

Former Pentagon advisor: Death of dollar now underway

Manward Financial Digest

Check out this note from our friends at Paradigm Press. With the markets the way they are right now, we think you'll be very interested in what they have to say.

- Alex Moschina, Associate Publisher

Former Pentagon advisor: Death of dollar now underway

Dear Reader,

A famous economist has dropped a bombshell...

The most damaging economic decisions for US citizens were made by...

President Roosevelt in 1934...

President Nixon in 1971...

And President Biden in 2022

Economist Jim Rickards is appearing today in front of the Mount Washington Hotel, site of the famous 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement...

...when the US dollar was established as the world's premiere currency.

He's traveled to this historic location to make a stunning announcement:

The 3rd and final currency quake is now underway.

The first currency quake was in 1934...

...when President Roosevelt confiscated all gold from US citizens.

The second was in 1971...

When President Nixon abandoned the Gold Standard completely...

The 3rd currency quake was set in motion... President Biden's misguided Executive Order 14067.

This quake could spell a worst-case scenario for investors and retirees...

The death of our US dollar

Jim's experience as a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense... well as an attorney, Fox News guest, investment banker, and author of 7 books on currencies and international economics...

...makes him uniquely qualified to foresee the dollar's death...

And, most importantly, to show YOU exactly what to do right now.

Go here now for Jim's disturbing announcement.


Matt Insley
Publisher, Paradigm Press

P.S.The death of the dollar will coincide with another un-American act: The loss of your privacy and many of your personal freedoms. Go here now for full details.

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