

Tip Sheet (TP22-02)

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Tip Sheet (TP22-02)

JAN. 28, 2022


2022 Product Calendar — The U.S. Census Bureau has posted anticipated release dates for each regular and recurring statistical product scheduled for release in 2022. These products are listed in the Census Bureau's online product calendar, which is updated as needed throughout the year.

1950 Census Records Release — The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is scheduled to digitally release the 1950 Census population records on April 1, 2022. This release is in accordance with the "72-Year Rule" (92 Stat. 915; Public Law 95-416; October 5, 1978) that states that after 72 years, NARA is responsible for releasing to the public decennial census records. More information will be made available Census Bureau's 1950 Census press kit. (Scheduled for release April 1, 2022.)

2020 Census

2020 Census Data Processing and Data Quality Blog Series — Census Bureau experts dive deeper into a range of data processing and quality-related topics in a series of blogs. (Scheduled for release periodically throughout 2022.)

American Community Survey

American Community Survey Blog Series — Census Bureau experts will discuss how the pandemic affected data collection for the American Community Survey in 2020 and how the pandemic affects other aspects of the survey. (Scheduled for release periodically throughout 2022.)


Living Arrangements of Children — The U.S. Census Bureau will be releasing a new report, Living Arrangements of Children. This report uses data from​ the 2008 and 2018 American Community Surveys, the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation, and the 2007 and 2019 Current Population Surveys' Annual Social and Economic Supplement to ​examine the living arrangements of children in the nation. More information on the living arrangements of children can be found on our Families and Living Arrangements webpage. (Scheduled for release Feb. 3.) 

Income Sources of Older Households — The U.S. Census Bureau will release a new report that examines older households' sources of income, the amounts of this income and how much each source of income contributes to total income. The report focuses on six types of income (Social Security, Supplementary Security Income (SSI), Pensions and retirement accounts, Property income, Earnings, Other income). The analysis uses data from the 2018 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), which asked respondents about their income during 2017, and focuses on households where a person aged 65 or over is the householder. Household income is adjusted to account for varying household size and composition. This report also presents estimates of personal income for those aged 65 and over who are living with their adult children. (Scheduled for release Feb. 15.)

Educational Attainment in the United States: 2021 — This report and table package provide Current Population Survey statistics on educational attainment by demographic characteristics such as age, sex, race and Hispanic origin. It also includes detailed information, including charts and graphs, on years of school completed and shows the level of education adults have completed. (Scheduled for release in February.)

2020 Presidential Election Voting Report — The U.S. Census Bureau will release a report on the "Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2020." The report builds on detailed tables released earlier this year. It is based on data from the 2020 Current Population Survey (CPS) Voting and Registration Supplement, and highlights patterns in voter turnout over time among the citizen voting-age population. (Tentatively scheduled for release in February.)

School Pulse Panel — The U.S. Census Bureau has begun collecting data from schools for the new School Pulse Panel (SPP) as part of efforts to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and staff in U.S. public schools. The SPP is sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics and collects data on instructional modes offered, enrollment counts, learning loss mitigation strategies, safety and health strategies, use of technology and more. To learn more, visit the School Pulse Panel page.

Household Pulse Survey — The experimental Household Pulse Survey is an effort by the U.S. Census Bureau and other federal statistical agencies to document temporal trends in how individuals are experiencing business curtailment and closures, stay-at-home orders, school closures, changes in spending patterns, and other abrupt and significant changes to American life. The Household Pulse shifted from biweekly to monthly data collection in Phase 3.3 as current changes in data no longer warrant biweekly data collection and we work to reduce respondent burden. Data collection for Phase 3.3 began December 1. Data will be released Dec. 22, Jan. 19, and Feb. 16. The public-use files for the phase are scheduled for release Jan. 5, Feb. 2, and March 2.


Census Business Builder (CBB) 4.1 — Census Business Builder (CBB) is being updated to version 4.1. Updates to the tool focus on datasets, including fourth quarter 2020 Quarterly Workforce, 2020 Non-Employer Statistics, and first quarter 2021 Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data. To learn more about the full scope of CBB updates, visit the CBB homepage and explore both the Small Business Edition and the Regional Analyst Edition versions. (Scheduled for Release Feb. 2.)

2020 County Business Patterns: First Look — The County Business Patterns (CBP) First Look provides preliminary estimates for the number of establishments, employment for the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll data for 2020 at the U.S. level and the sector level (2-digit NAICS). (Scheduled for release Feb. 8.) 

Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Travel, Tourism, Outdoor Recreation Varied Widely Across States and Demographic Groups — The U.S. Census Bureau and the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership in collaboration with the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) and the Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute is giving a presentation called "Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Travel, Tourism, Outdoor Recreation Varied Widely Across States and Demographic Groups." This presentation shows how the Census Bureau's Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) was used to examine how workers employed in travel, tourism, and outdoor recreation across the country were affected by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data indicate that states with the largest COVID-19 outbreaks (northeastern and mid-Atlantic states) and those with the largest share of tourism jobs (Nevada and Hawaii) were disproportionately impacted at the start of the pandemic. (Scheduled for release Feb. 16.) 

2022 LED Partnership Virtual Workshop — Registration is now open for the 2022 LED Partnership Virtual Workshop on April 5-7, 2022. This year's theme is, "Making Sense of Data in a New Era." The work of state Labor Market Information (LMI) partners, other data users and U.S. Census researchers will be highlighted through plenary sessions. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged. For more information, visit

Small Business Pulse Survey Phase 7 — The Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS) is a high-frequency survey that measures the effect of changing business conditions during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as other major events such as hurricanes, on our nation's small businesses. SBPS complements existing Census Bureau data by providing detailed, near real-time information on the challenges faced by small businesses. The survey includes information on operations, receipt of assistance, workplace COVID-19 vaccinations and testing requirements, supply-chain disruptions, measures of overall well-being, and expectations for recovery. Weekly data downloads and visualizations are available at the national, sector, state, and metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level for the 50 largest MSAs and Puerto Rico. Sub-sector and state-by-sector data are also available for download. Data collection for Phase 7 began November 15 and data were released weekly from November 24 through January 20, 2022.  Phase 8 is tentatively scheduled for mid-February.

Monthly Business Formation Statistics — The Business Formation Statistics (BFS) provide timely and high-frequency data on business applications and employer business formations on a monthly basis. The data are available at the state, regional, and national levels, and by industry sector at the national level. The next monthly BFS release is Feb. 14, 2022, and will include January 2022 data. 

Facts for Features 

Irish-American Heritage Month — Congress designated March as Irish-American Heritage Month in 1991 and the president issues a proclamation commemorating the occasion each year. Statistics in this release include the number of U.S. residents who claim Irish ancestry and the number of foreign-born U.S. residents who reported Ireland as their birthplace. (Tentatively scheduled for release in February.)

Women's History Month — The roots of National Women's History Month go back to March 8, 1857, when women from various New York City factories staged a protest over poor working conditions. The first Women's Day celebration in the United States was in 1909, also in New York City, but Congress did not establish National Women's History Week until 1981 to be commemorated annually the second week of March. In 1987, Congress expanded the week to a month. (Tentatively scheduled for release in February.)

Stats for Stories

Stats for Stories provides links to timely story ideas highlighting the U.S. Census Bureau's newsworthy statistics that relate to current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. The story ideas are intended to assist the media in story mining and producing content for their respective audiences.

National Weatherperson's Day: February 5, 2022 

National Pizza Day & Bagel Day: February 9, 2022 

Inventors' Day: February 11, 2022 

Super Bowl LVI: February 13, 2022 

Arizona 110th Anniversary of Statehood (1912): February 14, 2022 

Valentine's Day: February 14, 2022 

Singles Awareness Day: February 15, 2022 

Presidents' Day: February 21, 2022 

Red Cross Month: March 2022 

Frozen Food Month & Day: March & March 6, 2022 

Mardi Gras: March 1, 2022 

Nebraska 150th State Admission Anniversary (1867): March 1, 2022 

Employee Appreciation Day: March 4, 2022 

International Women's Day: March 8, 2022 

Sunshine Week & FOI Day: March 13-19 & 16, 2022 

Pi Day: March 14, 2022 

Potato Chip Day: March 14, 2022 

Certified Nurses Day: March 19, 2022 

National Poultry Day: March 19, 2022 

National Agriculture Week & Day: March 20 - 26 & 22, 2022 

National Single Parent Day: March 21, 2022 

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day: March 29, 2022 

National Vietnam War Veterans Day: March 29, 2022 

National Doctors Day: March 30, 2022 



Upcoming segments include "Snack Food" (Feb. 5), and "The First Public School" (Feb. 13).

The daily features are available at <>. The menu options allow selection for Profile America, with download options for MP3 and WAV files or zip files for the entire month (MP3).

Recently Released

(Released since Jan. 14, 2022) 


The Regular Receipt of Child Support — Jan. 18 — The U.S. Census Bureau released "The Regular Receipt of Child Support: 2017." The report includes demographic and poverty status data about child support payments received by parents with children under age 21 from their nonresident parents. It also provides data on the receipt of some federal and state assistance programs for these parents. These data come from the 2018 Survey of Income and Program Participation which provides demographic information about parents who received child support and other income or program data for the 2017 calendar year. 

Census Bureau Adjusts Initial Plans for 2022 CPS PUF Release — Jan. 14 — Given the historical circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy, combined with the urgent need for workforce data, the U.S. Census Bureau has decided to defer the introduction of updated confidentiality protections and release the January 2022 Current Population Survey Public Use File (CPS PUF) in February 2022 as originally scheduled.

Facts for Features

National African American (Black) History Month: February — Jan. 25 — To commemorate and celebrate the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a collection of demographic and economic statistics about the Black community.

America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

America Counts tells the stories behind the numbers in a new, inviting way. We feature stories on various topics such as families, housing, employment, business, education, the economy, emergency preparedness and population. New stories include:

Gender Pay Gap Widens as Women Age (Jan. 28)

Novice Data Users: Help Is on the Way (Jan. 26)

National Poverty in America Awareness Month: Measuring Poverty (Jan. 24)

Who Makes More Preventable Visits to the ER? (Jan. 20)

Women More Likely Than Men to Have No Retirement Savings (Jan. 13)

Stats for Stories

Stats for Stories provides links to timely story ideas highlighting the Census Bureau's newsworthy statistics that relate to current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. The story ideas are intended to assist the media in story mining and producing content for their respective audiences.

Mail Carrier Day: February 4, 2022 

National Women Physician Day: February 3, 2022 

Groundhog Day: February 2, 2022 

American Heart Month: February 2022

Chinese New Year: February 1, 2022 

National Spouses Day: January 26, 2022

Michigan 185th Anniversary of Statehood (1837): January 26, 2022

National Popcorn Day: January 19, 2022

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: January 17, 2022



Profile America segments include "Unemployment Insurance" (Jan. 28), and "The X-Ray Machine" (Jan. 29).

The daily features are available at <>. The menu options allow selection for Profile America, with download options for MP3 and WAV files or zip files for the entire month (MP3).


Emergency Management/Disaster Resources — When major disasters strike, visit our Emergency Management Page to get demographic and economic data on impacted areas. Each disaster will include data from our key Emergency Management Tools: OnTheMap for Emergency Management, Community Resilience Estimates, Census Business Builder: Regional Analyst Edition, and other useful resources. 

Learn What Surveys Are Being Conducted in Your Community — See which of the U.S. Census Bureau's 130-plus annual surveys are being conducted in your community. In a variety of surveys and censuses, evolving from the first census in 1790, the Census Bureau provides official information about America's people, businesses, industries and institutions. Learn more about surveys currently being conducted in each Census Bureau region:




Los Angeles

New York


All Surveys

Data Tools

Listed below are a few of the U.S. Census Bureau's interactive applications used to access statistics from our 130-plus annual surveys. A complete list can be accessed on the Census Bureau's Data Tools and Apps webpage.

International Database (IDB) — Find demographic indicators, population pyramids, and source information for countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more.

Developers — Developer portal to access services and documentation for the Census Bureau's APIs.

Rural America: A Story Map — Using ACS and decennial census data these interactive web maps, tables, information, and images help explain how the Census Bureau defines "rural."

Training Opportunities

Census Bureau Training Opportunities — Webinars are available on a regular basis to help the public access and use U.S. Census Bureau statistics. These free sessions, lasting 60 to 90 minutes each, show how to use Census Bureau databases and mapping tools and find demographic and economic statistics at a local or national level. Descriptions of upcoming sessions are available on our Census Academy page. Login details are provided at least one week before a webinar.

Archived Training Resources — Visit the U.S. Census Bureau's Educational Resource Library for previously recorded, free trainings available at your convenience. The library includes presentations, recorded webinars, tutorials and other helpful materials.

Financial Reporting Quality and Wage Differentials: Evidence from Worker-Level Data (Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1-2 p.m. EST) Streamlining the Way You Get Data (Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2-3 p.m. EST)

Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Travel, Tourism, Outdoor Recreation (Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1:30-3 p.m. EST)

Your Business by the Numbers: Census Business Builder (Thursday, Feb. 24, 2-3 p.m. EST)


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