

A Message from Ann

A message from Congresswoman Ann Wagner


Dear ,

As an Army Mom and the daughter of a Korean War veteran, I know the sacrifices our servicemembers and their families make to defend our country and keep us safe. That’s why it has always been one of my top priorities to ensure our veterans and military families receive the care and support they need both during and after their time in the Armed Forces. Last week, I was proud to vote in favor of next year’s funding bill for the Department of Veterans Affairs and military construction projects. This bill will ensure that all veterans benefits and health care programs will be fully funded, including newly authorized medical services for those exposed to toxic burn pits. Additionally, this legislation invests in the development and renovation of military barracks, child development centers, and other quality-of-life improvements for the brave men and women currently serving.

If you are a veteran and need assistance with VA health care or other veterans benefits, please know you can always contact my office for help at (636) 779-5449 or at my website here.

Throughout my time on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I’ve worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to strengthen U.S. relationships with our allies and counter the destabilizing actions of our adversaries. With China unilaterally pushing for increased control of the South Pacific, I was pleased to join my colleagues in supporting bipartisan legislation that will authorize the sale of American submarines to our Australian partners, further reinforcing the new AUKUS alliance between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The AUKUS alliance will push back against the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to interfere with international commerce and freedom of navigation in the area. The Committee also unanimously advanced legislation that will impose sanctions on any entities that acquire or deploy Iranian missiles and related technology. Iranian proxy forces continue to launch attacks against U.S. military forces in the Middle East as well as our closest ally in the region, Israel. Groups that aid or engage in these attacks must be held accountable.

As Vice Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I will continue to advocate for strong deterrence policies that protect our national interests both at home and abroad.


On Friday, Speaker Kevin McCarthy appointed me to the first House-Knesset Inter Parliamentary Group. I am deeply humbled and honored to be a part of this historic, bipartisan delegation that will further strengthen the bond between the United States and Israel. As a co-chair of the House Abraham Accords Caucus, I look forward to working with members of the Knesset to build upon the recent successes in normalizing relations with Israel and Arab states. Through this collaborative body, I will strive to foster new pathways for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

You can learn more about the House-Knesset Inter Parliamentary Group here.

In the House Financial Services Committee, I’ve been focused on ensuring America’s capital markets are fair, transparent, and protect the interests of everyday investors. Unfortunately, we have seen a concerning shift under the Biden Administration to pressure American businesses to pursue social and political causes instead of facilitating economic growth and global competition. To address this issue, the Financial Services Committee passed a package of bills that rolls back partisan regulations, increases substantive economic analysis, and simplifies the information provided to shareholders so they can make investment decisions based on the material facts instead of unrelated and unnecessary opinions.

Included in this package was my legislation, the Corporate Governance Examination Act. This important bill will commission a comprehensive study to investigate the financial incentives of the entities pushing these new proposals, the costs that companies face as a result, and the impact on long-term investors. This study will provide data-centered insights to enhance shareholder value and promote transparent corporate governance practices.

You can watch me participate in our debate here.


Last Thursday was National Intern Day! It’s been an absolute pleasure having constituents Momo, Mary Pat, and Andrew intern in my Capitol Hill office this summer. Congressional internships are a great way to gain first-hand knowledge about the legislative process.


If you know a college student who’s interested in learning more about government and public policy, my office offers internships year-round in both Missouri and Washington, DC. You can fill out an application on my website here.


Ann Wagner
Member of Congress


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