Saint Josemaría Escrivá, a great saint of the 20th century and prophetic visionary of the role of the laity in the life of the Church has a beautiful quote on giving thanks. He says: "Get used to lifting your heart to God, in acts of thanksgiving, many times a day. Because he gives you this and that. Because you have been despised. Because you haven't what you need or because you have. Because he made his mother so beautiful, his mother who is also your mother. Because he created the sun and the moon and this animal and that plant. Because he made that man eloquent and you he left tongue-tied … Thank him for everything, because everything is good." This day of all days, let us pause and thank God for his good creation. May we all lift our hearts to Him in gratitude. We're sure grateful for each of you. May God bless you, The Catholic.Store Team
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