



The Ten Greatest Fart-Lighting Scenes in Movies

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:11 PM PDT

I saw the headline, and knew that I had found the Holy Grail of Neatorama links. It's got movies, explosions, and farts! Brian VanHooker saw the new movie Jackass Forever and was thoroughly impressed by the stunt in which the cast managed to light a fart underwater. You can imagine the logistics involved in such a stunt, but apparently the payoff was worth it. VanHooker was inspired to go over all the movies in which a fart was ignited, and rank them by explosiveness. Can you guess what movie came in at #1? For that matter, how many fart-lighting movies have you seen? Each of the ten entries comes with video evidence, so you can judge for yourself. Spoiler: Jackass Forever only ranks at #8, since this is a list about explosiveness, not difficulty. See all ten scenes with explanations at Mel magazine. Warning: Some of the movie clips are NSFW.

103 Bits of Wisdom and Advice

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 03:56 PM PDT

If you pay attention, you'll pick up some profound pieces of wisdom as you go through life. You tuck that bit of wisdom away and never forget it. Sometimes it's something you were told that you thought was worth keeping, other times it's a lesson you learned from experience. Like I tell my kids, "You learn from your mistakes, but it's less painful to learn from other people's mistakes." See, I'll never forget those exact words, and neither will they.  Kevin Kelly turned 70 years old on Thursday, and has picked up some real gems of wisdom along the way. Kelly took the opportunity of his birthday to share 103 things he's learned in life, and they are all good things to remember. Here's a sample:   

• You will be judged on how well you treat those who can do nothing for you.

• The biggest lie we tell ourselves is “I dont need to write this down because I will remember it.”

• Cultivate 12 people who love you, because they are worth more than 12 million people who like you.

• Aim to die broke. Give to your beneficiaries before you die; it’s more fun and useful. Spend it all. Your last check should go to the funeral home and it should bounce.

Read the rest of the 103 at The Technium. -via Boing Boing

Canada Considers Extending Its Laws to Include Crimes Committed on the Moon

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:06 AM PDT

Let's say that a Canadian astronaut traveling to the moon commits a crime, such as murder, extortion, or prostitution, can s/he face criminal charges in Canada upon returning to Earth?

Right now, the law is ambigious on that matter. Since Canada is participating in the US-led Lunar Gateway project to return to the moon and what I assume is Canada's practice of recruiting astronauts from its criminal underworld, it's prudent for Parliament to be prepared for the likelihood of crimes committed in space.

CBC reports that there is an amendment in the Budget Implementation Bill that says:

A Canadian crew member who, during a space flight, commits an act or omission outside Canada that if committed in Canada would constitute an indictable offence is deemed to have committed that act or omission in Canada.

The issue of crimes in space rose in 2019 when an American astronaut on the International Space Station was accused of illegally accessing bank records while in orbit. She was later cleared of the charge.

-via Dave Barry | Photo: ESA_events

The 1989 Outrage Over Batman Casting

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:32 AM PDT

Ah, I remember it well. When Tim Burton announced that Michael Keaton would play a darker, more serious Batman in his upcoming movie, everyone was gobsmacked. Michael Keaton? Mr. Mom? He was a comedian! He played a crazed lunatic in Beetlejuice! Batman fans were suddenly afraid that their favorite comic book superhero would be changed into an object of ridicule. Strangely, many were more upset because Michael Keaton was short and not as muscular as they pictured Batman. And now Michael Keaton is often ranked as the best Batman actor ever.

Did we learn from this experience? No, Robert Pattinson was dismissed after his casting in The Batman, and it turned out rather well. Fans cried foul when pretty boy Heath Ledger got the part of The Joker in The Dark Knight, too, and he won an Oscar for the role, albeit posthumously. It turns out that a good actor can play many kinds of roles.  -via Geeks Are Sexy

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