

Checking in: Just 1 week to go!

What insights have you gained about yourself?
Alcohol Reset Challenge

Checking In: Just 1 Week to Go!

You've come a long way since the beginning of the month.

Maybe you're already bursting with new insight gained from the weeks behind you, and you're ready to sail through the last 7 days of your alcohol reset. Perhaps you're still not sure how you feel about the experience, and you plan to sort your thoughts once the month wraps up.

Either way, you're almost there!

You're making positive changes in your life this month. It doesn't matter whether you slip a time or two, end the month completely sober and fine to stay that way, or feel beyond ready for your first drink.

Any time you take the chance to explore your own choices, and the feelings that lead to them, you're planting seeds of self-discovery and personal growth.

Alcohol use often intersects with mental and emotional well-being, so for many people, taking a month off from drinking goes beyond alcohol use. It offers the chance to explore your feelings about daily life, relationships, and your ability to navigate the challenges that come up in productive and helpful ways.

That said, you'll still end the month with more awareness around your alcohol use. This awareness can guide you toward helpful changes going forward.

A few things to start considering:

  • How does not drinking make you feel? Perhaps you're noticing some major health benefits and starting to wonder about more long-term sobriety. Maybe you don't even miss alcohol all that much and think you could take or leave it in the future.
  • What lifestyle changes did you notice? Is not drinking affecting your usual routine at all? If so, how do you feel about those changes? Maybe you're starting to realize you have very little in common, besides alcohol, with your usual circle. Or maybe you're learning you can have a good time without drinking — something you never thought possible before.

One last week to go! We'll catch up with you next month to congratulate you on your success.

Until next week,
The Healthline Team

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