This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
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Michael Moritz
San Francisco's problems are largely attributable to a small coterie that knows how to bend government to its will.
J. Michael Luttig
The former vice president is injecting campaign-style politics into the special counsel's inquiry and risks doing real damage to his reputation.
Ana Marie Cox
There is a way for Joe Biden to let his son stand on his own without giving in to the Republican circus on the Hill.
Ross Babbage
A Chinese invasion of Taiwan may include a multipronged war strategy that causes havoc in American society.
Damon Linker
DeSantis would be bad. But he would not be worse than Trump.
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"I do feel like I'm in a much better place now than I was even five years ago," says the actor, who stars in the new "Champions."
Did woke progressives cause the East Palestine disaster?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attack on the judiciary is throwing Israel into chaos.
Ron DeSantis borrows from Viktor Orban's playbook.
Every culture has its own versions of the classic dish. Cooking our way through these recipes, we found some basic lessons for any aspiring stew chef.
The former N.H.L. star Jaromir Jagr is playing his 35th season of pro hockey, now for his hometown team in the Czech Republic. He knows its very survival depends on him.
Mario Bellini, Gaetano Pesce and Tobia Scarpa, now in their 80s, transformed the furniture landscape. Their iconic creations are still as popular as ever.
In "Empress of the Nile," Lynne Olson tells the story of Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, the archaeologist who broke into a notoriously misogynistic men's club: Egyptology.
The Mini CrosswordSolve this bite-sized puzzle in just a few minutes.
Spelling BeeHow many words can you make with 7 letters?
WordleGuess the 5-letter word with 6 chances.
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