April 29, 2013 SHARON VINDERINE | | The Danger of Telling the Web Where You Are | I wonder how many people realize the inherent dangers of the pictures they are sharing with the world. I understand that we all want to capture all of the memories that make up our lives, I'm just suggesting that we make sure we are only capturing the memories and not the entire diary of the event. Be safe. Continue reading... | | 29SECRETS | | Survey Says, Half of Us Lie on First Dates | According to a recent survey, 49 per cent of Canadians tell lies about themselves in the early stages of a relationship. Whether it's your age, salary, or hair colour, are some truths just too compromising to tell the people we're trying to impress? Continue reading... | | TERRI COLES | | Don't Hold Your Breath for Gender Equality - It's 228 Years Away | Want to start an argument? Ask friends and acquaintances for their thoughts on the gender gap in pay in Canada, and watch how many of them argue that it just doesn't exist. However, data from several sources have shown, over and over again, that there is a real gap between what men earn and what women earn for comparable work. I don't have a solution for all of this; I wish I did. I am still trying to figure these things out for my own family, and I know it's not easy. What we can do is start making changes in our own homes: throw out the old, outdated gender expectations, let go of the resentment about who brings in what. Continue reading... | | | MELISSA CARR | | We're Done Having Kids: Knowing When To Stop Making Babies | My daughter keeps asking for a little sister. At first it was cute...then it started to evolve into a daily request, which became harder and harder to address. I can relate. I also wanted a sister growing up. But now, I can't deny the fact that after 4.5 years postpartum, I finally feeling like I have my body "back." I am quite certain that I don't want to go down the pregnancy path again. Continue reading... | | MINNOW HAMILTON | | 31 of the Best Baby Shower Gifts | Whether or not you are having a baby this season, we're pretty sure you know someone who is. Take some of the stress off the mom-to-be by gifting one of these savvy items from our 31 Best Baby Shower Gifts that she'll actually use. Continue reading... | |
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