

You've been a new parent for 49 weeks! 👏

Month what? Month 12, that's what! You and your little fam have made it to the final month of your baby's first year on earth. Congrats! This month is all about cel...
Healthline Parenthood

You've been a new parent for 49 weeks! 👏

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Medically reviewed by Carissa Stephens, RN, CCRN, CPN & Adda Bjarnadóttir, MS, LN

Month 12: F is for friends who do things together

Month what? Month 12, that's what! You and your little fam have made it to the final month of your baby's first year on earth. Congrats! This month is all about celebrating. Let's start with your partner, or whoever has been your person. You know, the one you couldn’t do this without.

That person who has been riding shotgun the whole year

Whoo, boy, it would have been tough to make it through this without them, wouldn't it? Take some time this week to let them know how much their partnership means to you. Let them know what an important part of your life they are and what a great parent or guardian they are to your baby. None of us get told just how valuable we are in someone's life nearly enough, so don't be shy.

Want to do something special? We're glad you asked

Make their favorite dinner

You might not be the biggest fan of the kitchen, but this is a great time to make them their favorite meal. The good news? They can keep an eye on the baby as you're working. And if you pour yourself a glass of wine as you work? Your kitchen, your rules!

Take them on a date

Psst… listen, this is kind of the better version of making dinner yourself since you get time off too. Win, win.

Tell them to take some time off

You know better than anyone how difficult it can be to put yourself ahead of your family. Tell them they’re required to take some time to themselves this week. 

Let them sleep in

No one understands the beauty of sleep quite like the parents of a baby. Tell your partner to sleep in this weekend, guilt-free. 

Write them a note

Put your thank you into words and leave it out for them to find. If it's way too awkward for you to deal with putting pen to paper, get a nice card to sign.

Hey, I did this all on my own. What about me?

Well, you? You’re a superhero. Take this week to do something special for yourself. We absolutely insist. P. S. We've got more on that next week, so stay tuned. 


Zucchini Bread Breakfast Cookies. Cookies for breakfast. That's all you need to know.

Spicy Tuna Poke Bowls. Impress your partner by bringing their favorite takeout meal to your own kitchen.

Balsamic-Glazed Chicken. If you don't feel like going out to dinner, try whipping up this fancy but easy dish.


Good Vibes. Hey, we're celebrating here. Good vibes, only. This playlist is perfect.


Plan something special for you and your partner. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, just a little something that shows you appreciate them.

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Your baby at 49 weeks

Your baby is so very busy these days. They’re scooting, crawling, pulling themselves up, and maybe even trying to take some steps. And they’re doing it all day long. It's tiring for you, but for them too!

Make sure they’re getting enough sleep both at night and in the form of naps. They may resist naps a bit these days since there are so many skills they want to master, but make an effort to keep them on schedule. The more well-rested your baby is, the happier they’ll be. And the happier they are? The happier the whole family will be! 

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