

Amanda Bynes' Makeover Continues

April 3, 2013
And the wacky Amanda Bynes parade continues: The 26-year-old "retired" actress stepped out with newly dyed magenta hair in New York while running errands Monday, wearing a gray sweatshirt and holding a FedEx envelope.

But wait! There's more. After photographs of a red-headed Bynes trickled through the Interwebs, the former Nickelodeon star claimed that the girl pictured was not, in fact, her Continue reading...
I Never Wanted to Take Your Guns Away
How shallow do they think I am? I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not? Continue reading...
Some More Books: Part 1
John Gregory Dunne's The Studio is the result of diligent observation he conducted after receiving permission to access any area of Twentieth Century Fox's wide production net in 1968. As with documentary films, here the subject matter does half the work. Continue reading...
Autism, Meet Adolescence... Kaboom!: One Momma's Perspective, Fears and Solutions
Socially, the stakes change when high school begins. For a 15-year-old with autism, it can be like being at the bottom of the Grand Canyon looking up. A massive climb. Continue reading...

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Justin Timberlake: Eyeing Fashion in 20/20
As an entertainer, Justin Timberlake has learned from the past. He can cradle a mic stand like Elvis Presley, move like Michael Jackson and swoon like Sinatra. Continue reading...

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