Painfully Relatable Programmer Memes That Struck The Rage Key Programmers are really out there in the trenches when it comes to the kinds of frustrating nonsense that they end up having to deal with. This particular batch of programmer memes might speak to the soul of a programmer on a level so deep that it both hurts, yet also feels reassuring to know that there are plenty of other folks out there also muddling through the struggle.
Not So Fun Facts To Provide Context For Our Dark Lives Life can be as depressing as we want to make it. So depending on how compelling you find not fun facts, you might be artificially making reality worse for yourself than say, your coworker who spends their whole break looking at cat adoption photos. You could remind them about some choice statistics on cat adoption, but then you would be the bad guy. So sorry, you're between a disappointing rock and an even more disappointing hard place. If you want to be less of a bummer, here are some happy facts.
Rare Insults That Dunked People In A Hot Bath Of Fiery Words Since the internet's been around with its social media feeds and comments section we've always had people that are more than ready to go to verbal blows over a whole bunch of nothing. Or, you might say that every now and again there's that one loudmouth in particular who basically seems to bring the heat on themselves. These rare insults certainly didn't disappoint. They're inspired, ruthless, and you almost might not feel bad about laughing at them.
Man Receives Lifetime Contract From Company, Rejects Brother-In-Law's Offer, Drama Ensues The whole premise of receiving a lifetime contract offer from a company that you sunk your heart and soul into seems like a pretty exciting situation that's well worth celebrating, and probably taking. Especially in this day and age with things being as chaotic as they are. So, when this guy hit the AITA community to ask whether or not he was in the wrong for rejecting a competing offer from his BIL, you can imagine what folks had to say in the comments section. Really, the family should've just been supportive of the offer coming through in the first place. But hey, you be the judge.
Overbearing Coworker Demands Employee Come In On Day Off It sounds like this person's coworker is out there crossing all kinds of lines. The best course of action does indeed sound like it'd be to go ahead and report them to HR, or run it back to the supervisor. Otherwise, someone like Irma might just carry on with the inappropriate antics. The thing about people that take time off is that they're well within their right to not be summoned to come to work --- especially by someone who isn't even their supervisor in the first place.
Red Flags People Missed In Their Past Relationships Many of us have ended up gaining that wizened life experience through suffering our own moments of emotional pain where things just seemed to kind of cave in on themselves. Then, eventually, you go about putting yourself back together and take another crack at the whole thing. Sometimes, this falls within the dating realm. This AskReddit thread has people sharing various red flags that they missed in their past relationships. At the very least this thread might be able to help other folks steer clear of impending disasters.
Woman's Ex Wants To Get Back Together, Lies About Being Single, Karmic Justice Ensues This story might be brief, but oh boy does it pack a nice comedic punch. While we feel for the woman who had to deal with this guy's complete bullish nonsense, we also can't help but get a kick out of how quickly things became undone for the lying jerk. The fact that this whole rodeo went down in a Wendy's parking lot makes it that much better too. Then, you additionally factor in how he was trying to blame her for his own moment of reckless failure? Just ridiculous all around.
Man Fails To Check Smoothie Ingredients, Gets Blindsided By All The Creatine This guy was on a painful journey toward becoming a Creatine-infused human being. His wife's heart was definitely in the right place. However, it's a TIFU tale like the one we have here that should serve as a reminder that there's a value in checking the ingredients on those smoothies. Especially if you find yourself consistently battling nasty stomach pains. Basically, if something feels a bit off after you eat a certain food or drink down a certain smoothie, it never hurts to investigate further.
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