Editor's Note: At The 4th Horseman Summit we're always looking out for special opportunities we believe you, as a valued subscriber, will want to see. Below you'll find one from our partners at Altimetry Research. Please note that their opinions may differ from ours at Paradigm Press.
Surprising twist to result in Biden Landslide re-election?
Dear Reader,
Despite Joe Biden's age, raging inflation, and his dismal 45% approval level...
I believe he will not only run again next year, but could win a 2nd Presidential term – and win by a LANDSLIDE.
Along the way, I believe Biden could become one of the most powerful Presidents in history.
How is this all possible?
Well, it's almost entirely because of a surprising July 25 "twist" that hardly anybody's talking about right now.
In short, a powerful new economic force is quietly building behind Joe Biden...
And I'm confident Biden can harness this force's inevitable wave, carrying him to a LANDSLIDE re-election win.
(Here's all the data that proves it.)
The good news is, this powerful new force can help make you A LOT of money, even in a bear market.
I believe it will make millions of Americans vastly wealthier.
The bad news is, this July 25 twist is also likely to make Biden and the progressives more powerful than ever.
That means much bigger government... and it means it's going to be harder than ever to hold onto any money you make.
I don't understand why almost nobody is talking about this July 25 development and what it means for the future of our country.
This should be all over every American newspaper.
So, after being asked to speak at the Pentagon recently in Washington D.C., to address top brass at the Department of Defense...
I just put together a complete analysis of this situation, which details everything you need to know.
You can access my full brand-new analysis on my firm's website, free of charge...
Click here to view it now.
Joel Litman, CPA and Forensic Accountant
Founder, Altimetry
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