

Virginia millionaire warns of "life or death" winter

Manward Financial Digest

Virginia Millionaire Warns of "Life or Death" Winter

By Alex Moschina, Associate Publisher

Alex Moschina

Dear Manward Digest Reader,

Imagine a situation where energy prices went up 70-fold...

Where using heaters... electricity... and even taking hot showers was severely limited...

Where rolling blackouts shut down businesses and restaurants.

Well... here's something that may surprise you.

All of this is currently happening.

And according to one Virginia millionaire... a man whose organization warned Americans about the dot com collapse and the 2008 housing crisis... the American economy could be in "grave danger."

Take a look at his dire warning as soon as you can.

As temperatures drop, this crisis could get much worse.




P.S. There is an economic opportunity here as well.

See why Wall Street says one stock is set to rise from $30 to $280 in 18 months right here.

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