Join leaders from Unified Patents, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Linux Foundation for a webinar discussing the urgent need for action across open source communities to stop patent trolls.
While we have seen targeting of open source communities by patent trolls numerous times, the government is considering changes to rules that will only serve to embolden patent trolls further, raise litigation budgets, and increase wasteful litigation.
We need a widespread response to ensure these changes do not materialize. Join us to learn more about the issue at hand and how you can lend your voice to stand up for free software patent defense.
Joanna Lee
VP of Strategic Programs & Legal,
Linux Foundation
Jonathan Stroud General Counsel, Unified Patents
Joe Mullin
Senior Policy Analyst, Electronic Frontier Foundation
"The recent advance notice of proposed rulemaking issued by the Director of the US Patent and Trademark Office is an attempt to undermine key provisions and the legislative intent of the America Invents Act. Specifically, the imposition of a standing requirement would impair the ability of the Unified Patents' Open Source Zone to reduce the threat to open source software adoption posed by patent assertion entities. As one of the founders and funders of this initiative, OIN's patent no fly zone around Linux and adjacent OSS technology would be irreparably weakened." - Keith Bergelt, the CEO of Open Invention Network
"The latest set of proposed rules from the USPTO will make it more difficult for everyone involved in open source to challenge bad patents. It will limit the ability for third parties like Unified Patents with their Open Source Zone to defend open source projects and users from frivolous patent litigation. The only way to stop this is by providing a volume of comments in opposition, that is why we are calling everyone in the open source community to submit their comments and stand up for this important mechanism to clean bad patents out of the system." - Mike Dolan, SVP and GM of Projects at The Linux Foundation
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