

Webinar: All formats, all devices: Transcoding on the fly

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Webinar: All formats, all devices: Transcoding on the fly
Date: June 18 |  Time: 11 am ET / 8am PT  |  Register Today

Hosted by: Steve Donohue, Senior Editor, FierceCable

With more viewers using mobile devices to watch their favorite programs, content owners need to be able to quickly transcode video for delivery to devices ranging from smartphones and tablets to HDTVs.

This webinar from FierceCable will focus on content optimization technology. In addition to examining encoding options, we'll discuss how content owners are driving increased viewing and ad revenue by using metadata to help viewers find relevant programming. Register Today.

Featured Speaker:

Tom Wilde, CEO, RAMP

Schedule conflict? Sign up anyway and get a copy of the slides and access to the on-demand presentation.


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