

City Gives Man Trouble Over His Property Line, Man Builds Revenge Bar and more...

Nobody wants to have to deal with city officials giving them trouble over something that absolutely doesn't warrant any trouble to be dished out in the first place. It sounds like Carl is just one of those wonderful human beings who fights back against ...
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City Gives Man Trouble Over His Property Line, Man Builds Revenge Bar and more...

 In This Issue...

City Gives Man Trouble Over His Property Line, Man Builds Revenge Bar

Nobody wants to have to deal with city officials giving them trouble over something that absolutely doesn't warrant any trouble to be dished out in the first place. It sounds like Carl is just one of those wonderful human beings who fights back against the BS by unleashing nothing short of a wildly petty revenge. In this case, the revenge ended up involving a decent number of folks benefiting from having a spontaneous little bar "in the park" being set up. To keep the pro revenge drama going check out this revenge tale about a tenant getting their property owner's car towed, so the property owner went ahead and hatched a sweet pro revenge.


Dungeons & Dragons Memes To Roll The Dice On

There are only so many ways to completely escape your life for a few hours. Some of those ways are dark, expensive, self-destructive spirals that lead you to you betraying your friends and stealing things. The other option is a dark, expensive, self destructive spiral that leads you to playing a half-elf rogue who does pretty much the same thing. For some more intriguing D&D stuff, here are weird items people exploited to hilarious ends.


Escaped Ostrich Runs Down Busy Road

Word has it this ostrich was able to make its escape after its enclosure was flooded. Luckily, it managed to enjoy a taste of freedom and see a bit of Pakistan before being captured and returned. Probably the most amazing thing here it's that it follows the rules of the road more safely than most BMW drivers.


POV Of Parachuter Landing In World Series Game

If you ever wanted to know what it's like to parachute into a stadium to the sight and sound of thousands of cheering fans, here's what that looks like. Good thing he landed on the field, cause if a fan caught him they'd probably get to take him home. That's how it works right?


Wrong and Dumb Things People's Parents Told Them

Life is all about learning new things, but a good portion of life is unlearning all of the insane garbage your parents crammed into your head at an early age. Once you get to be the age of when your parents had you, it's remarkably easy to realize that they, like you, hardly ever know what they're talking about. Here's some of theworst advice people have ever received.


Restaurant Work Memes To Serve Up To Ungrateful Customers

Working in restaurants is brutal. You've got screaming bosses breathing down your back, angry customers breathing down your front, and someone keeps reassuring you that the french fries are almost ready, but man, you don't see any french fries. The only benefit you get from working with a dysfunctional team, barely functional equipment and customers with non-functional brains is that there's almost always someone to blame. Hey, here are the french fries. Woops, looks like you burned yourself. For more cries for help disguised as jokes, here are relatable memes about work.


Employee Uses Records To Soundly Defeat Micromanaging Boss

There's a beauty in using someone's own words to destroy them. And when that person is a power-tripping control freak of a manager, the satisfaction of victory is all the sweeter. All it took was an accurate account of the conversation for HR to see the light. For some more employees sticking it to their boss, here's the saga of employees getting the best of their unhinged CEO via malicious compliance.


Weird Internet Stuff To Peruse, Amuse and Confuse

There have definitely been some unintended consequences of connecting billions of people in an electronic network of images and symbols. Like, sure it's given deluded weirdos places to groupthink themselves into complete derealization, and for some reason ticket prices have all these weird surcharges now. But also, the internet has provided cursed weirdness from its depths. That's something, right?


Entitled Karen Won't Help Her Family, Asks For Advice

There are certainly people like this in this world, but for everyone's sake, we hope it's not real. Usually it's a blast seeing all the selfish shenanigans entitled people get up to but when it comes to this account of someone who's entirely capable of helping their family in need, but trying to completely avoid it, it's just kind of rage inducing. Please don't be real.


Satisfying Moments Of Alignment For The World's Perfectionists

There's something about coming across a well placed object, or perfectly parked car that can make you stop in your tracks to exercise some appreciation over the aesthetically pleasing nature of the situation. The world's a messy place. More often than not, something's going wrong. So, when things just line up nice and perfectly, it feels pretty dang nice. 


Wife Cooks Food For Her Family, Husband Won't Eat It And Throws It All Out

In general, it's important to respect someone's time and effort. Even if you're not thrilled that your partner made meatloaf again, part of being a reasonable human is to acknowledge that they took time and effort to make it. And even if you find yourself incapable of eating it, choosing to take that effort and throw it in the garbage rather than opening a damn can of beans for yourself is a strikingly childish thing to do. It's not rocket science.


The Irreverant and Clever Hot Takes of Xavier

What began as the irreverant jokes and puns of Pakalu Papito has taken on a second life of its own. The original Pakalu Papito was a totally invented twitter account, and sort of morphed into this, another invented dude with the same profile picture. Xavier doesn't exactly exist as a physical person, but more as a spirit of commenting. A state of being, if you will. Transcendent. Here are some more clever comebacks and rare insults.


Cool And Fun Facts To Help Become The Lord Of All Trivia

The world is big and complex and bursting with things to learn. We could learn them, but we could also spend that time drinking beer in our underwear. The point being, it's a bit of a toss up. And if you are currently drinking beer in your underwear and finding yourself reading this, then congratulations on your ability to multi-task. It's an important skill. Here are some strange science facts to ponder.


Guy Rudely Orders For Table, Gets Mocked By Server

Having dinner with the parents can go a lot of ways, but it narrows your odds of success when you interrupt mom and insist on being the server's only point of contact. Lo and behold, the server complied. Out of some misaligned sense of responsibility or self importance, this guy made himself a target right out of the gate. At least it's better than having to defeat a Karen. And at least nothing happened to the food.


Tumblr Thread Seamlessly Weaves Knitting And Science

It's not surprising that Tumblr would find a way to highlight the role of threadwork into computing and space travel when you consider this bonkers thread on the fiery drama of the knitting community. Again, it's not like little old ladies sewing things is the first thing one thinks of when considering math and hard science, but by golly if it ain't part of it.


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