

Your Signature Is Needed: Big Oil wants to decimate tribal lands for fracking


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Big Oil and Gas corporations are threatening to DECIMATE the historic Chaco Canyon!

Chaco Canyon is a treasured landmark that features homes and ruins of Pueblo and Navajo peoples. The legendary ruins -- including rock engravings, ancient roads, and precious stone buildings -- are over 1,000 years old. But the corporate giants in the fossil fuel industry are threatening to tear down Chaco for fracking! Please, take action now to help protect and preserve Chaco Canyon.

The fossil fuel industry has already claimed over 90% of the public lands in the Greater Chicago region. And despite profiting billions in record profits, these greedy companies want more.

Chaco Canyon is designated as a World Heritage Site due to its cultural significance to the nearby Indigenous communities. But if this beloved landscape is leased to Big Oil for fracking, it would hurt these local communities by increasing the risk of earthquakes, water contamination, and air pollution. We must keep Chaco safe from the fossil fuel industry's corporate greed. Friend, will you take immediate action now before it's too late to save Chaco Canyon?

Thanks for your support,
Friends of the Earth


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