

Your Signature is Needed: Fight deforestation in Brazil


DEFORESTATION IS KILLING HELPLESS ANIMALS IN BRAZIL'S CERRADO FOREST. Giant anteaters, one of only four living anteater species left, have been disappearing while profit-driven companies slash and burn the terrain that these precious creatures call home. 

You can fight the destruction of one of Earth's most vulnerable, unique ecosystems. Bunge, a titan commodity trader, exports colossal amounts of soy every year from Brazil. Its suppliers routinely VIOLATE laws and human rights alike, chopping down ancient trees, displacing local communities, and replacing once beautiful, biodiverse landscapes with massive industrial plantations. Will you sign on and tell Bunge's shareholders to end this destruction?

There's not a moment to lose. Right now, money-hungry corporations like Bunge are expelling Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian small-scale farmers who call the Cerrado home off their land. And those companies are doing the same thing to animals on the BRINK OF EXTINCTION. Without swift action, the land carefully managed by Indigenous communities will be thrown into complete disarray.

The havoc wreaked in the Cerrado by companies like Bunge doesn't end at violence against Indigenous communities, endangering rare animals, and decimating biodiversity hotspots -- as if those transgressions weren't enough. Slashing trees also releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, accelerating the climate crisis. Will you sign your name and urge Bunge shareholders to protect forests like the Cerrado from destruction?

Standing with you, 
Jeff Conant, 
Senior international forests program manager,
Friends of the Earth


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