This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
A man's finger is bitten off at a rally in L.A.
Oh, the yarns he could spin!
We don't believe it for a second.
Is he conservative? Liberal? Actually, kind of both.
The takeaway from the CDC's press conference about swine flu.
Like an aging trophy wife, the land of hedge funds is trying to keep up appearances.
Boo him, and he'll kick your ass.
Because everything Obama does is a socialist plot of some kind, obviously.
And we don't mean flaming in a fun way.
Robert Kennedy wanted to go to Vietnam to broker peace in 1967, but for personal reasons LBJ said no.
Cynthia Nixon, thankfully, remains unharmed.
The board doesn't have to tell the AIG CEO to tone it down, he says. "I've already told it to myself."
No drinking and gun-toting for New York City?
It's coming.
The prostitute who unwittingly brought down governor Eliot Spitzer has some harsh words for the women of New York.
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