm lying. Other officer tries to call my fiancée from his phone, she isn't answering. Even more suspicious. But the initial officer and the officer questioning me ar


Text - Then, Squid said the smartest and dumbest thing imaginable. "No you listen! Call my dad!" So they get my phone for dads cell number. Dad answers the phone. Officer starts explaining the situation and obviously dad is worried but as the explanation unfolds, I can hear him laughing and he says "was the stereo blasting too?" The police has now gotten his confirmation that all is well in the land of oz, this was not a kidnapping, and everything is fine. We're free to go, now 20 minutes late f

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Man's Fiancée's Parents Accuse Him Of Buying Cheap Ring

There's a lot of ungrateful and toxic behavior on display in this lover's quarrel. The poor guy claims he's been supporting his family, while hard at work through this historically difficult time, and then when he buys his love a nice ($3K) engagement ring he gets chewed out by her family for not spending enough. Insane. Now above any other time it's incomprehensible that someone would go and pitch a fit about something like that, when so many folks are just struggling to hold onto some sliver of financial security. 


Text - 1 3 4 AITA for not buying a 10% engagement ring? Not the A-hole My partner and I have been talking about getting engaged for the last year or so. I have quite a good job so could easily afford an expensive engagement ring and if I was following the 10% rule then I should spend around 10-15k on the ring. However, my parents, sister and nephew have all had covid this year so I was financially supporting all of them for a while, my sister has lost her job so l'm still supporting her a bit an


Text - So long story short I spent about 3k on a nice little white gold ring with diamonds and a sapphire(her birthstone). Initially she was very happy with it until her mother(a jeweller) called it cheap. She has since given it back to me and accused me of undervaluing her and what she does for me(she's a SAHM to our 18 month old, and does the majority of the cooking/cleaning because i work long hours). I feel like shit tbh, she's refusing to talk to my, her parents are accusing me of using her


Text - Edited to add that why her mum is a jeweller by trade/ training, she no longer works in the industry due to an issue with her wrists, carpel tunnel or something, I'm not 100% sure. So she wasn't in a position to help with the ring. EDIT: I've answered this several times in the comments so might as well put it here too: their concerns aren't based on any form of concern about financial insecurity as I pay her to be a SAHM. She gets $450/week to spend however she likes or save, I happen to


Text - I did discuss ring styles with my partner before buying the ring. She wanted a sapphire surrounded by diamonds like princess Diana's ring. I also noticed that she preferred pear cut stones so I had a sapphire custom cut into a pear shape and placed into a diamond halo on a white gold band. There is little to no chance that I was over charged because it was done in conjunction with 2 jewelers and I had it independently appraised for insurance reasons afterwards. 4 7.2k 3 2.4k ↑, Share


Text - andyblu • 19h NTA: The 10% rule was created by the JEWELRY INDUSTRY. The two of you need to decide what is appropriate for you and your situation. If you are guilty about it or she feels slighted, then the two of you should agree to re-evaluate your circumstances at your 5th anniversary and upgrade her ring then. Reply 5.3k ...


Text - someawfulbitch • 19h Whoa. Wtf? People really expect that shit?? NTA. Nah. 3k is a NICE ring. That's some.... Nah, I don't wanna trash talk someone I never met, but nah. NTA at all. She was happy til she knew the value. Enough said. Reply 1.6k •..


Text - HemlockAndStone • 18h 1 Award NTA Her parents are out of line for sure, but you need to be talking to your partner, not them. From her perspective, she's got her parents in her ear telling her that a "cheap" ring is indicative of your feelings towards her, and as a SAHM, she's pretty dependent on you for money (which I would imagine is a scary position to be in). You should make it clear that you are thinking about the future and making sure that you both are financially secure, at a time


Text - danimal-crossing • 19h • Partassipant [3] 3 1 Award NTA. this some rich people shit. she's entitled and should appreciate what she got, 3k is a lot. E Q Reply 4 1.0k ...


Text - emrose138 • 19h 1 Award NTA and run. If her parents can sway her opinion that much, that's a huge red flag. And if she also believes that she's being de-valued because she was given a 3k ring, then she clearly has issues. I'm sorry, no matter what your income is, it's a pandemic, and you've clearly been financially affected by it. Her refusing to acknowledge that is ridiculous. O Reply 1 2.9k 3 + •..


Text - wildwest74 • 19h • Partassipant [2] NTA. If she gave the ring back because she or her mother think $3K is cheap, that tells you everything you need to know. I say this as someone who spent over $12K on an engagement/custom wedding set. I could afford it. If I couldn't, my wife would have been more upset that I spent that much. And she would have been equally thrilled with any smaller ring l could have given her. She is marrying you, not the jewelry, and not your paycheck. If this is to be


Text - PayrollPrince • 19h • Pooperintendant [52] NTA We're in a global crisis.. you're literally supporting your entire family and your partner is also aware of this. She should be a little more understanding... this is giving me red flags. Money isn't everything and it's clear that you care about her. Her mother needs to mind her own business Reply 295 ...


Text - IGotOverGreta • 18h • Partassipant [3] NTA. The 10% "rule" was invented by diamond sellers and jewelers. Have a conversation with your fiancee and ask her how she feels about the ring, and how she felt about it before someone gave her an outside judgement. Tell her why your budget was smaller than she expected. Helping your family keep a roof over their heads and food in the stomachs during a global pandemic is not a heartless thing. If she's still upset about it, try to find a compromise


Text - MsBaseball34 • 19h • Certified Proctologist [23] NTA ... a divorce would have been way more expensive. Don't marry someone who obviously only values monetary things. Reply 1 172 ...


Text - anonoldman2020 • 19h NTA. It is a scam fostered by jewelers. Tell her you will try to find someone else who will accept it. EDIT - That is probably a little harsh. Tell her you will hold it for her until she feels like she wants to be engaged more than she wants a more expensive ring. Q Reply 1 116 ...


Text - DreadGrrl • 18h • Certified Proctologist [24] NTA The "10% Rule" is marketing BS spouted by the industry. Don't feel bad about not falling for their crap. Reply 12 ...


Text - Wallflowerheart • 19h • Pooperintendant [54] NTA A TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR RING IS RIDICULOUS. If she doesn't accept your ring that you thoughtfully picked out, then she doesn't accept you. E Q Reply 115 3 ...


Text - electric29 • 19h NTA. This makes me so sad for you. She doesn't appreciate that you thoughtfully picked one you knew she would like. She then got her mind changed (VERY easily) by people who are not in your relationship, so she cares more what they think than about you and your life together. She doesn't appreciate that you have other responsibilities and are meeting those. If she was a decent person, she would have told her mom to butt out and even if she didn't absolutely love the ring,


Text - tallulahmoon • 11h NTA 1. She's marrying you because she loves you (supposedly) not for a ring. 2. The 10% rule is sexist and ridiculous on both sides. 3. Her parents aren't marrying you, frankly l'd tell them to stop getting involved. You can always upgrade in the future if you want to, but also l'd seriously reconsider marrying someone that materialistic. I know if the man I loved said he wanted to marry me l'd just be delighted and excited regardless. Reply 1 7 ...

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Woman Woken Up At 4AM To Raccoon Chillin In Christmas Tree


Oh good old Florida, you are ever full of surprises. In this case, we have a poor woman who was awoken by a raccoon straight up posted up in her Christmas tree. Like, are you kidding me? So many questions. We're just glad it all worked out, and that she was able to safely remove the raccoon from the premises. 

Submitted by: (via ABC News)


People's Funniest Holiday Decoration Disasters

If there's one way that we can go about keeping that holiday spirit alive amidst a historically difficult holiday season, it's to celebrate people's most memorable holiday decoration disasters. All kinds of fails can occur when you're trying to get the house all tidied up and sorted out for the holiday. Maybe the tree ends up looking like it's right out of the iconic Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree scene. Or, maybe you bring a seemingly promising tree home only to realize that it's been infested by an army of nightmarish spiders. 


Text - Barbara Fischkelta @barbarafisch Replying to @jimmyfallon I had two deer on my front lawn. Someone rearranged them so that one was mounting the other from behind #Decoration Disaster


Text - AtlanticFlow 000 @atlantic_flow Replying to @FallonTonight One year we were putting the Christmas lights on the tree and they would't come on. We went through the whole string to find out which light was a dud. Ends up the lights weren't plugged in! #DecorationDisaster


Text - Property - mermadi 000 @madimclemonz and you thought the Rockefeller tree was bad.... @jimmyfallon #DecorationDisaster HAPPY HOL


Text - Steph Veerman @stephyj725 my dad took over my hamster once i went back to college and ended up getting really attached and today he escaped and this goes to prove how truly pure my father is


Text - Black-and-white - Steph Veerman @stephyj725 follow up: He did find him!!!


Text - Text - Wehttam Mi, ih @kayakingsmith 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon One year, we made an actual popcorn garland for the tree. After a week-long trip to see family, we came back to shredded stockings, chewed up light strands, a toppled tree, and a family of squirrels feasting on popcorn. #MerryChristmasYaFilthyAnimals #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - honofhons 00 @patriciaoak Replying to @jimmyfallon Oh, the year we decorated our tree so beautifully - best ever. And a couple of days later, something was moving on the branches. And we realized that our beautiful tree was infested with tiny spiders. Tree went in the trash and we found spiders for weeks. #DecorationsDisaster


Text - Text - Jamez 00 @JamezMagic Replying to @jimmyfallon #Decoration Disaster When my family brought home our Christmas tree, we put it up and it turns out that there was a spider's nest in it. Hundred of spiders crawled out from it, we have had an artificial tree ever since.


Text - Event - Desh the Halls 000 @iandoescher Replying to @jimmyfallon When my parents bought a new tree topper in the mid-90s, my brother and I instantly started calling it the Golden Boner of Christmas. When I had my own kids, my parents passed it down to me. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Event - Samantha Davidson 000 @Sallyjo25 Replying to @jimmyfallon One year, the star broke, do instead of replacing it, the tree topper became a Peewee Hermin Doll in a Betty Boop dress... We still use it 10 years later. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Kelsey Klemm @krklemm 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon A friend was sent a commemorative 2020 ornament, and it was broken. So they had a new one ordered, and it was also broken. I think it took 4 or 5 tries before they received an unbroken ornament. How very 2020 of them. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Blue - Nick G @The_Real_Nick_G Replying to @jimmyfallon My wife poured water into her parents tree stand.... only to find out it's a fake tree #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Ryan Guard @ryanguard 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon In 1993 my cat ate all the tinsel off the lower half of our tree. The next day she had the prettiest litter box in town, and an additional festive "tail". #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - jane, not plain @SoPlainlyJane 0o0 Replying to @jimmyfallon I made ornaments with my kids and they had to be "melted" in the oven. I over melted them. Santa looked demonic. The holly looked like weed. There were a lot of tears. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Lindsay Nixon @LindsayPounders 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon My dad forgot the Christmas tree was on top of the van and pulled into the garage, effectively ripping the pine needles off of half the tree. Two years in a row #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Tyler Hughs @TylerHughs Replying to @jimmyfallon If society isn't ready to see a tampon in my kid's "Twas the Night Before Christmas" diorama, they shouldn't make a tampon the perfect "Not even a mouse." #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Kyle Shamorian @KyleShamorian Replying to @jimmyfallon My parents had a manger scene outside and during the night someone arranged it into a human pyramid. #DecorationDisaster


Text - A Zingle BelI Raq28 @raflocruz99 000 Replying to @jimmyfallon We wanted to buy an LED light up star for our tree. Every store near us & out of town we went to didn't have them in stock at the time, so we just bought a glitter covered star & put Christmas lights around it to make it "light up", making it our own LED star #DecorationDisaster

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Children Of Horrible Cooks Share Their Pain

Many of us grew up with less than stellar cooks at the helms of our households, and we bear the scars of the past. Cooking isn't intuitive, and more often than not a rushed parent just needs to get something on the table, even if it will become a negative memory. Some of us still don't eat certain things because we lived in a world of bone-dry chicken and boiled broccoli for years. For some other garbage tasting experiences, here are the worst things people tasted.


Text - Posted by u/KnowNothingOfJavert 14 hours ago 5 3 e S What is the most horrifying thing your parents did to food? Every time my dad grills hamburgers, he doesn't season the patties at all, squeezes all the juice out of them, and then wayyyyyy overcooks them. The end result is a weird, dry, falling apart, dark gray hockey puck. I love him but his burgers are something else!


Text - morningzombie777 94 points · 14 hours ago My mom would slice up spam, and cook it on a griddle pan covered in brown sugar. Sugary meat was almost impossible to eat.


Text - androidbear04 1.5k points · 14 hours ago Let's see, take your pick... Buying the leanest cut of ground beef to make hamburger patties and broiling them until they were about 50 moos past well done. Even she called them hockey pucks. I don't really care for hamburgers to this day. Pressure-cooking unseasoned chicken 3 times as long as it's supposed to be cooked, which leaches the bulk of the flavor into the broth. The broth must have been saved for posterity, because we never saw it again;


Text - JohnnyC908 1.3k points · 14 hours ago My grandma was, bar none, the worst cook ever. We would try to sneak the food to the dogs and they wouldn't eat it. Have you ever had peas, jello, mayo, and spaghetti...salad? Casserole? Well I have. And it was hell. My grandpa made one hell of a donut and his beef pasties were awesome though.


Text - TwitchyPantsMcGee 1.0k points · 13 hours ago I grew up during the '80's self- improvement craze when fat-free was blasted on everything. This was when they invented fat-free ""cheese", a substance that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike cheese. Imagine melting yellow fisher price plastic over your steamed broccoli and you get the idea.


Text - writinginwater 947 points · 13 hours ago Because of the Great Trichinosis Scare of 70s, you could hammer a nail into oak with her pork chops. Just the blandness and repetition of meals was disheartening.


Text - Mistaken_Shadows 870 points · 14 hours ago My father tried to make sticky rice by replacing the water with Allen's Apple juice. That was. ...


Text - spade_andarcher 811 points · 12 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago One time I "helped“ my mom cook lamb chops. By "helped" I mean that I seasoned and grilled all of them to a nice medium. My mom then "finished" the lamb chops. By "finished"I mean my mom dumped a bunch of Chardonnay on them and put them in a 400° oven for exactly as long as it takes to ensure lamb chops are well- done but also that no alcohol cooks out of the wine.


Text - gfvddds 796 points · 14 hours ago I didn't think I liked steak until I was in my 20's on a date. Turns out steak can be delicious when it's not a brown rubber puck.


Text - purplesunshine7 695 points · 13 hours ago Boiled ribs and potatoes. That's it. No seasoning. Just boiled. Ribs. And. potatoes.


Text - deekochana 643 points · 13 hours ago Veggies were boiled to mush or 'roasted' to black. Not the nice charred-black, but actually burnt-black. No seasoning other than water or oil. If they were making a recipe that needed seasoning (herbs/spices/good stuff), they'd half it. Being teased with hints of flavour was worse than eating bland food. Eggs weren't allowed to be runny, so I experienced a runny egg for the first time at 17. It was glorious and I've not looked back since. And finally,


Text - RememberTunnel17 640 points · 12 hours ago My dad thinks all spices are interchangeable. I was teaching him a rice dish I had learned with Mediterranean inspired flavors. Parmesan cheese, rosemary, thyme, garlic, lemon juice, maybe throw in some basil. Very simple, easy to do in a rice cooker without even getting another pot dirty. He said he was going to try to make it right away. Call back a week later, ask him if he tried it and how it went. He says he did and that it--and he said this


Text - not_cinderella 511 points · 14 hours ago Overcook every single meat. 165 degree? No AT LEAST 180. Never added salt. To anything. Not even vegetable recipes.


Text - TemperatureDizzy3257 499 points · 14 hours ago My mom used to boil asparagus. It would be so tough and chewy you couldn't swallow it. I taught her how to roast it in the oven a few years ago. She hasn't gone back.


Text - chrisolucky 420 points · 13 hours ago Mom would sometimes pour too much milk while making Kraft Dinner, and so it ended up being like a cheesy, watery macaroni soup.


Text - Catezero 284 points · 13 hours ago My dad has a few food crimes which is made even worse by the fact he worked in kitchens for 30 years and is actually a pretty good cook otherwise. Making lasagna and ran out of mozza? Cheez whiz is a decent substitute. He once put bananas in a stir fry. Once made meatloaf and didn't chop the onions small enough so they were like finger sized chunks and the whole thing tasted like biting into a raw onion mixed with BBQ sauce. I love onion esp raw white on


Text - NotMyHersheyBar 275 points · 14 hours ago boil the canned vegetables in the water they were canned in chicken on the stove with the lightest touch of oil, no salt, no seasoning, cooked to rubber idk what she did to burgers, but they were semi-flattened charcoal golf balls


Text - Partingoways 228 points · 11 hours ago This isn't the worst case scenario or anything, but just this thanksgiving I had been boiling down some homemade stock for gravy. Had everything timed perfectly, I was literally measuring out the flower and grabbing butter (which is why I wasn't at the stove). My dad walks up, pulls a gallon of water out the pantry and starts pouring it in without saying a thing. I notice, yell "STOP" and he gets all confused, having already added 1/4 gallon with ful


Text - Kyrazane 212 points · 13 hours ago Haha my great-grandmother was a terrible cook, so my grandma grew up thinking that burgers were supposed to be black crisps. She liked it that way, so my poor mother grew up being forced to eat charcoal briquettes. No one dared tell my grandma that they were burned until she found my mom's stash of old burgers stowed in the closet, covered in ants.


Text - boastshot 183 points · 13 hours ago Gilled "barbecue"chicken on the bone. Burned black on the outside blood raw on the inside. Every single time my dad made it.


Text - LallybrochSassenach 178 points · 14 hours ago My mother just adores adding wine to whatever application she can. She doesn't drink it, it gives her migraines. But if there's even a hint of a reason to maybe add it..


Text - sfshecat 177 points · 12 hours ago Take a banana , slice it vertically so 2 banana half's, slather on mayonnaise. Call it a salad. A banana and mayo salad.


Text - nickygirl19 149 points · 12 hours ago "Grilled cheese" twice pieces of white bread with a piece of American cheese in the microwave.

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Clueless People That Got Extra Large Servings Of Reality

As long as we've had social media we've had people making proper fools of themselves online. There are just so many folks that have an uncanny knack for posting stuff to the rest of the online world that really could've used the second look. Fortunately, we have some folks in the various online communities that are dedicated to serving up these clueless fools extra large servings of reality. 


Text - July 16 · : Hi guys! I'm looking for a book of low calorie recipes (about 1700 per day) because the foods I've been eating have started to look the same. Does anybody have any recommendations? I greatly appreciate it a iedeond1 other 9 Comments Like כו Comment Share n ok. Calorie counting doesn't work. I do it all the time and I gain weight. Just do intuitive eating instead of starving your body like you do before you regret it for good. Besides why are you complaining?? all you eat goes


Helmet - Thankfully it's been taken off the streets. You're doing God's work mate lost an ancestor to a sword just like that in the 13th century 004.5K 20h Like Reply


Blue - Robert Supply/demand, do some research on economics. Good luck man! Oh I got my minor in macroeconomics Heres the problem with the scalpers market principle; you believe you control supply, which you dont because you do not create the supply. Unlike concert tickets with a set limit and timeframe, you are trying to sell a console you did not produce or add value to. You have a ticking timeclock because once MS increases supply (by next week) you will have a lower market threshold since mor


Text - 2/2 Robert reduced the price to $925 for XBox Series X - Sealed/Brand New. Robert reduced the price to $900 for XBox Series X - Sealed/Brand New. Robert changed the listing description. Robert reduced the price to $875 for XBOX Series X - Sealed/Brand New. Robert changed the listing description. Robert reduced the price to $850 for XBox Series X- Sealed/Brand New. Oh I see supply has gone up and you cant find a buyer now


Text - 1h Yah man. I shoulda chose the supreme hobby of being on Reddit 24/7 like you. -110 1h 4 Awards You have comments from 5 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago, 36, 59, an hour, two hours, three from three hours ago, two from four hours ago, one from five hours. You have had 23 dumbass things to say in the last day, counting this. 1 119


Text - Adrian' ► @Adriviix · 1h ... Replying to @CyberpunkGame Fun fact: Your game is gonna die in lest then a year if you don't bring multiplayer 242 2721 ♡ 65 The Witcher O @witchergame ·52m ... Ok. Q 42 27 102 ' 1,611


Text - Quick Tools Mail & Ship Track & Manage Postal Store (edit) Request Type InquiryType Problem Category Receiving Mail Topic No Delivery/No Attempt > My Mail Was Delayed Additional Detail: How late was your Over 7 days mail: Type of Mail Piece: Package What Was the Priority Mail 3-day Class of Mail: Additional I paid $110 for PRIORITY and it took EIGHT DAYS to get my parcel from downtown San Francisco to the San Information:Francisco airport, a distance of 14.8 miles. A turtle could have don


Muscle - this is my smug "I'm definitely not going to get sunburned today" look. flash forward to 3 hours later and I had the chills from being so burned. wear SPF, kids. Like Comment Share Buffer


Blue - SPF causes cancer! Try a beach umbrella Like Reply 1 Yesterday at 1:21pm Well that's just empirically not true. Like · Reply 6 1 Yesterday at 1:44pm unrelated Like · Reply 6 1 · Yesterday at 2:29pm L - Do some research of your own before you accuse people of not speaking the truth please. Just trying to inform. Thanks. Like · Reply · 21 hrs


Text - First of all, SPF is a unit of measure. This is like saying that millimeters cause drowning. But you want research? Fine. The claim that more people who use sunscreen develop melanoma is based on a study that tracked sun exposure and sunscreen use in nearly 1500 people over a span of two years. The results did show that those who used sunscreen were more likely to develop melanoma, but there was a massive caveat left out: The median sun protection factor (SPF) was 6 (the CDC recommends SP


Text - The American Society for Dermatological Surgery recommends sunscreen. The National Cancer Institute recommends sunscreen. The World Health Association recommends sunscreen. The National Institute of Health recommends sunscreen. The Skin Cancer Foundation, in a meta-analysis of every study between 1966 and 2003, "found no evidence that sunscreen increases melanoma risk." The link is here: Now if you have research of your own that co


Text - Michael September 2019 I would pass on this experience personally it's not a really informative tour Response from Sobe Rides September 2019 Thanks for your response and I am sorry you did not find the tour informative. However I remember educating you about the history of Miami Beach and if the tour was not informative how come I had to tell you to stop video recording the tour. If you replay the video recording in your phone you would clearly see and hear you asking me questions and me


Text - Debra Mae Powell 11/26/2020 AT 1:35 AM Why? WHY? I know it is a longer book and more com- plicated. But I also know she likely actually finished it 6-8 months before release. These trilogies cannot be a year apart. 4 REPLY


Text - Debra 11/27/2020 AT 4:02 PM Exactly, the publisher sets the dates so the publisher can change them without dis- turbing Nora's writing time to shorten the period of time between releases. Also note that the publisher does not consider the customer in their planning. Who should be first? THE CUSTOMER!


Text - Debra 11/28/2020 AT 6:08 PM Please stop making comments on a blog about the publisher setting re- lease dates according to their time- line and not considering the cus- tomer? What is wrong with suggest- ing that the publisher can alter a re- lease schedule? They can and they do. Many times. Assuming that just because we read Nora's books we have no idea about anything that a publisher does is insulting. It is a business. It should consider its cus- tomer. Without the customer there is no


Text - months. Fact. It does not have to af- fect Nora's writing time. Fact. A pub- lisher does sit on MS's when it is pru- dent or they are waiting for an event before they release. Fact. Publishing trilogies a year apart is simply a mar- keting strategy. Fact. I am reading the book for a second time. Fact. I will read it again before the next book drops. Fact. That does not mean I cannot comment on the fact that the publisher, that controls the release date, cannot change the re- lease dates.


Text - Nora Roberts 11/28/2020 AT 7:44 PM I have personally explained the process to you, Debra. You are not stating facts but opinions. But you continue to contradict me, as you apparently think you know more about publish- ing than I do, and more than the industry professionals I work with. FACT: Publishing the trilogy a year apart is not a marketing strategy. I haven't finished writing the second book, and won't begin to write the third until next fall.


Text - Your opinion that the publisher should wait a year or two- holding a completed ms, or two -is in fact not how publishing works. You're not commenting, but contradicting and insisting against every fact given you that you're right and I'm wrong, that Laura's wrong, that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Once again, I ask: Do you work in publishing?


Text - If so you'd know that in order to publish a major release in less than 6-8 months means serious added cost-it's called crashing for a reason. This is not how the process is intended to work or should. You can keep insisting you're right, you know better than I do how publishing works. But that won't turn your opin- ion into a fact.

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Entitled Karen Wants Lady's Service Dog, Reality Check Ensues

It's hard to stomach that there are really people like this that exist. The nasty level of insufferable entitlement genuinely defies anyone's expectations. It's like, how do you possibly think that someone's just going to sell you their service dog? They have that precious little being for a reason, and putting a price on it like this Karen did is just adding another layer of disrespect to the whole mess. Check out some more entitled people and their audacious demands over here.


Text - 5:30 PM I saw your service dog on your page. He's soooo cute. Hi, thank you very much! O How much for him I think you might be confusing me for someone else, my dog is not for sale


Blue - No, I'm on the right account. My son is 7 years old and was diagnosed last year and his blood sugars are alllI over the place. I need a dog to tell him his sugars because I work a lot I'm sorry ma'am, but my dog isn't for sale, he's my dog. If you want, I could help provide information on where you could get a service dog for your son


Blue - But I want your dog, his blue eyes are gorgeous and he's already trained I'm sorry ma'am but I won't sell you my dog O Message... +


Text - Please my son needs him. I could pay you $300 for him. I live in Would you be able to drop him off this weekend Excuse me! you want to pay $300 dollars for my dog??? I consider my dog priceless. And you expect me to drive over 1,000 miles to drop him off. Please stop messaging me


Text - You b, my son needs him, his health is on the line. It's you fua teenagers who always get service dogs when us moms need these dogs for our babies. I bet you don't even have diabetes your fu girl. I hope your dog gets stolen from you, you don't even need him. My baby is going to die because of you, I hope your happy

Submitted by:


Incompetent Manager Forbids Overtime, Totally Backfires

There's no feeling quite like proving your manager wrong while also leaving them in a tight situation they orchestrated themselves. How often do you get to be right and have no strings attached? For another one, here's the time incompetent managers fired their all star employee.


Text - Posted by u/HeyPesky 10 hours ago S 9 8 11 "sorry, you revoked my overtime privileges yesterday" oc s This was several years ago when I worked at a [redacted big name] coffee shop. My shift was 5am-1:30pm, and often around 1pm giant groups of kids on school field trips would come through the area (this was a coffee shop located in a major CA city, very close to a bunch of museums). I had been working a lot of overtime because of it, to help my coworkers through the rush.


Text - I got written up by my supervisor for doing to0 many overtime shifts without approval. I was explicitly informed to not work overtime again, I had lost overtime privileges until corporate deemed I could have them again, and working overtime again prior to that would result in further disciplinary action.


Text - The day after I was written up, right as my shift ended, 3 big buses FULL of kids unloaded and filled the shop. At 1:30pm on the dot my watch alarm went off and I went to go clock out. The store manager who wrote me up the day prior said, "wait where are you going?" I reminded her that I'd lost my overtime privileges, clocked out, retrieved the shift drink I'd made for myself right before the rush, and left. The next day I was informed my overtime privileges had been re-instated...


Text - jpcog Score hidden · 13 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago Ah yes, the joys of incompetent management. Good job teaching them a lesson.


Text - BanditFoo Score hidden · 12 hours ago "Who do you think you are? helping out coworkers and doing more work than you should?" -your manager probably


Text - happyredditgifts Score hidden · 13 hours ago It was only the right thing to do after they wrote you up like that without even studying why you had to go on overtime.


Text - Wowiejr Score hidden · 10 hours ago The correct response would have been to sit and finish your drink as slow as possible inside the store watching the $h!t storm go down. НеуPesky Score hidden · 9 hours ago A tempting idea, but there were like 3 dozen high schoolers in the store I needed to get out

Submitted by:

Tagged: manager , job , revenge , work , backfired , lol , story , overtime , win

Weirdest Things Tourists Noticed About Foreign Countries

As a tourist you can sometimes have those moments when various unique corners of the world completely humble you. Your worldview from wherever you came from suddenly seems completely outdated, or just purely insane. Or maybe it's something a bit more innocent, like the jumbo serving sizes one can find in America vs. other places in the world. Traveling always has a way of reminding each of us that there are an infinite amount of ways to do things. 


Text - Elbatcho • 17h I wasn't prepared for how hot water would smell in Iceland. Because it comes from being heated geothermically it smells like sulfur. Showering the first time was a little bit of a shock. Reply 741 3 ...


Text - itdoesnteverwork • 15h Lived in a village in Central China for a year, strangest thing was people constantly recording me then having strangers come up to me to show me pictures of myself from like 2 days ago walking around a supermarket that popped up on their social media feed. Bizzare. Reply 573


Text - Squaragus_Asparagus • 13h Elderly people in rural Japan squatting in the middle of the sidewalk. Not pooping, just squatting to rest. I mean, self-care is important but I almost tripped over an old lady early in the morning. Q Reply 1 401 ...


Text - ConstableBlimeyChips • 16h For myself; getting free refills on soda without even asking was a new experience. First meal I had in America I put down my finished drink and not two seconds later the waitress swoops in with a new glass filled to the brim. Don't get that in European restaurants. For my American friends visiting Europe; finding out the shops close in the evening was something of a shocker. Even the supermarket closes at 22:00, and most other stores close even earlier than that


Text - yankonapc • 14h So much salted liquorice in Sweden. Salted liquorice chewing gum, salted liquorice boiled sweets, salted liquorice scented candles, ice cream, everything. I mean it's nice occasionally, but wow. Q Reply 1 81 + ...


Text - donutshopsss • 17h The USA serves much more food per plate at restaurants than any other country I have traveled to. O Reply 4 374 3


Text - protectedspecies • 17h In Taiwan, when you knock on a toilet stall, the person inside knocks back to let you know it's occupied. Reply 4 518 3 •..


Text - Whats-Up_Bitches • 17h In Denmark: went to a restaurant and people were eating pizza and hamburgers with utensils. Reply 174 ...


Text - ckreds • 17h woman kissed me on both cheeks as a greeting. There never feels like there is a warning, just happens. Reply 1 272 + ...


Text - King_Shami • 12h In South Korea you can hold your seat at a cafe, restaurant, foodcourt, etc with your cellphone or wallet and it won't get stolen. Being from NYC, this took a while to get used to Reply 1 51 ...


Text - Any-Koala-8880 • 14h The amount of casual day drinking in the streets/ city centre in Lisbon. Within my first half an hour I saw 2 random little bars (that I first mistook for ice cream bars) that just sold shots or spirits with a crowd of people outside necking some civilised shots before moving on. (I'm from the U.K. so I this was great) Q Reply 42 ...


Text - joycefanoneofmany • 15h Separate cold and hot taps in most sinks in the UK. Just, why? Reply 99 ...


Text - FreeLook93 • 17h American do not understand standard escalator etiquette. They just stand right in the middle of it, like crazy people. E Q Reply ↑ 172 ...


Text - JeanBlancmange • 15h The US (south) was a massive culture shock as a Brit. Food portions were insane. The vegetables were weird (gigantic mutant tomatoes and cucumbers), l'd never seen young (very obese) people on mobility scooters and kept thinking but that's why you're fat if you won't use your legs! Reply 147 ...


Text - Retroxyl • 13h When I visited Egypt, there were no price tags on anything. The guy in the store would just tell you a price. One much too high of course. Then he was waiting for you to negotiate it down. As someone who isn't that good at interacting with people l've never met, and also hates to give these propably poorer people even less money for their work than they already want, I was quite happy to have my mother with me. She is the polar opposite of me in these regards so she absolut


Text - four-letter-title • 14h Lack of litter on the streets. Ireland in the 80s and early 90s was like an open dumpster. People had an appalling attitude towards rubbish. Which was pretty much the exact opposite of how the country was thought of by everyone else. Returning home after a summer travelling through Europe made me terribly embarrassed. Reply 20 ...


Text - sounders127 • 17h China...they have painted lanes on their roads...they don't use the painted lanes. Reply 1 248 ...


Text - llcucf80 • 17h Many years ago (pre-September 11th, back when they'd just wave you across), I went to Canada a couple times. One time near the border I handed them a $20 US bill to change into Canadian money. The change kept coming, and coming, and coming, and coming. I was baffled: just how much money did I give you? It was great as an American how far US money could take you. I know they probably don't like it, but to me it was great. I've actually heard while the value of the US/ Canadi


Text - ItsViliii • 16h When i visited Spain i noticed that people are way more touchy with each other i was at a car mechanik and the mechanik that was teaching me would just lean against me and watch me do my job i tought it was weird but when i got home i read an article about spain and there it was mentioned that they are closer to each other Q Reply 1 116 5 ...


Text - blackwilloww • 14h Not sure if this would be considered weird, but I think it's amazing how people who live in cities with high altitudes can just walk around without getting tired. When I visited Bolivia and Peru, I was only able to walk a couple of steps and then had to stop and rest because I couldn't breath. The locals, on the other hand, would walk and run normally. I know their body is prepared to deal with the altitude, but I still think it's fascinating. Reply 1 80 3 + ...

Submitted by:


Husband Uses Christmas Gift Early, Wife Catches Him

It sounds like when this husband got caught red-handed he tried to deflect his self-created predicament back onto his wife. His very wife that was loving enough to invest her resources in a meaningful, generally badass Christmas gift. When you get caught like he did the best course of action is to just own up for your mistake, and not try to deny what you did. That only makes it worse. 


Text - WIBTA for returning my husbands Christmas present after he snooped, opened and started using it? Not the A-hole Just as a start up I would like to say that he literally went digging to find the gift. I hid it in our attic in a tote of summer clothing, which he literally never gets into. He never steps foot in that attic because he is terrified of spiders.


Text - So, anyways, my husband has been saying for months that the only thing he wanted for Christmas was a VR headset. Hes wanted one since they came out with them so it's been a hot minute that hes been obsessed with these rigs. So when I found the VR he wanted on Black Friday for $200 less than the original asking price, I immediately bought it. When I got home with the gift, he was in the garage so I quickly ran the item to the attic and hid it. The item was still in the box, in the bag, wit


Text - When I was in the attic my husband came inside and yelled up the stairs to ask what I was doing and I told him I was sifting through stuff to see if I had any extra snow pants for a friend (which she had asked me for the day prior). He didnt question it, at that point. However, he must have felt something was up because when I left for work the next day, he found the gift after he went snooping. I came home early from work due to them scheduling too many people on and when l returned I fo


Text - I was so pissed off and upset about this. Not only did he ruin the surprise but I didnt get to see his fucking face light up when he opened it, which I had been looking forward to. As soon as he heard me clear my throat he ripped the headset off and said something like "Oh, you're home early. I found this and wanted to test it out before you gave it to whoever you bought it for." I will admit that me immediately starting to cry was over the top excessive. I was just extremely bummed out.


Text - A_BEAVER_HAUSEN • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [9] 3 5 Awards I thought it was for your brother!! Does your husband always treat you like he thinks you're the village idiot? Tell him, you snoop, you get poop. NTA Reply 4.3k ...


Text - ladyk1487 • 1d "I thought it was for someone else so I opened it and set it up under my name." Yea and l'm giraffe with 16 legs and the president of the US. NTA give it to your brother. Also don't let him gas light your feelings. You have every right to be upset and react in the way you did. Reply 605 3 + •..


Text - cyfermax • 1d • Prime Ministurd [446] NTA. Imo, it's worse if he thought it was for someone else. Why would he think your brother should get a used gift? Of course, that's not what he thought - he knew it was for him and just wanted to use it. Still an asshole - infact a bigger one for lying about it. # Q Reply 4 502 3 ...


Text - CountingTheRavens • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] 1 Award NTA. And honestly his response would piss me off even more, because he's trying to shift the problem from himself to you - "Well yeah, I opened the game, but you overreacted like crazy. Jeez, what is your problem?" Return it and get him $200 worth of socks, in the VR headset box. But make sure you hide the box again, just to see what happens this time. Reply 8.8k 3 ...


Text - queenoreo • 1d • Supreme Court Just-ass [105] NTA. It's even worse that he "thought it was for someone else so I tested it". Who plays with someone else's gift? l'd never put that much effort into a gift for him again. He ruined your gift by being a greedy child. Q Reply 609 ...


Text - Ciecie33 • 1d• Certified Proctologist [24] 4 Awards NTA - but your husband certainly is a world class asshole. He knew the gift was for him. At least, he better have known because in opening an electronic item, that makes it unreturnable (at the very least - it would have a return fee). And, who wants a pre- opened gift? Everyone knows when an electronic item has been opened ! He is such a jerk for opening it and playing with it (knowing that Christmas was coming). And, to top it all off


Text - hannahsflora • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [19] 57 Awards NTA. You know this, but your husband is lying. He DIDN'T think it was for your brother - he knew it was for him. Those VR headsets require you to either set up a new account or link an existing one, so by his own story, he took your brother's gift and just put all of his own shit into it? Come on. He knows he fucked up, but is trying to deflect back on you by making you feel bad for your reaction. And by the way, given this exact set-u


Text - esmoves • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] NTA. He is a real ass. So he claims he thought it was for your brother and proceeded to open it and use it,... First of, this is a lame excuse. Second, you don't open packages and use stuff that is a presentator some one else. I would return it. And I might not get him any other present for the rest of the year. Why bother? He has zero respect for presents. All Christmas is ruined now. I might even be so upset I would go to my parents or friends to ce


Text - dumpsterfireofalife • 1d • Partassipant [3] NTA. I'd the do the same. And who the fuck opens someone else's gift to play it because he wants one. He did this knowing it was a gift for him. Take it the fuck back. I don't think you crying was over the top. l'd calmly go in. Put it all back in the box tell him you're going to the store with it and leave. Get him to understand he fucked up. He's an adult he should know better. + Reply 115 •..


Text - medusas_tits • 1d You're NTA but I think that pretty much all these suggestions are immature AF. Talk with him and let him know how this made you feel and explain that actions have consequences and that he can now buy his own headset. If you follow these other suggestions, you're not communicating and can add to this tension. E Q Reply 215


Text - Practical_Heart7287 • 1d • Certified Proctologist [24] 1 Award NTA at all but your husband sure is. Could you box it up and hide it really well or even give to a family member to hold on to? Wait and give it to him for his birthday. Go buy underwear and socks and wrap those up in a box in a similar size of the VR headset. Watch his head explode when he opens it and don't say a word. Bonus points if you open gifts on a Zoom call with family so if he would say something about where the VR h


Text - roguechickennugget • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA. l'd be more mad about the obvious lie. It's one thing to be inconsiderate and impatient, it's another thing to think your spouse is stupid. Who would believe that? Who tests other people's gifts? "I'm sorry. I found it and I was just so excited, I didn't even think." Not that hard. I wouldn't take it back. Truthfully, it's already got his cheetodust fingerprints and forehead sweat on it. Don't buy him anything else, though. Q Reply 54 <5 ...


Text - Luna-Strange • 1d • Certified Proctologist [21] NTA. Even if he really thought it was for your brother he never should have opened the boxes. Reply 1 25 +


Text - marthamania • 1d NTA but your husband is. Either he's blatantly lying and knows it's his gift (obviously he does), or he just opened a Christmas gift for someone else just so he could play it. Reply 38 3 ...


Text - Persimmon_Puree • 1d • Partassipant [2] NTA. Aren't gifts given by the giver? A grown adult couldn't wait a couple weeks for a major (and wholly recreational) gift from their SO? Your husband sounds like TA just based on the fact that he felt completely entitled to "test out" someone else's gift and take away their moment of unboxing/opening plastic/etc. I'd return it and get him something else. The system will now always remind you of this bullshit every time you see it. Q Reply 35 5 +


Text - SweetDangus• 1d NTA. You could absolutely return it, however.. doing that may start something really unpleasant for both of you. This isn't suggest sitting down with him and explaining to him how much this hurt you, why it hurt you, and your disappointment in him. You have every right to return the gift, bc he was a total child and an asshole, but this could turn into an explosive ordeal. I really do think talking about it would help.. if it doesn't help and he is still acting like a mass


Text - sergeantsexxy • 21h YWBTA. Yeah he shouldn't have snooped. Yeah it sucks. Maybe he knew it was his. But why would you return it because he "ruined the suprise for you?" To return it would just be petty. Just wrap it up and make him wait till Christmas still. Move past it and let him know how annoyed you are by what he did. Maybe threaten if he ever does that again you will return the item. Reply 5 3 ...


Text - GraviTeaTime• 1d NTA. He ruined what was supposed to be a heartfelt gift because he's impatient and can't respect boundaries. IfI were you, l'd go along with his lie, thank him for testing it, and then give it to your brother as a gift from both of you. Petty and assholish, but damn would it be satisfying to let his lie bite him in the ass. É QReply 4 10 ...

Submitted by:


Bad But Impressive Budget Engineering Solutions

People may not have a whole lot of money, but what they do have is creativity and ingenuity. And sometimes they have more of that than decent sense. What results are gutters made out of old boots, precarious ladder formations and a whole lot of other impressive and dumb low budget DIY solutions.


Motor vehicle - Alexa, add 'problem solving skills' to my resume F04 BG


Machine - つ


Motor vehicle - 7 8 DIESEL DIESEL wHELEAN 5


Tire - TIRE &AUT MEGA (715) 665-AUTO Key -Orop






Ladder - F


Motor vehicle


Motor vehicle - Mobile EFF FFF


Product - SHARP


Motor vehicle


Property - LUGH OR CROAK


Metal - Posted in r/EDC reddit HEATY DUTY


Product - Treadmill sander - $50 image 1 of 3 This is a treadmill that I used as a sander. I installed a 100 grit sanding belt on it. It works great as a substitute for a drum sander or large belt sander. I used it to flatten an end grain cutting board. Crar




Nature - Tugboat sandbox boat


Wheel - CCM


Yellow - H. Новаторство


Motor vehicle


Roof - ... Can anybody help need some asap STTF Chen Share Comment O Like




Product - Modern problems require modern solutions




Red - Door Bell is Broken. Please Shout Ding Dong" really loud!



Submitted by:


Chefs Share Basic Cooking Tips for The Masses

Having even a rudimentary knowledge of how basic flavors work is a guaranteed way to improve your cooking and your quality of life. Seriously, knowing just a little bit about how to add salt to food can be night and day. Also it helps to be told that you shouldn't try to catch a falling knife. In addition, here are people's most treasured budget recipes that got them through hard times.


Text - Orbnotacus 29.8k points · 1 day ago · edited 19 hours ago 11 O 23 & 20 More The amount of garlic flavor is dependent on WHEN you add the garlic. Add it early for light flavor, add it late for bold flavor.


Text - YupItsMe81 20.1k points · 1 day ago 26 23 3 2 8 Oven mits can in fact catch on fire


Text - lidaranis 16.4k points · 1 day ago 4 O 4 & 2 More . Sharp knives are less dangerous than dull knives.


Text - Ox53r3n17y 14.3k points · 1 day ago 5 16 & 16 More 2 Learn basic cutting techniques for cutting vegetables. Keep it simple. The number ingredients doesn't say anything about the taste of a dish. Go for dishes you can make in 30 to 40 minutes with 6 to 8 ingredients. Keep a notebook. Gather a list recipes and dishes you do regularly. Expand gradually with new stuff. Don't just buy cookbooks you never really use. Adding is easy, removing is hard. People here argue to liberally add butter an


Text - You don't need a gazillion utensils. In your daily cooking, a basic kitchen knife already does a lot of the heavy lifting. Learn to use that properly. Observe. How do ingredients act when you combine them? What happens when your put them in a pan or pot and apply heat? Always be cleaning. You have idle time? Clean the sink. Don't be afraid to fail. Learn from your mistakes. Also, don't pretend you know better then the recipe. Especially if you never made a recipe before.


Text - lloydimus87 13.7k points · 1 day ago 3 11 S 4 8 2 Two things for beginners: First, taste as you cook. At various stages of cooking, while safe (not raw meat) taste your food as you cook it. This let's you know if you have too much of something or too little. It also helps you develop your palette for what different seasonings do. Second, if you're just starting out and don't know which spices to buy. Pick a specific cuisine you like. Are you a fan of italian food? Focus only on Italian re


Text - Journalist_Full 13.0k points · 1 day ago · edited 20 hours ago 2 2 3 3 If you plan on using juice from limes, oranges or lemons, roll them around pushing on them (not too hard) before cutting them.


Text - therealdxm 11.4k points · 1 day ago · edited 12 hours ago 4 3 e S 4 Salt is seasoning. It makes food taste more like itself. Acids, like citrus or vinegar can also do this. If your food tastes flat, or like it is missing something, try some salt or acid. Acid is also critical for balancing very rich fatty foods. The reason Americans love tomato ketchup so much is the fact that it adds acid and salt to their food. Adding a bit of "heat" like a pinch of cayenne can also accentuate a the fla


Text - ihoardbeer 10.6k points · 22 hours ago 3 2 e & 9 More a falling knife has no handle


Text - trgreg 270 points · 23 hours ago A long time ago a chef friend told me if there's one word to recommend to everyone, it's "fresh". Use fresh everything where you can ... makes all the difference.


Text - porkedpie1 10.5k points · 1 day ago · edited 20 hours ago Three or four times the amount of butter and salt is a big part of why your food doesn't taste like restaurant food.


Text - ChickenMarsala4500 7.2k points · 21 hours ago 3 8 96 3 & 3 More Tongs are also oven mitts, juicers, knives, spoons, and extendo-arms. Just make sure you click them at least twice before using them to make sure they are on.


Text - FinanceGuyHere 6.0k points · 23 hours ago 2 2 2 e If you're getting annoyed because it's taking you too long to peel garlic, place an unpeeled garlic clove under the flat side of your kitchen knife and press on it with your hand. The garlic peel will separate easily and your garlic will be crushed.


Text - Pugzalay 5.3k points · 1 day ago 23 2 S 2 8 Wear a tall hat to hide the small rat


Text - uberclont 5.0k points · 1 day ago 23 S E Mise en place - everything in it's place. have everything cut, seasonings and ingredients measured before you start cooking. this way you can focus on cooking. Brown meats in small batches, do not over crowd the pan. it will cause meat to sweat and will not brown properly.


Text - IZiOstra 3.5k points · 1 day ago 2 For thick and nice sauces, use the water you cook your pasta with.


Text - downsouthcountry 2.8k points · 1 day ago Salt and pepper are your best friends. MyFlairIsalLie 2.2k points · 23 hours ago 2 SPOG for almost everything. Salt, pepper, onion, garlic.


Text - StandCroissant 2.4k points · 23 hours ago S When cooking at home, especially for guests and especially in winter, microwave the plates/bowls for 30-90 seconds before putting the food on them. Cold plates take heat from food, hot plates keep food hot longer. NB: Check your crockery is microwave proof first and obviously don't do it for food that's supposed to be cold like salads or ice cream.


Text - NicePPyouhavethere 1.9k points · 1 day ago I am not a chef but I know for a fact that you shouldn't cook something you aren't familiar with if you are having guests.


Text - maverickmain 958 points · 23 hours ago Massively improve the quality of your proteins with fond. Doesn't matter the protein. Bird, beef, pork, tofu. Fond is the dark brown stuff that sticks to your pan when you're cooking. Its not burnt unless is actually black. To get it off the pan on on the food, pour in either an alcohol or acid to dissolve it and get the now brown liquid to coat your protein. Different proteins work best with different alcohols. Good rule of thumb, dry white for chic


Text - distressedsilver 506 points · 23 hours ago Brine ur dang birds. Like salt, sugar and water makes a basic brine; let it sit in there overnight. Juicy bird guaranteed.

Submitted by:

Tagged: tips , cooking , adulting , chef , advice , food , flavor

Koala Sounds Just Awful


The appreciation for Koalas has absolutely plummeted in the last decade, from news about how they have dumb smooth brains that don't work good, they're covered in diseases, and how they totally lack empathy. Throw this noise on top of the pile. Do they have any redeeming koalaties?

Submitted by: (via Inferno Films)

Tagged: nature , wtf , gross , koala , sound , ugly , funny

Comedy Gold From Legendary Comments Troll, Ken M

Just in case you're unfamiliar with Ken M, it's an online parody account that has consistently delivered comedy gems in the comments section. Ken M will swoop in on an otherwise civil comments section and spice that whole scene up with masterful precision. There's nothing better than seeing someone else online fall for Ken M's tactics. 


Label - PORTABLE PROTEIN tnat's FOOD NEW PACK Oscar Mayer EXCELLENT SOURCE OF PROTEIN 13g Sn Oscar Mayer ***** (255 ratings) O Like 885,120 likes · 8,194 talking about this · 3,310 were here Ken M hello Is it safe to cook your beef franks in the crock pot Like Comment Share February 25 at 1:57pm Oscar Mayer Hey Ken – Try checking out our recipe site. We have tons of recommendations on how to cook our dogs! Oer Recipes By Kraft Foods - Easy Recipes, Desserts &


Colorfulness - Big Asteroid Flies By Earth Tonight: How to Watch Live Mike Wall 22 hours ago SPACE Astronomy Science, Social Science, & Humanities The near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 will come within 2.2 million miles (3.5 million kilometers) of our planet. The online Virtual Telescope Project will stream live footage of 2003 DZ15 beginning at 6 p.m. EDT tonight. Ken M • 22 hours ago | Remove why use your computer to gaze at something in the natural world? you can bet that ill be watching it in my


Chin - mpported Lpregnanty birthe sitter crawier todaler toddler 24 Growing up Gerber v Liked - Gerber 6,656,370 likes · 13,394 talking about this Ken M safe to heat up the baby food in the oven? March 18 at 4:46pm - Like Gerber @Ken - Give us a call and we'll be glad to help with this. We're here 24/7. call 800-255-2164. March 18 at 8:23pm - Like Ken M Thank You our grandson ate hot baby food and now his belly is running a fever March 19 at 6:23am - Like Cotyy 20secunds I heat my


Amber - White Castle White Castle 946,074 likes · 16,614 talking about this O Like Message * Jaimie Colon > White Castle October 11 at 7:10am : Come to Florida PLEASE... All we have is CRYSTALS and it sucks... Theres nothing like a white castle burger..O Like · Comment 6 3 people like this. Top Comments - White Castle Hi, Jamie. We hope to be in the sunshine state in the near future! We think a Castle would look great under the palm trees. Like · Reply · 02· October 11 at 11:13am Qhite Ken M Hi


Goggles - WHEATTES MP LIFETIME ACHIEVEM Wheaties @Wheaties Ken M > Wheaties 19 hrs good product but what happen to the old box Like Comment Share WHEATES Wheaties O Hi Ken, Thank you for your question. What do you mean by old box? Let us know. Like Reply 12 hrs Ken M i remeber when instead of sport athletes your box just had a picture of a giant Wheatie Like Reply - 11 hrs Wheaties O Thank you for clarifying, Ken. Yes, We do alternate our packaging. We have in fact been featuring more commemorat


Screenshot - DON'T JUST GET CLEAN GET CHARMIN CLEAN Charmin Charmin O @charmin · Household Supplies O Send Message Home About Photos Videos More - Ib Like Q ... Ken M we've been a proud CHARMIN family for yr's but how come you dont make it easier for older folks to buy your product Like · Reply · 1w A Author Charmin O We're beary thankful for your family's trust and loyalty in Charmin, Ken. We're honored you and yours depend on us to help you enjoy every go! Please know, this year has had many c


Text - HAMBURGERS NO DELAY IN-N-OUT In-N-Out Burger Company Ken M > In-N-Out Burger Yesterday at 4:50am - what happen to the ketchup dippers Like Comment Share In-N-Out Burger O Thanks for your post, Ken. We use standard ketchup packets at all of our locations. You're welcome to give us a call at (800) 786-1000 if you have any questions. Thanks again! Colene Like · Reply 22 hrs Ken M well on friday your store was out of potatoe fries so we had to dunk our fingers into the ketchup dip Like Reply


Display device - Karate Combat ... April 5 at 3:20am - 0 Karate Combat Official trailer!100 Visit for all of our fights with the complete interactive Heads Up Display. DE EGYPT ISRAEL UKRAINE PANY Vs. ARGENTINA Vs. ITALY BRAZIL 135K Views O Like O Comment A Share 0O8 4.9K Most Relevant - M I'd love to compete in this Like Reply 1w Karate Combat Hi M - Please e-mail Like - Reply - 1w M Will do Like Reply 1w Ken M you will need a trainer but I demand 100% COMMITMENT


Green - HANDSOME Handsome Brook Farms @HandsomeBrookFarms . ricultural Cooperative i Sign Up 2 Ken M Handsome Brook Farms ... January 18, 2017 · O we spent wedding money on a set of stainless steel Cuisinart cookware and your eggs burned one of our pans O Like O Comment A Share L Who are you blaming? Like · Reply · 3y Ken M Brook Handsome Farm needs to put a warning label on the eggs or put a refund when they burn peoples pans Like · Reply · 3y S I guess I


Blue - Watch SpaceX launch NASA's new planet-hunting satellite here Devin Coldewey TechCrunch April 18, 2018 Ken M 22 days ago km As a scientist, sometimes envy the ignorant. To me, the discovery of a new planet is mundane. To you, it is a grand marvel beyond all comprehension. A Reply 1 75 Kirstin 22 days ago Planetary scientists are excited. Maybe this is outside of your field of study, and that's why you're not excited. :-) Really, though, it's not about any single planetary discovery but abo


Cuisine - 8 Great Ways to Use Thanksgiving Leftovers By Sunset Magazine | Healthy Living - 11 hours ago M Email f Share g +1 A Print 1 Tweet Pinit Ken M • 10 hours ago | Report Abuse 오 2 O 2 we always make just enough food for our family to eat and then we give all the leftovers to our local food bank Mary • 10 hours ago Report Abuse That's awesome! I wish I could afford to do that. LeslieJ • 10 hours ago | Report Abuse 2 0 If you are only making "just enough food for our family to eat", I don't


Cuisine - 8 Amazing Thanksgiving Desserts By Sunset Magazine | Dessert Guide - Tue, Nov 19, 2013 12:45 AM EST Hollegethumor Top off your feast with one of our favorite cakes, crisps, tarts, and cheesecakes Ken M • 2 days 2 hours ago Remove 2 13 오 how about putting plain turkey on this list or is that too traditional for yahoo Rebekah • 2 days 0 hours ago | Report Abuse 오 8. Didn't know turkey was dessert. NunyaBidness • 2 days 0 hours ago Report Abuse Seriously, Ken, at least read the title of t


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise there's no i in collaboraton


Text - Ken M Jimmy Dean Sausage June 7 at 5:00am we like your pork links but it seem like more folks would buy your product if it was dish-washer safe I Like Comment Share Jimmy Dean Sausage O Ken, we're not sure what you mean by dish-washer safe. Feel free to DM us and we can try to help you further. Like Reply O1- June 7 at 10:54am Ken M Thank You well i have arthritis so it would be better to use the dish-washer instaed of scrub the links by hand before cooking Like Reply O June 7 at 8:03pm K


Text - Belief in God Boils Down to a Gut Feeling LME SCIENCE By Stephanie Pappas | – 13 hrs ago Comment from Ken M Ken M 17 minutes ago With all the evidence out there, it's a LITTLE bit hard to respect people who doubt the existence of the Bible :) • Collapse Replies Livingunwantedfetus 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse 1 Evidence? You retard. Richard 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse What evidence? Ken M 11 seconds ago Embark on a holy pilgrimage to any hotel in America, and lo, there


Text - Ken M Following @horseysurprise Abandon your family and friends for a budget-friendly Christmas


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise some priceless paintings are so realistic that you can literally touch them and face real world consequences


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise It's oddly cathartic to realize I'll never be able to pay off my student loan from when I borrowed $400 from a student


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise City pigeons are strikingly intelligent and social creatures yet we casually stomp on them like bugs


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise The old restaurants accepted food as currency and in return you could sit in a booth and chew on your debit card

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Computer User Calls Tech Support, Doesn't Understand How Tabs Work

Anyone who has ever worked a job in tech support is likely well accustomed to a wealth of computer users not understanding the simplest of things. It's like we have all this wonderful technology available at our disposal, but sometimes folks fall through the cracks, and really need all the help they can get over things that should be common sense. In this wonderful scenario we have a computer user who somehow doesn't understand how tabs work. Just digest that one for a second. Check out more times that tech support ended up facing waking nightmares over here


Text - r/talesfromtechsupport u/Gsmith2885• 20h + Join @1 31 8 1 User states I can only open 1 program at a time in my browser Short I work for a large multinational in a call center as level 1 tech support. At peak times we have between 20 to 30 thousand employees connected to our network. Our users use various applications many of which run in a browser. Some of the programs require Chrome some require Internet Explorer. I've been doing this for long enough that I have a pretty good understand


Text - Me: Blah blah How can I help you? User:I can only open 1 program at a time in my browser. Me: (I already think I know where this is going) What program are you attempting to use and in which browser? User: I'm using x program and y program. I've tried in chrome and ie. Me: Ok that's a bit odd those should work in both browsers. Let me remote in and see what is happening when you launch them. (Establish remote access) Me: Ok show me what is happening.


Text - User launces x program in ie and it appears to be working. User then launches y program in the same tab. User: Now when I go back to x program I'm logged out. I need both to be running at the same time. Me: Let me show you how tabs work in your browser. Yes ladies and gentlemen this user did not know that tabs were a thing. She also didn't know how to open a second browser window. I was truly surprised. I had heard of this kind of thing but l've never seen it before. Tl:dr User is trying

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Normalized Scams People Don't Notice

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the scams of this world that are so normalized that nobody seems to notice. It's wild when it comes to some of the shady stuff that people/companies can somehow get away with. For instance, some of those internships can get pretty scammy real quick. 


Text - distrucktocon • 3h 4 Awards Manufacturers refusing documentation to private repair enterprises and requiring you to get your products fixed by the dealer. Basically, the reason for the "Right-to- repair" movement. Reply 9.8k ...


Text - VictorBlimpmuscle • 4h Those registries that people pay money to "name a star" Reply 1 1.1k ...


Text - suelzlej • 4h Paying for cable tv. The whole idea of paying was to create a revenue stream separate from that of marketing. There are a few out there (HBO, I think) but generally we pay to access the content and still have to spend 20% of the time sitting through commericals. Then streaming comes in and were free of advertisements again, for a bit. Now YouTube has tons of ads and other streaming services are talking about adding ads as well. Reply 2.0k 3 ...


Text - ChaChaRealSmoothe • 5h The games at fairs/carnivals. Reply 1.9k ...


Text - WW_History_Buff • 3h 3 10 Awards Mobile game ads that show gameplay of a Call of Duty or Skyrim style game but in reality are just a spin-off of Candy Crush. QReply 1 15.3k ...


Text - DoYuNoDaWae6321 • 4h 2 3 12 Awards "If you tell me the truth, I won't get mad." -Mom Reply 9.5k ...


Text - 3 1 Award Idk if anyone remembers Power Balance bracelets from the early 2000s. A lot of celebrities and athletes advertised for them and they claimed to improve your balance and overall health. Well being a rubber bracelet made in a factory, it was all nonsense but they still sold millions of units before shutting down. A new company owns them now and you can still buy them though


Text - TheBassMeister • 4h 3 Awards Planned obsolescence, where products are deliberatly designed to have a defect or worse performance shortly after the warranty has expired. Reply 11.4k ...


Text - Solitary-Dolphin • 4h Social media. From their happy beginnings they are now mostly a funnel used to ram as many advertisements into your mind as inhumanly possible. "Sponsored Posts" every third or fourth item - I see you, IG/FB/Red/etc. And that's not even mentioning the extensive filtering network that "curates" the information you get to see when you are looking for something. "Curated information" is just a nice expression for you being conditioned to form certain opinions / buy more


Text - strawberrywords • 4h Doing your own taxes, and paying to use a privately- owned software (or a service) when the government could totally do it for you, send you the details, and ask if it's correct.


Text - Hadrian_x_Antinous • 4h Cat food. Look at the cat food at a random store, and see how the design brags about all the healthy vegetables they've crammed into your obligate carnivore's diet. Then check out the ingredients and see how corn, rice, etc. are often the first ingredients. Pet foods market toward humans by trying to appeal to human sensibilities, not genuine desire to provide your cat with the best diet. | Reply 2.0k 3


Text - -EDGAR- • 4h 1 Award College textbook prices. It's crazy how ridiculous expensive they are putting even more of a financial burden on students. Reply 1 2.5k 3 ...


Text - TheSanitylnspector • 4h 2 8 2 Awards Rent-to-own furniture and appliances. Reply 1 12.5k ...


Text - GrandTadpole18 • 4h 8 1 Award Most mega churches... I remember an interview with Kenneth Copeland talking about how he needed a private jet to spread religion Reply 5.9k 3 ...


Text - Red-7134 • 4h 8 3 Awards Diamond rings for marriage. Reply 4 2.8k ...


Text - LISHPjuice • 3h 3 7 Awards The Verizon $1 scam. Verizon tacked on a $1 fee onto 8% of their customer's bills each month so over the course of the year, they did it to every customer, about 150,000,000. Their rationale was: 50% wouldn't notice and just pay the charge or would notice and wouldn't spend anytime fighting a $1 charge. 50% would notice the charge and call to have it removed. Of those, 35% would get frustrated while on the call and give up. This added approximately $120,000,000


Text - Lonewolf23319 • 4h S 8 4 Awards Having to pay $100+ for glasses Reply 5.9k ...


Text - KungFu-omega-warrior • 4h Scientific journal memberships. Reply 312 ...


Text - that-fed-up-guy • 1h "Once you finish the high school, it's all fun ahead.." "Once you finish the degree, it's all fun ahead.." "Once you get a job, it's all fun ahead.." .. "Once you die, it's all fun ahead.." Reply 238 ...


Text - jaceandcathy • 4h Scientology Reply 495 5 ...


Text - Icapaz • 4h Annual college tuition increases. Why aren't they held to a competitive pricing model as opposed to having to take out a mortgage to go to school? Everyone wants to talk about government paying for college education, but there is no conversation on why is it that expensive anyway? Especially when some unis have endowments in the billions that just the interest on those funds could literally pay the tuition for everyone that goes through the door. Q Reply 1 204 3 ...


Text - llcucf80 • 5h Lotteries Reply 1 689 •.. +R


Text - i_am_dan17 • 5h 2 1 Award Internships. It's basically free labour for "work experience" and it doesn't even count most of the times Reply 1.9k 3 ...


Text - chiggenNuggs• 3h S 8 Awards Funerals and everything to do with them. The funeral industry has insane pricing. Some of the funeral homes and vendors are even predatory, getting grieving families to pay upwards of tens of thousands of dollars, because "that's what the deceased would have wanted". Reply 8.4k 3 ...


Text - perspectives • 4h 3 2 Awards Members of Senate, Congress, and Presidential candidates, collecting money from corporations, big donors, and hiding it in campaign accounts, Pac's and Super Pac's, and then doling it out as they like. They no longer act as a government of the people and for the реople.


Text - MojoJojo1945 • 4h 1 Award Unpaid internships. Fuck anyone who gives unpaid internships! People get exploited like shit in that and for what? Most times they don't even count. For what purpose?

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Tagged: FAIL , askreddit , ridiculous , scam , dumb , Reddit

Entitled Customer Comes In After Close, Kicked Out By "Manager"

There's a type of customer that is never going to be happy. That type of customer has a habit of coming in during closing and being really unsure of what they want. They're just terrific people to be around. For another warm and loving person, here's a Karen who demanded a fellow customer's cart, but they didn't back down.


Text - O r/MaliciousCompliance - Posted by u/luridfox 16 hours ago 5 2 2 3 7 At closing time I am still the manager oc M So I was 19 at the time and a shift supervisor at a local sub shop (Planet Sub). This was my first supervisory/managerial position and for how shy and generally insecure I was at the time, I am amazed I had the gall to do this. To be fair it had been a LONG day, and I had a second job that would give me more hours if I wanted. I was in charge of closing the store and I had had


Text - Around 9:30 I answered the phone to a terse gentleman demanding to know when we close because he NEEDED to pick up sandwiches. I told him we shut the doors at 10, so he would have to be quick, and I offered to take his order over the phone so he could just pay when he gets here. He said he would have to look at the menu, and rudely asked how he would have any idea what he wanted without seeing the menu. I replied that I had no idea if it was his first or 5th time here. He scoffed, said he


Text - At 10:15 an irritated voice called into the kitchen asking "is there anybody working here, I would like to place my order". I walked out, and behind the counter told him that we closed 15 minutes ago and the kitchen was shut down. "I called half an hour ago and I was told I could come get food still, that you were open," he stated. "That was me you spoke to, and at 9:30 (45, not 30 minutes ago to be precise), we were open and I informed you that we closed at 10. It is not 10:15, we are cl


Text - At this moment folks, I had a moment of clarity, that I did not want to take this in the slightest, and I wanted to be a sarcastic and immature prick. I did not get paid enough for this, and I was fed up with the day. "One moment, I will get him" I said politely with a genuine smile. I then turned around, removed my hat and apron, hung them on a hood, and turning back to face him stated "Hi, I'm Jeff, I am the manager tonight." I heard cackles of laughter from the other employees in the b

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Funny, Random and Shiny Tumblr Gems

Tumblr is a spindly, winding, trap-door-laden laden pathway of thoughts and musings that could make anyone think for a good long time about anything under the sun. Hilarious and totally random tumblr gems could encapsulate anything from complaints about gees to poems about how much people love their Roomba. It could be anything.


Text - The moral of Rudolph the Red nose reindeer is that no one likes you unless you're useful. rudolph the red-nosed reindeer as capitalist propaganda: discuss rudolph was already exactly as useful as the other reindeer. the moral is deviation from the norm will be punished unless it is exploitable 11 Kids, could you lighten up a little?


Text - surprisedentistry i love dogs who are obsessed with licking people surprisedentistry "this human is pleasing to me. i have to put my tongue on it" advanced-procrastination Dogs treat us like we treat cool rocks surprisedentistry your relationship to rocks is apparently very different than mine


Text - wodneswynn One of the characters in our D&D party is an orc named Brick. We've established that orcs get their names through tests of strength and that his name is Brick because it's the strongest thing he was able to break with his bare hands. By profession, Brick is a therapist. His ultimate ambition is to one day do therapy so good that he can change his name to Depression. naamahdarling I went into this expecting beautiful himbo and came out in love with Brick and crying over therapis


Text - memewhore Follow i feel like we haven't fully internalized how cursed the iowa county map is 10:20 PM 2/4/20 Twitter Web Client chickenonabicycle Follow That's not a map that's an Excel spreadsheet. rantingandravenclaw Follow #god can someone gerrymander that a little #just for variety. #reblog #post.txt 22,924 notes A


Text - trash-like-me Follow I'm still reeling over the fact when I went with my friend to a renaissance fair, there was a lady who was handing out samples. My friend took a bite of it and all I heard was "My lord that's soap"


Organism - itseasytoremember someone help me find that image of 4 cats being held up in front of a brightly coloured background. the cats look calm being held but each have their own personality itseasytoremember nvm i found it


Text - writing-prompt-s Your landlord is a vampire, so he offers you a deal. You can pay your rent in money... or in blood. hedgeworth Follow This is just the oh no rent's late how can I make it up to you porn trope but for goths.


Text - the library haunter @SketchesbyBoze Arthur Conan Doyle: I have invented the greatest detective of all time Agatha Christie: hold my tea Doyle: ... why does this tea taste funny 9:40 AM · Oct 25, 2019 · Twitter Web App ladyvyola Follow This is even funnier if you know that Christie did not learn about poisons because she became a mystery writer, rather that she specifically became a writer of mysteries because she already had extensive knowledge of poisons due to her World War I training a


Yellow - chat-chouage Follow the other day i started writing an office romance but i quickly remembered that i have no idea what working in an office is like ivan-fyodorovich Follow as opposed to your vast personal expertise in romance? chat-chouage Follow


Text - falloutnewvegans-deactivated201 i love how scientists in fiction are always called "scientists". thats it. they wear a Labcoat Of +5 Science and +5 Medicine. They do not specialize in a tree of science, like Biology or Astrology. No. They are just Science Men ready to do Science. thefingerfuckingfemalefury "Do you understand what this could mean for science? It could mean real advances in the field of SCIENCE" sweetmeatdale Literature majors trying to figure out what everyone else does


Text - rem-ir The Fahrenheit defenders have logged on rem-ir my defense of fahrenheit is that 69° is ideal weather in fahrenheit but dead people weather in celsius mollic-epipedon Great news everyone I have decided to endorse Fahrenheit 4,686 notes


Atmosphere - The year is 2387. Earth is a'member of the Federation of Planets - but without Great Britain, which is still trying to leave the EU. copperbadge You know, this would explain why Picard, the most English person ever to walk aboard a starship, continues to claim he's French. dduane (snicker) Source: spikesjojo


Text - sweaterwithpaintstains Follow 3 am is such a powerful time. there are people sleeping. there are people partying. there are people having a movie marathon. there are people crying. there are people loving. there are people dying. there are people living. toegther at 3 am. hugerez don't romanticize 3 am everyone should be in bed!!!! go to sleep bitch!!!! 313,233 notes


Formal wear - hydro-homies Follow BRIGHTSIDE @Raelet how I, a millennial, filter spam calls: -if my phone rings, it's spam I answer for no one. madz-the-3rd Follow EXCEPT My mommy, 294,474 notes


Green - officialfist - blurrymango tumblr Follow jdididydog So how long is it going to be until hollywood discovers e-girls and simps and decides to make a rom com about it h4xOrwaif This summer, Amy has to choose between her long time friend who she has been secretly in love with forever, and that one really sweet, really good looking guy who donates most of her income monthly, in Gamer Girl jdididydog she's among the top streamers on twitch, he's giving all he can to be in her tier 1 subscribe


Text - rasec-wizzlbang: kenkit: rasec-wizzlbang: if an elf and a dwarf fucked, would it make a human? Going by older editions of D&D they made an awkward ugly thing called a Dwelf, which usually combined the worst aspects of both races personalities and physical construction. .. yeah, a human Source: rasec-wizzlbang 14,811 notes


Face - onlytwitterpics Follow When you start an argument with bae to spice things up and he ends up leaving your ass can-oh-worm Follow Good for him rockn-roll-cat Follow good finally a version of this i can reblog 355,546 notes


Text - @ origamityler-deactivated2016101 The best reddit thread l've ever seen was when someone asked if the gang from Always Sunny in Philadelphia could kill Darth Maul and almost all of the responses were over 4 paragraphs long experimental-sponge Best quote from that thread: "To give the gang a slight advantage, We'll assume that Darth Maul has not seen any of the films in the Home Alone franchise."


Text - duendealexis Wasn't iCarly that guy with the wax wings that flew into the sun and fucking got rest because same sketchfilledpaper I just realized my phone corrected Icarus to iCarly because I type iCarly more than Icarus okay thanks pumpkinspicednp I thought this was just a god tier shitpost


Boats and boating--Equipment and supplies - A yoi-shenanigans Here is a baby button quail on a spoon Here is a baby button quail falling off a spoon brainbugs-andreblogs BABY NO Source:ches-not-cheese 144,392 notes ...


Dress shirt - 'Germs are not a real thing':Fox News host says he hasn't washed hands in 10 years Pete Hegseth denies existence of germs, saying: 'I can't see them, therefore they're not real' internetdumpsterfires His melee attacks inflict a poison damage


Text - diplobrocus haldaisilme curseworm does mace work on birds curseworm if a heron is attacking me will mace be an effective deterrent curseworm time sensitive question please respond Source: curseworm 58,574 notes


Fictional character - swan2swan Follow I was not prepared for Sheriff Snorlax overpoweredoriginalposter Follow this town ain't big enough for the one of me


Text - schmergo Follow Isn't it suspicious that the sexiest man alive is always already a celebrity? I feel like they're really not plumbing the depths in their research. Like, imagine if you got the Sexiest Man Alive edition of People and your orthodontist was on the front cover and you were like, “Oh PHEW, I guess I'm not the only one who sees it." 4,903 notes


Text - My dog wants a bite of my peanut butter chocolate chip bagel. I know she cannot have this, because chocolate makes dogs very sick. Madigan does not understand this. She pouts and wraps herself around my leg like a scarf, trying to convince me to give her just a tiny bit. When I do not give in, she eventually gives up and lays in the corner under the piano, drooping and sad. I hope the universe has my best interest in mind like I have my dog's. When I want something with my whole being, an

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