

Your Signature is Needed: Bedrock environmental laws in serious danger


A steel pipe carrying fracked gas barrels through the countryside, threatening endangered species, mountain landscapes, and a thousand streams and wetlands. The Mountain Valley Pipeline's route even places some residents in its blast zone, meaning their homes could be damaged in the event of an explosion. This is just one of many dangerous, dirty energy projects Senator Manchin wants to fast-track.

Senator Manchin's new plan would gut bedrock environmental laws that protect communities and the planet from polluting projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We must not let Congress pass this disastrous proposal. Opposition from your Congressmember can help sink Senator Manchin's plan, and YOUR action could convince them. Friend, tell your Representative to stop fast-tracking projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline before the deadline in just 2 DAYS!

Big Oil has forced polluting projects onto communities, especially BIPOC and low-wealth neighborhoods, without proper consent for decades. If Senator Manchin passes his plan, Big Oil will be able to bypass the protections that exist now and greenlight new projects with ease. Poisoned air and water for people living nearby will be the result.

A draft of Senator Manchin's plan literally has a watermark from the American Petroleum Institute -- Big Oil's lobbying front group. This is a deal by and for the fossil fuel millionaires and billionaires and no one else. That should make opposing the bill an easy decision -- but many lawmakers still need to hear from YOU. We need at least 1 of every 5 people reading this to add their name: Will you demand your Representative stand up to Big Oil and kill this dirty deal?

Standing with you,
Karen Orenstein
Climate and energy justice program director,
Friends of the Earth


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