

Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet with This 10-Question Worksheet

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[Editor's Note: No matter how difficult 2021 may have been, each of us can benefit from reflecting on our successes from this year and our goals for next year. Dike Drummond (The Happy MD) recently shared this free tool with our team, and we are excited to share it with other white coat investors. This post is a bit different from our typical guest post but we hope you find it valuable. Financial success requires practicing long enough to fund our financial plans. In these tough COVID times, burnout has never been greater. But focus on the successes of the last year, and let's all have a great 2022! We are excited to launch a new product next week that will help provide tools to find and maintain a balanced life. Stay tuned for the introduction of Burnout Free MD.]


By Dr. Dike Drummond, Guest Writer

Wow! What a year 2021 has been! A few up times, a bunch of disruptive and chaotic down times, and yet you are still standing.

With all the challenges of 2021, it is easy to take this time at the turn of the year to hunker down with your family and pray that Omicron skips on by . . . and miss a few important opportunities.


Year-End Challenge

These simple tasks can make a huge difference in the year ahead, and I challenge you to take them.


#1 Document Your Accomplishments

Take a moment to document all of the things you actually accomplished and all the milestones you achieved in 2021. Then make sure to give yourself a solid pat on the back.

I am certain there is plenty to acknowledge yourself and your family for—we just tend to overlook the good times and successes when we are under pressure. Without taking a few minutes to make a list of all the things you are proud of once in a while, you can easily lose perspective, and burnout can sneak in around the edges.


#2 Set Your Intentions for 2022

Sit down—both on your own and with your family—and make a short list of things you want to experience or achieve in the year ahead. It is stunning how this one activity can make a huge difference in your success. Dozens of my physician clients have said they wrote their list and forgot about it, then found it years later and noticed all the boxes had been checked. The power of written goals is huge, and taking time to write them down is so easy to overlook.


#3 Plan Your 2022 Breakthrough

My team created this tool just for physicians—a powerful year-end planning process that can produce a breakthrough for you and your family in the year ahead. We call it the Physician's 2022 Breakthrough Worksheet. It contains just 10 questions and takes about an hour to complete.

Use this link to get your copy of the Physician's 2022 Breakthrough Worksheet.

No rush. Grab the worksheet download and print it out. You will have plenty of time to work the questions at your leisure in the weekend ahead or in the first couple weeks of January. Take some time to sit down with a cup of tea and your favorite pen. Answer the questions—don't think too hard. Write as little or as much as you would like. Then, tuck the exercise sheets away so you can review them this time next year.

make 2022 the best year yet

By answering these 10 simple, logical questions and then tucking your answers away so you can pull them out a year from now, you are tapping into the power of your clearly stated intentions to bring you your "Best Year Yet" in 2022.

If you really want to power up the process, make two copies and work the questions together with your spouse/partner or a close friend.

This is much more fun and way more effective than any New Year's Resolution ever! It's not magic. The power of clearly stated, written intentions just seems that way sometimes.

CLICK HERE to download your copy of the Physician's 2022 Breakthrough Worksheet.

Remember, this year is when we hope to emerge from COVID-19. This is the perfect time to set some powerful new intentions for your post-COVID reality in 2022.

Do you write down your intentions for the new year? Have you found it to yield powerful results? Comment below.

The post Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet with This 10-Question Worksheet appeared first on The White Coat Investor - Investing & Personal Finance for Doctors.

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