

Things Kids These Days Will Never Experience and more...

It's kind of weird how we're shaped by the inconveniences of our time. Having the Simpsons be interrupted by the State of the Union and never getting to find out the ending, having to wait to tell your friends about things, and having to have a ...
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Things Kids These Days Will Never Experience and more...

 In This Issue...

Things Kids These Days Will Never Experience

It's kind of weird how we're shaped by the inconveniences of our time. Having the Simpsons be interrupted by the State of the Union and never getting to find out the ending, having to wait to tell your friends about things, and having to have a conversation to figure out everyone's best guess as to what year Die Hard came out. Now that all this crap is behind us, we can focus on the upsetting ways people found out they weren't young anymore.


Twitter Thread: European Driving Can Be An Adrenaline-Charged Spectacle

While a situation like being caught up in some nasty traffic during your commute to another day on the work grind can be a soul-draining affair, it's worth it to consider that ripping down the road with a ton of reckless drivers that are seemingly devoid of fear might be just a bit worse. Yes, it sounds like that's the general picture when it comes to driving around Europe. Of course, it's not always going to be like that, but this Twitter thread certainly paints quite the intense picture. 


15 Dauntingly Dumb, Dangerous, And Bizarre Automobile Fails

The lack of risk assessment that went into these decisions is hard to comprehend. If you've ever been caught up in beating yourself up because you made a risky decision in life, these dudes own moments of daunting thoughtlessness where they were quite literally living on the edge, might serve to make you feel a bit better. 


Hugely Hyped Things That Came And Went

It's not uncommon for companies to make horrible decisions. It's just not that often that obviously crappy things get such an incredible marketing push behind them, only for every mistaken person who bought into it to have to figure out that it sucks. But let's get down to the real issue here: Anyone want to buy a few cases of Kony 2012 shirts? Anyone?


Husband Watches Football Game While Wife Goes Into Labor, Tries Lying About It

It's a pretty good reminder that it's not exactly super hard to be decent. Like, if your wife is probably about to go into labor it might be a pretty good idea to watch the game at home maybe? People's priorities in their relationships can have interesting outcomes, like this fiancé who insisted on being a childless stay-at-home wife. Man, it never ends.


Nostalgic Toys And Things From the 80s and 90s

Sometimes it's hard to place what era our own memories are from, especially when we realized that some of our toys in the 90s were pushing ten years old anyway. Well, our parents did their best, we hope. As time lurches forward and its hooked chains rip us into the future kicking and screaming like some kind of reverse dog sled with human souls attached, it's important to look fondly on the times when our backs didn't hurt. Incidentally, here are some millennial memes for those kids hovering around 30.


Girl Accidentally Injures Old Dog, Refuses to Pay Vet Bills

This one is a bit of a toughie. The commenter who said that we all need to be accountable for the effects of our actions, whether intentional or accidental, hit the nail on the head. I think the girl is in the wrong here, despite being well intended. Injuring someone's animal or damaging their property and then not accepting responsibility for it just sets a bad precedent. Exception to this would be if dogs weren't supposed to be in that part of the park or if it was off leash in a leashed area. Yeah, a hard one but what's your take?


Emotional Story About David Bowie Gifting Kid "Invisible Mask"

It's a story like this that can make you suddenly feel like there's a literal army of invisible ninjas running around cutting onions in the room. We have David Bowie basically acting like a literal saintlike figure. It just makes you miss him that much more. So, buckle up for a feels trip. 


Guy Retrains Terrible Roommate's Brain to Sleep Through Multiple Alarms When He Won't Stop Setting Several

This might be evil genius incarnate. This clever gentleman uses Pavlovian training techniques to train his roommate's brain to sleep through multiple alarms in the morning after he won't stop setting tons of them and keeping his roommate awake. This roommate sounds terrible in general. Maybe he has learned his lesson and will behave better in the future. 


Wild Classified Ads That Show Humanity At Its Finest

Technology may change, but people stay the same. It's not like any of these people asking for companionship and fights have changed at all since most of this crap moved to the internet. Actually, looser word count restrictions have just made things more interesting, like this Craigslist Ad seeking a wedding date for a Karen Mother-In-Law.


Mother Calls the Police on Her Daughter and Boyfriend After They Steal Disabled Husband’s Truck

It's extremely apparent that the daughter is the primary issue in this whole thing. She obviously has no boundaries and is intent on getting things her way, whether or not it hurts others. She has no respect for her mother and father at all. The boyfriend here might be a bit of a dick, for sure, but he is obviously being manipulated by her too. 


Wildly Questionable Clothing and Fashion Failures

Taste is subjective, and many of us would probably enjoy having a factually inaccurate Nirvana shirt, but when it comes to how stupid clothes can get, the bar has a hard time finding a low enough place to settle. Anyone want a button-up that looks like it's covered in pee? How about some useless zippers? Why not?


Clueless Manager Blows Budget On Software She Doesn't Understand

The thing about investing in something like a new software for your company is that it's generally good practice to understand said software before you make the actual investment. It sounds like this manager was in way over her head from the get-go. So, it's no surprise that she didn't stick around too long after her "lapse in judgment." If this tech support tale got you going, check out this tech support tale about a coworker who demanded a mathematically impossible computer and was then proven incompetent.


Humans Fail Miserably At Identifying Flirting

Just in case you've ever been caught up in a phase of self loathing over your own incapacity to flirt, this quick Tumblr thread is here to reassure that you are most certainly not alone. In fact, multiple studies have come out over the years that have proven that in general, humans have a hard time at picking up on those flirty signals. If you want some more gold from Tumblr, check out this Tumblr post about how Ash Ketchum is actually a shredded monster.


Guy Has Most Awkward Elevator Ride Ever With His Family After An Obvious One Night Stand

I'm really not even sure how I would react in this situation. There's nothing worse than having to confront your dear sweet-old grand mother after a debaucherous night of fun. The biggest part of the FU in this situation was probably assuming that your older relatives wouldn't be up and starting their day at the crack of dawn. No surprise that they're already partway through their day when you decide to get out of bed. 

Nothing better than an awkward family encounter to cap off a wedding.


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