

Worst Security Breach Since the ILOVEU Virus...

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Dear Wall Street Daily Nation,

The ILOVEU virus notoriously infected 50 million computers in just nine days.

By sheer dollars, though, what's presently happening is far more serious.

The world's most powerful corporate juggernauts are under attack.

Specifically, their precious baby... the trillion-dollar "m-commerce" infrastructure is being hacked. The one the global heavyweights have been building for the last 10 years.

What would you do if...

You invested billions to finance your next 20 years of growth, yet hackers are preventing you from realizing the profits?

What would you do if...

You tried and tried to remedy the hacking, yet failed miserably?

What would you do if...

Every other giant corporation on Earth was in the exact same boat as you... That is, they've also invested billions, but keep running up against these two-bit hackers?

What would you do if...

A tiny $2-per-share company had all the patented rights to the technology... a technology that would immediately squelch the hacking?


Desperate to tap your new stream of profits, you'd either...

1.) Buy the tiny company for a premium price, or...
2.) License the rights to its patented technology.

Well, our data says such a scenario could soon play out.

As early as August 14, 2013, an announcement is ready to forever change the fortune of one tiny company. And it'll get the industry heavyweights out of a big jam.

People will become disgustingly rich on any confirming news. You can take that to the bank.

The man at the center of everything is our very own, Louis Basenese.

Louis has already successfully predicted a similar chain of events twice this year, with Parametric Sound and Uni-Pixel.

Readers like Kelly have written us and said...

"I'm up a little over $13,000 on Parametric Sound and over $9,000 on Uni-Pixel. I'm in delightful shock. I've never done this well before. Thanks a zillion and PLEASE keep 'em coming!"

Louis' latest prediction has been much easier to make. You see, some of the biggest names in technology need this announcement to happen.

But I'd like to keep everything as quiet as possible until the announcement officially hits.

You see, keeping this a secret saves the biggest gains for us.

So, in the spirit of resourcefulness...

Will you agree to keep this a secret?

I've made it virtually impossible for you to say "No."

Click here for risk-free access to Louis' latest research.

Ahead of the tape,

Robert Williams
Publisher, Wall Street Daily

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