

Missouri Agriculture Updates: Mexico Trade Mission, Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program, Produce Safety Training

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September 2, 2022


Mexico Trade Mission for Cattle and Genetics 

The Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) is providing an opportunity for two Missouri cattle producers to participate in the 2022 Mexico Trade Mission for Beef Cattle & Genetics. The Trade Mission will provide producers the chance to gain insight into Mexico's cattle industry, participate in ranch tours, promote Missouri beef cattle and genetics, and expand their markets internationally.

The Missouri Department of Agriculture has held two other events this year in conjunction with Mexico. We are always looking to connect cattlemen internationally and grow relationships. This trip will also allow Missouri producers to learn more about Mexico's environment, genetic progress, herd management and technology. These components will be key in marketing future genetics to Mexico.

This international opportunity takes place October 25-28, 2022. All interested participants must fill out the application and submit it to Taylor Buckley at The application deadline is Sept. 12 and a valid passport is required to participate. 

The Missouri Department of Agriculture will cover the costs of airfare, lodging, ground transportation (in Mexico) and a translator. Costs for incidentals, passport and meals will be the responsibility of the participant.


Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program

The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) recently announced the Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program (BIIP) to increase the distribution and use of biofuels in the state of Missouri. Funds will be awarded to fuel retailers, fuel distributors, terminal companies or fleet operations that dispense, or will soon store or dispense, ethanol blends of E15 or higher or biodiesel blends of B6 or higher.

Applications are due Sept. 30, 2022, and projects receiving funds will be notified no later than Oct. 31, 2022.

The MASBDA Board of Directors has approved up to $4 million for the Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program, with half appropriated to biodiesel projects and half appropriated to ethanol projects. Applicants must be a business entity that is constructing new, retrofitting or improving existing infrastructure or equipment that handles biodiesel fuel, biodiesel blend fuel or ethanol blended gasoline at a facility in Missouri. The project may include multiple locations within the state.

Funds may be used for, but are not limited to, costs associated with the construction, installation, upgrade or retrofit of:

  • Fuel dispensers/pumps
  • Related/attached equipment
  • Underground or aboveground storage tanks
  • Tank system components
  • Other infrastructure located in Missouri with the sole purpose to ensure the environmentally safe availability of blends of ethanol or biodiesel

Within each fuel category, up to 75% of the funds will be awarded to Tier 1 projects. Up to 25% of funds will be awarded to Tier 2 projects.

  • Tier 1 – Any terminal company, fuel distributor or fuel retailer with more than five locations. The maximum grant award for Tier 1 entities is 50% of eligible costs or $500,000, whichever is less.
  • Tier 2 – Any fuel retailer with five or fewer station, fleet operations or individual businesses. The maximum grant award for Tier 2 entities is 75% of eligible costs or $250,000, whichever is less.

For more information on the Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program or the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority, please visit To contact a member of the MASBDA team, email or call (573) 751-2129.


MU to Offer Virtual Produce Safety Training

Photo of the Week

Director Chinn lead a panel discussion surrounding the importance of the wine and wood industries to Missouri's economy during the Governor's Conference on Economic Development this week. 


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