

Your Signature Needed: EPA plans to approve bee-killing chemicals despite risks


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The EPA is planning to approve bee-killing pesticides for another 15 years!

Bees cannot wait another 15 years for neonics to be banned. These BEE-KILLING PESTICIDES are a key contributor to bee populations plummeting across the country over the last two decades -- like the beloved Western Bumblebee, which has dropped 93% and the American Bumblebee, which has declined by 89%.

Meanwhile, over the same time period, pesticides like neonics have made agriculture 48 times more toxic to bees, and now, 40% of critical pollinators like bees are at risk of extinction. This could be CATASTROPHIC for our ecosystems that rely on these important pollinators, so we must take urgent action. Will you sign your name immediately to urge the EPA to BAN neonics right now?

Wild bees and other pollinators are essential for 1 out of 3 bites of food that we eat. We rely on them for 75% of the most nutritious food crops like fruits, veggies, and nuts -- and over 180,000 species of plants depend on pollinators for survival.

But the widespread use of neonics is making pollen and nectar that bees need toxic, and as a result, is contributing to bee populations that are dwindling and could vanish forever. Yet the EPA is still poised to APPROVE neonic use for years to come. Please, Friend, take action now and tell the EPA to stop supporting the use of bee-killing neonics before wild bees and other critical pollinators go extinct forever! >>

Thanks for taking urgent action to save bees.
Friends of the Earth


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