

Energy stock with 2,400% sales growth

Manward Financial Digest

Energy stock with 2,400% sales growth

By Alex Moschina, Associate Publisher

Alex Moschina

Dear Manward Digest Reader,

2022 was the worst year for stocks since the financial crisis in 2008.

Yet, energy was the lone standout… climbing 59% as everything else tumbled.

And when you look at the profits for energy companies, it's easy to see why.

For example… this shipper of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), has seen sales grow by 2,400%.

And that's nothing compared to what's coming.

Due to a shortage of natural gas in Europe and elsewhere, the company has locked in contracts representing 54 years of delivery.

And a single shipment of natural gas to Europe can bring in $200 million in profits alone.

This is why our friends at The Oxford Club believe it could be The #1 Energy Play of 2023.



P.S. Also, insiders own a whopping 47% of this company. That's how much they believe in its future.

Wait until you see what the CEO had to say about future dividends in this video.

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